A lucky wife born again from a farm family

Chapter 1466 Lord Ying’s Order

You Ping looked around, brought a few handfuls of dry weeds for making fire, covered Cen's body, and went out to tell Qin Sanlang: "Master, it was Cen who died inside. He died about an hour ago. The thief probably went up the mountain after killing her."

"Don't worry about her. Let's go up the mountain to kill the bandits first, lest the bandits escape." Qin Sanlang didn't pay much attention to Mrs. Cen. Mrs. Cen was such a poisonous woman. It would be a good thing if she died, lest she escape and be trapped in the future. Others pop up and bite them.

"Six dogs, go up the mountain!" Qin Sanlang called to the tame alpha wolf. The alpha wolf howled twice and led the other gray wolves towards the mountain following the scent.

Niu Dabao laughed when he heard this and said, "Sanlang, why did you name the wolves like this? They are obviously wolves, but you still call them dogs."

Qin Sanlang replied: "It's too difficult to name. People in the countryside like to use dogs, eggs, and bolts to name names. I was too lazy to think of a name, so I used dogs and added some sorting to make names. This saves trouble."

These were Xiaoyu's original words. Qin Sanlang felt that Xiaoyu's words were particularly reasonable.

Niu DaBao laughed again when he heard this, but his laughter was very small. After making this joke, he shut up and stopped talking, so as not to sound too loud and alert the snake.

Surprisingly, their climb up the mountain went smoothly. The wolves in front did not encounter any living people and did not let out any wild barks to notify them.

Xie Cheng frowned: "Sanlang, something seems wrong. Didn't the two bandits say there were twelve secret sentries on the way up the mountain? Why didn't they find anyone?"

As he spoke, he pointed the long knife in his hand at the two bandits who were leading the way, and shouted angrily in a low voice: "Tell me, did you lead the wrong way on purpose?!"

"No, no!" The two bandits leading the way shook their heads in denial. They were fed the Gu family's poison, and now their stomachs hurt terribly. If they didn't take Qin up the mountain to suppress the bandits, they would be dead. How dare you deliberately lead me the wrong way? !

Niu Dabao whispered: "Look, these two turtles don't look like they deliberately led the wrong way... Could it be that we are late and the bandits on the mountain have already escaped? Oh, that would be bad. If the bandits on the mountain escape, What should I do if I go to other places and harm the people in other places?!"

They have seen how ferocious the bandits in Bailang Mountain are, and they don't want to let the bandits go and harm the people in other places.

"Qin Baihu, without further ado, let's hurry up and go up the mountain to have a look!" Baihu from other cities said, with impatient expressions on their faces. They couldn't wait to go up the mountain for a long time.

In fact, this hundred households have Xiao Jiujiu in their hearts. The bandits from Bailang Mountain have robbed many merchants. There must be countless gold and silver treasures in that village. They are the first ones to go up, and they will definitely get a lot. property.

After hearing this, Qin Sanlang looked at Jin Baihu who was speaking, with a cold and murderous look in his eyes. Jin Baihu was stunned for a moment. Thinking of Qin Sanlang's ruthlessness last night, he was frightened and said hurriedly: "Qin Baihu misunderstood. , Brother, I don’t mean anything else... Don’t worry, you have the greatest contribution. When we get to the mountain, we will all listen and do whatever you say."

You nodded and agreed that we should move to the Gold and Silver Treasure Headquarters.

Qin Sanlang didn't answer, he just glanced at all the households and said, "Remember, we are soldiers, not bandits!"

After saying that, Qin Sanlang pointed forward and asked You Ping and the four scouts from Tianfu County's military post to explore the road ahead. After confirming that there was no ambush in front, he took the big guys and continued up the mountain.

The White Wolf Village on the mountain was already bleeding like a river.

The fierce bandits of the Eagle Food Gang were like evil spirits from the underworld, but in more than half an hour, they had killed 90% of the more than 700 bandits in the village, leaving only about 30 people and Boss Bai.

But the thirty or so people were frightened half to death by the murderous methods of the gangsters. They knelt down and begged: "Masters, please spare your lives. We have a lot of gold, silver, treasures and women in our village. I give them all to you. Please let us go." There is a way to live, we don’t want to die!”

Boss Bai looked at the eagle feathers on the bandits' shoulders, his eyes were blood red, he glared at them angrily, and asked: "Why do you Eagle Food Gang want to kill all of us in the White Wolf Village? We are obviously allies, my surname is Bai, right?" You, the Eagle Food Gang, also have great respect for you. This time, you helped the Ding family capture soldiers and gave your Eagle Food Gang a lot of gold. Why do you still want to destroy us? I don’t accept it, I don’t accept it! You have no morals. I want to see the Eagle. Master, I need to ask him face to face why he betrayed his trust and why he did this to us?!"

Boss Bai roared, but the gangsters from the Eagle Food Gang ignored him at all.

The leading gangster sneered: "Ask Master Ying in person? Are you worthy of meeting Master Ying? And you really don't know why the Eagle Food Gang destroyed you? Didn't you receive the order from our Eagle Food Gang?"

An order from the Eagle Food Gang?

Boss Bai thought for a while before he remembered. By the way, before the ghost master came, the Eagle Food Gang had sent orders to various bandits, saying that they could usually rob the army, but this time the army was going to the northwest to fight against the Rong people. , to protect the territory left by our ancestors, all bandits are not allowed to rob and kill the resistance army, otherwise they are going against the Eagle Food Gang!

"But I told Master Gui that Master Gui had no objection. Our Bailang Village does not count as disobeying Master Ying's order!" Boss Bai said in a sophistical way.

After hearing this, the leading gangster laughed out loud: "Bai, do you know that the person who asked us to kill you is Mr. Gui?"

"What!" Mr. Bai was shocked and shouted, "Why? Why would Lord Ghost do this? He obviously agreed!"

"Master Gui agreed? Really?" The leading gangster stepped on the body of a bandit, wiped the blood on the knife with his palm, and looked at Bai Laodao: "Master Gui has accepted your gold. ? Did I give you a promise? Not a word. Master Gui just remained silent. If he smiled at you twice, you thought he agreed. Did you know that Master Gui was angry? "

Like Master Ying, Master Gui hates Emperor Chu, but he hates the Rong people even more. Now that the territory is occupied by the Rong people, there is an urgent need for soldiers from the south to fight against the Rong. How could Master Gui help Boss Bai deal with the soldiers from the south?

What happened this time was probably to help the soldiers in the south clean up the harm in the army.

The effect was good. In one bandit killing, almost all the evil that needed to be killed was killed.

After hearing this, Boss Bai remembered the gold that Master Gui had left in the house, and that he had never said that he would not be held accountable for killing the soldiers who resisted the army. He was so frightened that he trembled all over and shouted: "Master Gui, you actually cheated your brother! "

Looking at the large group of fierce bandits in front of him, he immediately knelt down and begged for mercy: "Brother, this was a misunderstanding. Please spare my life and let me go to see Master Ying... Master Gui said that if Bailang Village is attacked, Mie, I can go to the Eagle Food Gang, and the Eagle Food Gang will give us a bite to eat!"

Master Gui did make such a promise, but that was before, and now Master Gui has long changed his mind.

The leading gangster pointed a knife at Boss Bai and said, "Just tell me how you want to die."

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