Wei Baihu and Wu Baihu had many soldiers who came without their wives. When they heard this, their faces turned green. They pointed at Kuang and the others and cursed: "Shrew, what are you talking about? If you dare to say another word, Believe it or not, I will kill you!"

"Hey, God, come and take a look. These soldiers from the Yuchang Mansion are going to kill us, the family members of the army, oooooo!" Han Sansong's mother was the best among the shrews when she was in the village. Listen When I said this, I immediately sat down on the ground, rolled around and cried.

Zhang Ermin's daughter-in-law and Qiaozi's daughter-in-law followed, sitting on the ground and crying loudly.

When other women saw this, they also cried.

For a moment, the cries were so loud that even God was scared. Moreover, they also said that the military master of Yuchang Mansion wanted to kill them, looking like they were being bullied.

"Mom, stop crying!" The soldiers on Wei Baihu and Wu Baihu's side shouted: "You shrews, we are just talking, why are you crying? Who are you crying for!"

"Weeping for you!" Mrs. Kuang took the lead and said back: "You are going to kill us, why don't you let us cry twice? Why are you so useless? A bunch of dogs that are worse than beasts, the castrates who have exterminated the whole family!"

Wei Baihu and Wu Baihu were scolded again.

There was too much commotion here, and relatives of other soldiers from other cities also came over together.

The soldiers who had not gone into the mountain to suppress the bandits because they were injured also came. There were nearly a thousand people. They were furious when they learned that Wei Baihu and Wu Baihu were here to rob things.

And even more angry: "What, you were in the inn last night, so why didn't you come out?! We were killed and destroyed so many people by bandits, but you did nothing to save them. Are you still human?!"

The soldiers and their relatives thought about the fact that they were chased by bandits last night, thought about those people who died because of the bandits, and thought about the innocent female family members who were ruined because of the bandits. They couldn't bear it anymore. The men and women rushed over together and attacked Wei Baihu and Wu Baihu were hacked at random!

Wei Baihu and Wu Baihu were very frightened. They didn't expect that the matter would be so big. They thought that the main force had gone into the mountains to suppress the bandits. The remaining wounded soldiers, women and children would not dare to do anything to them. They could He quickly got the horse and left.

How could I know it would end up like this?

"Stop, stop quickly, do you want to kill someone? Ah!"

The soldiers on Wei Baihu and Wu Baihu's side were badly beaten, and when they were so angry that they wanted to fight back and kill the soldiers' relatives, Deputy General Fang was carried over.

Vice General Fang was very angry. He pointed at Wei Baihu and Wu Baihu and said, "You two are not human beings. I will definitely report your evil deeds to the Ministry of War when I go to the capital!"

He thought there were no troops stationed at the inn last night, but he didn't expect there were so many soldiers inside, but he pretended not to hear them being hacked to death by bandits.

It's okay to pretend not to know that they were hacked and killed by bandits, but they still dare to come and steal things. This is too much!

When Wei Baihu and Wu Baihu saw Deputy General Fang, they became more honest and said, "My lord, I misunderstood. We are not here to rob anything. We know that you were robbed by bandits last night and came to see the situation."

"Ah, you eat with your butthole? You can swallow your words back! How dare you swear on your own life that you are not here to rob things?!" Kuang pointed at them and scolded her face. I was so angry that I was so angry.

The other women also scolded them. Wei Baihu and the others were scolded again. They were so angry that they knew they would not get any benefits today, so they immediately left with the soldiers.

But Vice General Fang refused to let them go: "Stop them!"

There was a roaring sound, and the wounded soldiers and their relatives immediately surrounded them and refused to let them go.

Wei Baihu and Wu Baihu were anxious and looked at Vice General Fang: "Sir, what do you mean? Our Vice General Yu from Yuchang Mansion is at the inn, so you should give him some face."

Then he looked at Vice General Fang's legs and said, "You can't go to the northwest, but our Vice General Yu can go and make contributions."

So be wise and don't offend Lieutenant General Yu. Otherwise, when Lieutenant General Yu gets promoted, he will go back and take revenge on you!

It was good that they didn't mention Vice General Fang's injured leg. But when they mentioned Vice General Fang, they couldn't bear it and shouted: "Liu Baihu, lead the troops to the inn immediately and ask Yu to come see me, otherwise you will bear the consequences!"

"Yes!" Liu Baihu immediately took the people there.

Wei Baihu and Wu Baihu were anxious when they saw this. They wanted to stop Liu Baihu but couldn't get out at all. They could only say to the other deputy general: "Vice General Fang, why are you doing this? It's not good for anyone if you break up."

Vice General Fang sneered: "My leg is broken. This military attaché's journey has come to an end. What should I be afraid of? It's you who should be afraid, Vice General Yu!"

Vice General Fang looked like he was risking his life, which frightened Wei Baihu and the others and they did not dare to say anything anymore.

Lieutenant General Yu didn't want to come forward. After all, they hid last night and refused to save them. It would be ugly to grab things. He wanted Wei Baihu and Wu Baihu to come forward and hide behind to reap the benefits.

But Liu Baihu personally led the troops and told Vice General Fang what he said. He waited for an hour and saw that Vice General Fang had been detaining Wei Baihu and the others, so he had no choice but to go out and get them.

However, Lieutenant General Yu also brought about two hundred of his own soldiers, and his posture seemed threatening at first glance.

"Brother Fang, we meet again. It's been great these years. I didn't expect to meet here. It's such a fate." Vice General Yu said nice things and scolded Wei Baihu and Wu Baihu: "You two You bastards, you dare to be jealous of Vice Admiral Fang and their trophies, why don’t you kneel down and apologize!”

Ah, you want to kneel down?

Wei Baihu and Wu Baihu did not want to kneel down, but Vice General Yu was their superior and they did not dare to disobey orders, so they could only lead the soldiers to kneel down and apologize: "Vice General Fang, calm down, what happened today is all our fault. These two short-sighted people want to grab something, and it has nothing to do with Lieutenant General Yu. Please consider that we are also soldiers fighting against the enemy. Please be generous and let us go."

Lieutenant General Yu said: "Brother Fang, they are young and ignorant, so just raise your hand and let them go. From now on, when our brothers defeat the Rong people and return in triumph, they must thank Brother Fang at his house."

These words are clearly a threat!

Vice General Fang smiled, looked at Vice General Yu and said, "I asked you to come here just to tell you that you hid in the inn last night and refused to save me. I will report the truth to the Ministry of War. You can take care of yourself."

"Fang, you're crazy!" Lieutenant General Yu's face turned dark. The Ministry of War has ordered that the anti-Japanese armies from all provinces must support each other on their way westward and cannot do anything that will lead to death. If they are accused, they will be severely punished. No loan.

Da Chu has been in chaos in recent years, and things like swallowing up troops have happened from time to time. Lieutenant General Yu didn't take this order seriously. After all, as long as no one reports this matter to the Ministry of War in the capital, no one will take care of it.

But the banditry and murder incident last night was too big. Vice General Fang must go to the capital to explain the situation. If he is sued then, he will not be able to finish the meal and walk around.

Vice Admiral Fang sneered: "Yu, please listen clearly. I have reported this matter to you. People like you are not worthy of going to the northwest to fight against the enemy. If you go to the northwest, you will only be a scourge that harms your colleagues!"

It's better to remove it quickly.

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