"You are still smart." The soldier was extremely happy to hear this and passed the matter to the county magistrate so that they would not be embarrassed. He grabbed the flag leader and asked: "Sir, if the soldiers below call for the door again, we won't be able to open it. ?”

The flag leader didn't even think about it this time and said: "Of course we will open the door. They have won. If we don't open the door again and they file a complaint in the capital, we will be doomed."

He also explained: "Be respectful to them, say more nice things, and the horses will pat them."

"Hey, I understand, little one." Xiao Bing responded and sent the little flag leader away.

Not far from the city gate, You An, You Ping, Bu Fang, Hong Dao and others were collecting the bodies of the Seventh and Eighth Village Leaders, while the soldiers were pulling horses and picking up weapons. These are valuable things, pick them up first if you can.

After they were almost done, Qin Sanlang ordered Zhang Tu, who was holding the military flag: "Wave the flag and gather the troops!"

The bandit leader of Jiuzhaigou in Bailang Mountain has not yet been captured, and the safety of Vice General Xue has not been resolved. Now we cannot disperse our troops, we have to wave the flag and gather troops before making arrangements.

"Yes!" Zhang Tu sat on the horse, waving the military flag from side to side, and shouted: "Qin Baihu Order, all the officers and men gather back and gather troops!"

Zhang Tu shouted for a while, and the soldiers scattered around gathered around and formed a team of several hundred people.

Qin Sanlang rode on horseback and took them back to find Deputy General Fang. He told Deputy General Fang that the leaders of the seventh and eighth villages were dead and the bandit coefficient was killed.

Vice General Fang was very pleased. He grabbed Qin Sanlang's hand and said, "Thank you for your hard work, Sanlang... You are a powerful person and have made great achievements."

What this means is that Qin Sanlang's merit will not be outweighed by his rank.

Qin Sanlang nodded. Seeing that Vice General Fang was injured, and the injury was serious, he immediately shouted: "Where is the military doctor? Come and treat Vice General Fang's injury!"

Vice General Fang said weakly: "Stop shouting, my military doctor here is dead."

Yongtai Mansion brought two military doctors over. After he and Vice General Xue divided their forces, they each brought a military doctor.

After Qin Sanlang heard this, he immediately said to Zhang Zhong: "Go and find Ye Dakou."

"Yes." Zhang Zhong hurriedly went to find Ye Dakou.

Ye Dakou was taking five soldiers who could see wounds to treat the wounds of the injured. When he heard that Deputy General Fang was seriously injured, he immediately came over with a medicine box on his back.

After seeing Deputy General Fang's wounds, his expression changed.

Lieutenant General Fang's calf was slashed with a large knife, cutting off all the bones, leaving only the skin and flesh still attached.

"This..." Ye Dakou looked at Vice General Fang and said honestly: "Sir, I'm afraid you can't save your leg."

Lieutenant General Fang himself knew that his leg was seriously injured, but he still felt desperate after hearing these words.

Qin Sanlang said: "Sir, there are Jiuzhaigou in Bailang Mountain, and the bandit leader of Jiuzhaigou has not been caught yet. Let Brother Ye stop the bleeding and bandage your wound first, and then you can instruct us to capture the bandit leader, so as to prevent the bandit leader from bringing people back to kill him again."

Vice General Fang was shocked when he heard this: "Yes, yes, there is a bandit leader, we can't relax now."

Vice General Fang had a shadow on the bandit and quickly asked Ye Dakou to treat his injury.

The golden sore medicine prepared by Gu Jinli was so powerful that it stopped the bleeding immediately.

Ye Dakou finished bandaging Deputy General Fang's wounds and said, "After all the bandits are killed, your Excellency, go to the city and see an old doctor with good medical skills. Maybe the legs can grow well."

Vice General Fang was not stupid. He knew that Ye Dakou was just trying to comfort him. He was very disappointed after hearing this, but he soon became thankful.

Just because Xie Cheng sent someone to deliver the news that Vice General Xue was dead.

"Quick, carry me to Xie Cheng's side." After Deputy General Fang was shocked, he hurriedly had someone carry him to Xie Cheng's side to see Deputy General Xue's body.

Qin Sanlang immediately made arrangements and brought a large group of soldiers over to join Xie Cheng and the others.

Everyone was shocked when they saw the body of Vice General Xue.

Vice General Fang was even more frightened. Fortunately, Qin Sanlang arrived in time, otherwise he would have been shot into a hornet's nest by random arrows like Vice General Xue.

"Take care of Vice General Xue and let him go away with dignity." Vice General Fang was so sad that he looked at Vice General Xue's miserable end and his eyes were red.

"Yes." Xie Cheng led the soldiers and pulled out the sharp arrows from Deputy General Xue. After arranging his clothes and wiping the blood on his face, he covered Deputy General Xue with an animal skin blanket and carried him into a carriage. Here, I will buy a coffin for him to collect his body after he enters the county town.

After packing up the body of Vice General Xue, Xie Cheng said: "My lord, Shi Baihu was killed by the last general, but his subordinate Lu Zongqi was captured alive. He has already agreed to testify against the Ding family for bribing the bandits and swallowing the troops."

When Shi Baihu knew that Ding Ge was dead and most of the bandits had been killed, he immediately surrendered. But Shi Baihu asked him to speak for him, otherwise he would retort, saying that they also accepted Ding Ge's gold and helped murder the anti-rong army.

Xie Cheng didn't expect Shi Baihu to be so shameless. He didn't accept his threat and chopped off his head on the spot.

General Lu Qi was frightened to death when he saw this. For the sake of his family in He'an Mansion, he volunteered to testify and identify the Ding family.

"The masters of the Fourth Village and Jiuzhaigou of Bailang Mountain, and Ding Changying of the Ding family were all killed." Xie Cheng made it clear which person from the military division had killed these people.

These are all merits, I can’t explain clearly.

After hearing this, Vice General Fang nodded and said, "Well done."

Then he looked at the hundreds of households in other prefectures and cities present, and said, "The same goes for you. I will report all your achievements to the capital."

Now he is considered the highest-ranking military attache in this army, and the Ding family's collusion with bandits to devour troops is a big deal, and someone must go to the Ministry of War in the capital to explain the situation.

There is a shortage of major generals in the northwest, and he is the only cripple who can go to the capital to explain the situation.

However, Vice General Fang had experienced a catastrophe and had put his mind off it. He no longer had any thoughts of going to the northwest to make contributions, and just wanted to go home in peace and die.

Moreover, the Ding family's collusion with bandits to seize troops was a major case, and they won the battle again. If he goes to the capital, he will definitely get a large reward, which is considered very good.

"My lord, the general is asking for your order to lead troops to pursue the bandit leader of Jiuzhaigou in Bailang Mountain. Please respond." Qin Sanlang wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to eliminate the bandit den in Jiuzhaigou in Bailang Mountain and eradicate it.

If they could kill the bandit leader of Jiuzhaigou, their contribution would be greater. Deputy General Fang naturally agreed and directly gave him the token of Yongtai Fucheng Camp and said: "Qin Baihu, you are a good leader. I leave the pursuit of the bandit leader of Jiuzhaigou in Bailang Mountain to you, and all the soldiers will be under your command!"

When he said the last few words, Vice General Fang raised his voice and glanced at the hundreds of households in other cities to warn them.

Vice General Fang had no intention of going to the northwest, so he was willing to be a good person and help Qin Sanlang. When they set out on the road again, Qin Sanlang can legitimately become the leader of this group of soldiers.

Although some of the hundreds of households in other prefectures and cities are jealous, they are not stupid. They know that difficult things should be left to capable people to avoid failure and everyone will be left behind.

"The general will obey your orders!" All the hundreds of households and general bannermen said one after another, and no one objected.

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