Lieutenant General Yu was shocked when he heard this. His face was dark, and his eyes were murderous. His hand was already on the handle of the knife, and he gritted his teeth and asked: "Fang, do you really want to kill me?"

Lieutenant General Fang looked directly into Lieutenant General Yu's eyes and said: "We have already suffered the loss of being murdered by our comrades once, and we will not suffer a second time. People like you must fight to the end!"

Vice General Yu sneered: "Oh, Fang, you forced me to do it!"

After saying this, he sighed, drew out the knife, and without saying a word, slashed at Deputy General Fang. The movement was so fast that Liu Baihu was stunned.

Lieutenant General Fang was startled and wanted to run away, but his legs were seriously injured and he couldn't run away at all.


Several wolf howls sounded, and several gray shadows rushed over like lightning, biting Lieutenant General Yu's hands, face, legs, and abdomen.

Hiss, hiss, hiss.

Several ferocious gray wolves bit off the flesh of the remaining deputy general at the same time, chewed it twice, and swallowed it.

"Ah——!" Lieutenant General Yu waited until the wolf finished eating the meat before he realized that he had been bitten by the wolf. He screamed miserably and fell to the ground rolling.

"Oow, ow, ow!"

A few gray wolves looked up to the sky and howled, and in the blink of an eye a dozen more wolves were attracted, gathering into a wolf pack, staring at the ghostly wolf eyes, baring their teeth and barking wildly at Lieutenant General Yu and them.

"Mom, it's a pack of wolves!" Wei Baihu and Wu Baihu originally wanted to rush forward with their soldiers to help, but now they were so frightened that they fell to the ground. They didn't dare to step forward at all, and they even stepped back desperately. .

Zhang Zhong and You An immediately led people to stop Wei Baihu and Wu Baihu and prevent them from running away.

Liu Baihu also reacted, drew out his knife, pointed at Deputy General Yu and said angrily: "Vice General Yu, you actually want to kill Deputy General Fang and kill your comrades. It is an unpardonable crime!"

As he spoke, he glanced at the group of wolves in front of him. Oh my god, where did this wolf come from? It was so cruel that it tore off half of Lieutenant General Yu's face.

Nice tear though!

If Lieutenant General Yu is not spared this calamity, they will be the ones who suffer.

Liu Baihu knew very well the principle of crushing people to death at the highest official level. He didn't want to have General Fan and the cannibalistic Lieutenant General Yu to torture them on the road.

He would rather follow Qin Sanlang than serve Vice General Yu.

"Ah, it hurts, it hurts, help, help!" Lieutenant General Yu was badly bitten by a pack of wolves, and now he was rolling in pain. He grabbed Wei Baihu's feet and said, "Go and call the doctor. Go and call the doctor quickly. "

With a bang, Wei Baihu kicked Vice General Yu away, knelt down, and begged: "Vice General Fang, spare your life, spare your life, Deputy General Yu asked us to do it. We were just following orders. We knew we were wrong. We will never do it again." I don’t dare anymore!”

When Wei Baihu saw that Vice General Yu had been badly bitten by a pack of wolves, and that Vice General Fang was not letting him go, he knew that Vice General Yu was in doom, so he immediately abandoned him and begged for mercy from Vice General Fang.

Wu Baihu also led the soldiers to kneel down and cried: "Vice General Fang, the last general knows that he was wrong. We were also forced. If we don't come to grab things, Vice General Yu will not let us go... What happened last night?" Son, it’s Vice General Yu’s fault who stopped us and didn’t let us open the door to rescue you!”

After hearing this, Lieutenant General Yu screamed in pain while angrily scolding them: "You two traitors, you two bitches, I wouldn't...ah!"

While he was talking, another gray wolf rushed over and bit him on the face.

With this bite, Lieutenant General Yu was bitten until he fainted.


The first wolf howled a few times, ran on all fours, and ran away with the pack of wolves, disappearing on the hillside not far away in the blink of an eye.

It wasn't until the pack of wolves disappeared that everyone remembered to ask, "Where did these wolves come from? Could it be that the mountain god didn't like Lieutenant General Yu and sent them to rescue Lieutenant General Fang?"

However, how could it be possible? Gu Jinli asked Qin Sanlang to tame these wolves, but Gu Jinli kept them for secret killing moves and generally would not let them out.

Although she was released this time and rescued Vice General Fang and bit Vice General Yu, Gu Jinli still didn't want others to know that these wolves belonged to her family, so she let the wolves run away.

Magistrate Qiu of Bailang County came for a while, but there was a lot of commotion here and there were still wolves, so he didn't dare to come.

Seeing that the wolf had run away, he led his men, trotted over, and shouted from a distance: "Vice-General Fang, military lords, you have suffered! After I heard about your encounter with the bandits, I didn't even have breakfast. Eat and run out to save you.”

The word "save" is overused.

Kuang scolded directly: "Why save? We met the bandits last night, and you just came here this morning. Why are you here to collect our bodies?!"

County Magistrate Qiu choked. He didn't expect the relatives of these soldiers to be so aggressive that even he, the magistrate, dared to scold him.

But last night they really refused to save them. Now they have won the battle, and they have just seen blood last night. They are so fierce that even Deputy General Yu dares to kill them. He does not dare to touch these cruel people at this time. Bad luck.

Magistrate Qiu ignored Kuang and came directly to Deputy General Fang. Seeing that his legs and feet were injured, he hurriedly said: "Vice General Fang, let's go and follow me into the city. I will immediately send someone to ask for a famous doctor in the county. Let them come and look at your injuries."

"Famous doctors? There are famous doctors in a remote place like yours? Only the barefoot doctor who sells plant ashes as medicine!" Kuang retorted again, not giving any face to Magistrate Qiu.

Magistrate Qiu wants to strangle Kuang to death!

Deputy General Fang also had strong objections to Magistrate Qiu. He stared at Magistrate Qiu with cold eyes and asked, "Magistrate Qiu, I sent someone to knock on the door for help last night and asked you to open the city gate and let your relatives in to escape." If you want to avoid it, why don't you open the city gate? Do you know how many people we killed or injured last night?!"

Several other women were raped by bandits.

How could those women and soldiers survive after such a scandal happened? Where will I put my face in the future?

County Magistrate Qiu saw that Deputy General Fang was obsessed with this matter, so he could only explain: "Vice General Fang, I know you are angry, but you must also think about the people of Bailang County. There are so many people in one county. People, the bandits are coming again with ferocity, and they also like to take revenge afterward. If I open the city gate and let you in, the bandits will definitely break through the county and kill all the people in the county."

"Everyone has difficulties, please forgive me."

After County Magistrate Qiu finished speaking, he called to the county government officials: "Come on, take Deputy General Fang into the county seat and see a doctor for his injuries."

"Hey!" The county government officials and the soldiers guarding the city gate all came over. They were going to lift Deputy General Fang, but they were stopped by Deputy General Fang.

"No need, my leg won't work, but we have a lot of injured soldiers and relatives here. We are short of doctors, medicinal materials, food, etc. County Magistrate Qiu can give us as much as he has."

This is an opportunity to rob!

Magistrate Qiu's face darkened, but looking at the densely packed wounded soldiers and Lieutenant General Yu who was bitten to death by a pack of wolves, he could only nod in agreement.

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