Beheading, slitting the throat, cutting in half, splitting the car into pieces, quartering the body on five horses, or burning, drowning, or strangulation, the gangsters from the Eagle Food Gang can do it for him, choose whatever you want, no need to be polite.

After hearing this, Boss Bai stared at the leading gangster and gritted his teeth and said, "Are you really going to do something so awesome?!"

The leading gangster sneered: "Heh, it seems you don't want to die, so there's no need to waste your time."

After that, he called to the gangsters behind him: "Come on, hack him to death!"

After hearing this, the fierce bandits behind them swarmed forward, click, click, click, slashing, and in a short time more than thirty bandits and Boss Bai were hacked to death.

Boss Bai died the most tragic death. He was stabbed dozens of times and was almost chopped into meat paste.

The other bandits were decapitated with a single blow and killed cleanly.

In the corner of the lobby, there are five beautiful young girls hiding. These girls are all the concubines of Boss Bai. They were originally here to serve Boss Bai. Who knew that the gangsters from the Eagle Food Gang suddenly came in and killed the entire White Wolf family? All the bandits in the village were killed, and Boss Bai also died.

Yulan looked at the gangsters outside, thought for a moment, and suddenly rushed out, kowtowed to the leading gangster and cried: "Yulan thanks you heroes for saving your life. If you hadn't killed Boss Bai, we would have suffered a lot longer." Ten years, Boss Bai and the others are not human beings!”

Magnolia is very beautiful, especially her skin, which is just like her name, like a flawless white magnolia flower.

And when she was kowtowing, the animal skin jacket she was wearing fell down a little, revealing a large area of ​​skin, which made several gangsters stare.

When Yulan saw this, she felt proud, but she continued to cry: "You heroes, although we are girls from good families, our bodies have been damaged by bandits and we dare not go home again. Please take us to Yingying." Let’s eat food.”

She had heard Boss Bai say that the Eagle Food Gang was extremely rich, and his status in the northwest was comparable to that of the Tu Emperor. She heard that the Eagle Lord was still very young and good-looking... If she went to the Eagle Food Gang, based on his face, He Shenzi will definitely be favored by Lord Ying, and his life will be as majestic as in Bailang Village.

Yulan is a scheming person. Seeing that Bailang Village is over, she starts to find a way out for herself.

But Yulan underestimated the gangsters of the Eagle Food Gang.

Lord Ying is a very powerful person, and the gangsters who can be placed as leaders are all smart and abide by the rules of the Eagle Food Gang. Therefore, after hearing what Yulan said, the leading gangster said: "We, the Eagle Food Gang, also want you to You can get in right away? Get out now, or I'll chop you up!"

Yulan was shocked, watching the leading gangster shed tears. Not to mention, the way she shed tears and said nothing was really cute, which made many gangsters feel unbearable.

However, the rules of the Eagle Food Gang are strict. Even though many gangsters like Yu Lan, they dare not ask for mercy and take her to the Eagle Food Gang.

"Boss, the group of soldiers are here. They are almost at the gate of the stronghold. We should withdraw." A gangster on guard ran in and informed the leader that Qin Sanlang and the others were almost at the stronghold.

After hearing this, the leading gangster called to the other gangsters: "Retreat!"

Master Gui said not to meet those soldiers, lest they come to kill them and they would not be able to fight back.

The gangsters immediately followed the leader and left the village from the cliff. After hanging down the cliff with ropes, they then left the village via the mountain road.

Therefore, when Qin Sanlang and the others entered Bailang Village, they did not see even a fierce bandit from the Eagle Food Gang. They only saw the corpses of the bandits all over the ground.

And these bandits were either killed by having their heads chopped off with a knife, or they were killed by piercing the heart or piercing the head with a knife.

Niu Dabao and the others were shocked when they saw this: "The people who killed the bandits were a group of masters. They all chopped at the fatal places. Who did it? Who has such a big hatred against Bailang Village? Could it be from the other eight villages? Seeing that things failed, the bandits came to find Boss Bai to vent their anger?"

Qin Sanlang shook his head: "Boss Bai is the bandit leader of Jiuzhaigou in Bailang Mountain. Even if the other eight villages join forces, they can't kill him. Moreover, most of the bandits in Eighth Village were killed by us last night. We don't have the manpower to kill him." Boss Bai.”

He looked at the corpses of the bandits and said, "Boss Bai has offended someone who shouldn't be offended."

Jin Baihu was very happy after hearing this, and laughed and said: "It's good that we have offended people who shouldn't be offended. It saves us trouble and can directly take over Bailang Village!"

What was originally thought to be a fierce battle was now readily available. Not only the Jin Baihu, but the other Baihu and the soldiers were also very happy.

"You Ping, take the six dogs and the others in first to have a look. After confirming that there is no ambush, we will go in again." Seeing that everyone looked impatient, Qin Sanlang immediately ordered You Ping to let the wolf go and check.

"Yes." You Ping nodded, made a gesture, and howled three times, and Liu Gou rushed into the lobby with a few gray wolves to check.

"Ouch, ouch, ouch!" After a while, the six dogs started barking wildly.

You Ping said: "Master, there is someone inside!"

"Arrange the shield soldiers!" After hearing this, Qin Sanlang asked the shield soldiers to form a formation to protect the big guy, fearing that someone would shoot a cold arrow inside.

After hearing this, the other hundred households hurriedly hid behind the shield soldiers, gripped their swords tightly, and asked, "Who is inside? Isn't it the person who killed the bandits?"

That would be bad.

They probably wouldn't be able to deal with someone who could turn Bailang Village into a execution ground.

But it was a false alarm. Soon You Ping said: "It's a few girls. Boss Bai is already dead."

Boss Bai is dead? And girls!

Jin Baihu got excited and shouted: "Then what are you waiting for? Let's go and save some girls!"

Qin Sanlang's face turned dark. This Jin Baihu was afraid that he would die on the woman's body.

Cao Baihu was also very excited, but he was very close to Ding Ge before the accident. Although he did not help Ding Ge do evil, when the bandits were killed last night, he did not bring his soldiers to help, but only brought his soldiers with him. They protected their relatives and hid behind the inn, lying down all night.

They came out after Qin Sanlang and the others won.

His behavior would be looked down upon by everyone, so when he came to suppress the bandits this time, he did not dare to say a word, for fear that Qin Sanlang would find him to settle the accounts.

However, Cao Baihu did not bring his family this time because he had been away from home for a long time. When he heard that there was a young girl in the lobby, he couldn't help it.

Those girls must have been snatched up the mountain by bandits, and their bodies must have been damaged by the bandits. It would be difficult for them to return home. Being able to follow soldiers like them and become a maid or concubine is considered a good thing. What a good home.

That's why Cao Baihu and Jin Baihu were so excited.

Other households and soldiers were also excited and said: "Qin Baihu, let's go in and save people!"

What to save?

Boss Bai and the bandits are all dead. Do the people inside still need to be saved?

Besides, they still don’t know whether those women are with the gangsters, so why are they so excited?

Qin Sanlang looked at them and remembered all the excited people in his mind.

Such people cannot be used!

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