However, Lieutenant General Fang said again: "Sanlang, some of the soldiers have relatives. How about I let you go back to find your family first, and then I will chase the bandit leader with you?"

Qin Sanlang also wanted to go back and see Gu Jinli, so he nodded in agreement: "Give everyone a quarter of an hour. No matter whether you see your family or not, you must gather on time. The pursuit cannot wait."

He added: "Don't worry, Liu Baihu will lead the troops to deal with the aftermath. If your relatives are separated or injured, he will lead the troops to find and treat them."

Liu Baihu had already done a lot of credit tonight, and he always wanted stability and was not willing to go into the mountains to chase the bandit leader. He immediately said: "Sanlang is right. Don't worry, everyone, I and my soldiers will do their best to take care of you." Your relatives."

Deputy General Fang nodded: "Without further delay, everyone should go back and have a look, and then gather troops to pursue the bandit leader."

"Yes!" The hundreds of households and general bannermen present immediately took their soldiers back to look for their relatives.

Qin Sanlang couldn't wait to ride back. From a distance, he saw the vehicles of the Gu family, the Xie family, and the Niu family gathered together, surrounded by Feng Jin and his people.

"Feng Jin, where is Madam? Is she okay?" Qin Sanlang asked anxiously, wanting to know Gu Jinli's situation as soon as possible.

Feng Jin was very happy to see Qin Sanlang and replied: "Don't worry, sir, my wife is fine. She is looking at the injuries of the injured relatives inside."

After hearing this, Qin Sanlang breathed a sigh of relief, and then he had time to ask Feng Jin: "How are the relatives in the Niu family and Xie family? Are there any dead or kidnapped?"

Feng Jin shook his head: "No, there are only about thirty injured."

That's good.

As long as he doesn't die or is robbed, it's not a big deal.

"Niu Baihu and the others are here with their soldiers. You can let them in later. I'll go in first." Qin Sanlang was anxious to see Gu Jinli and rode in first.

Kuang was injured. Gu Jinli was bandaging her wound. When he heard the sound of horse hooves, he hurriedly raised his head. When he saw Qin Sanlang, his eyes lit up. He dropped Kuang and ran over: "You're back, aren't you injured?"

"No, I'm fine." Qin Sanlang got off his horse, walked in front of her in two steps, and almost hugged her. Then he remembered that there were many people here, so he hurriedly stopped and looked at her carefully to see if she was there. Only after being injured can I feel completely relieved.

"Are all the bandits and the Ding family dead?" Gu Jinli asked.

Qin Sanlang told her the situation outside.

Gu Jinli was very happy when he heard that Ding Ge had been killed by him: "The man named Ding should have died long ago."

It's so disgusting. Not only did he attack his fellow soldiers' wives, but he also attacked the new wives of other soldiers. It was simply worse than a beast.

Then he said: "It's better to chase the bandits as soon as possible. I'm fine. Don't worry. Just gather your troops and chase them. The bandit leader must have fled to the mountains at this time. If you wait for him to escape back to the deep mountain village, you can kill him." Difficult."

They had to rush to the northwest, so they didn't have much time to spend with the bandits.

Qin Sanlang nodded: "Well, I'll leave in a moment."

When no one was paying attention, he took Gu Jinli's hand and whispered: "I was negligent this time. I didn't expect that they would send five groups of people to surround you."

He originally thought that he would send at most two groups of people to catch her. He left enough people for her to ensure that she would be fine. But the Ding family didn't know why they were so crazy. They actually regarded her as the main target and sent five groups of people. to deal with her.

Qin Sanlang is still very scared when he thinks about it now.

Gu Jinli smiled and said slightly proudly: "Isn't your wife very powerful? She killed five groups of people."

Qin Sanlang laughed and nodded: "Well, my little fish is the best."

While talking, Niu Dabao and the others came with their soldiers to find their relatives, and the small camp immediately became noisy.

"My dear, my dear, where are you? Your man is back!" Niu Dabao yelled with a loud voice. Hearing his voice, several gold men from the Niu family hurried over and shouted happily: "Dad , Dad, you are back, mother is here, she was chopped."

Niu DaBao: "What? Your mother was injured? You useless things, how did you protect your mother, and your mother was injured!"

The Jins were very unjust: "Mother was injured while saving Lin Erzuo's wife."

Lin Erzuo's wife was pregnant and had two sons to take care of. She also wanted to keep the money at home. When she was chased by bandits, she lost her money. When she ran back to pick it up, she was almost hacked to death by the bandits.

Kuang saw it, blocked it with her body, and was stabbed.

Fortunately, You An and the others came with their men and fired a round of arrows to kill the bandits. Otherwise, both Kuang and Lin Erzuo's wife would have died.

After hearing the whole story, Niu Dabao was even more grateful to Qin Sanlang. This kid Sanlang was really a capable person, and he actually raised such a group of powerful people.

"My dear, how are you? Do you feel any pain?" After Niu Dabao saw Kuang, he hurriedly checked her injuries and saw that her back had been slashed with a knife. He felt extremely distressed.

Kuang laughed and said, "Why does it hurt? This pain is much lighter than giving birth, so it's not a big deal."

Then he asked: "Why are you back? Have you killed all the bandits?"

"No." Niu Dabao told them that they were going into the mountains to chase the bandit leader.

After hearing this, Kuang didn't worry about Niu Dabao at all. He looked around and saw that everyone was busy looking at his relatives. He pulled Niu Dabao over and lowered his voice and said, "Take the big, second, and third gold with you, I heard. There is a lot of gold, silver and jewelry in that bandit's village. Our family is too poor, so we have to take advantage of the opportunity to grab some of the bandit's belongings, otherwise we won't have enough money to marry a wife."

Niu Dabao said: "Sure, I understand. But we can't take this matter as a family. We have to tell Sanlang and Xie Cheng that we are on the same team now."

Kuang naturally agreed.

Xie Cheng has already seen Ji Zhenniang, but Ji Zhenniang is still unconscious, but he has learned about Ji Zhenniang from Aunt Tao and Qing Hui. He feels extremely distressed and wants to stay with her.

But he still wanted to go into the mountain to kill the bandit leader, so he could only ask the servants of the Gu family to take care of Ji Zhenniang. He stayed for a while and then hurried away.

The other soldiers also got up and left after a quick meeting with their families, gathering troops into the mountains to pursue the bandit leader.

Gui Ye and Lu Zi haven't left yet. They are hiding in the dark and watching the situation here.

Lu Zi frowned and said, "Master Gui, this man named Qin is still gathering troops. Could it be that he wants to go into the mountain and take over the Nine Villages of Bailang Mountain? This is overestimating one's capabilities."

Master Gui: "Are you overestimating your abilities? Don't you think he is very capable and not just a mortal?"

Luzi listened and said: "He is indeed very capable, but he is a foreigner after all and is not familiar with Bailang Mountain. It is difficult to enter the mountain and destroy Boss Bai. Moreover, he has already made great achievements tonight and has to rush to the northwest again." , we shouldn’t waste any more time going to the mountains to suppress bandits.”

"Since the man named Qin is rushing to the northwest, let's give him a big gift so that he can get Boss Bai's head as soon as possible." Master Gui said this suddenly, which shocked Lu Zi.

Luzi asked: "Master Gui, what do you mean?"

The ghost master said: "Fang Ying, inform our people to kill all the Bailang Mountain bandits."

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