However, Qin Sanlang still reminded: "The woman inside may be with the bandits. Everyone should be careful not to be deceived."

Jin Baihu said: "Sanlang, what you said, how could you think so bad of the little girls? Let's go in and save people first."

Damn, you are a softie, you are afraid of your wife, but I am not afraid. I am the heaven at home. I can be a hero and save beauties anytime and anywhere, and take beauties home.

Qin Sanlang sneered in his heart, nodded and said: "Go in."

Jin Baihu took the lead and rushed in.

As soon as he entered the lobby, he started searching for the young girl.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"  A few gray wolves surrounded Yulan and the others, roaring wildly, which frightened Yulan and the others so much that they burst into tears and looked up at Jin Baihu and the others helplessly.

Jin Baihu felt extremely distressed and hurriedly shouted to the gray wolves: "Six dogs, stop barking. These girls were killed by bandits. They are poor people. Hurry up and get out of here!"

"Ouch!" Liugou was angry. Was it you who barked Liugou? He immediately led a few gray wolves and pounced on Jin Baihu, scaring Jin Baihu so much that he fell to the ground.

When You Ping saw this, he said: "Liu Gou, shut up."

The six dogs were very obedient this time. They stopped killing and squatted aside with the other gray wolves.

Yulan frowned, this Jin Baihu was not good, she didn't want to be with this kind of man, so she looked at Cao Baihu, the second person who came in... This one looked okay, but he was a bit old.

When Yulan was mentally debating which Baihu to tangle with, her eyes suddenly lit up and she saw a handsome young man wearing black armor walking in.

What a handsome young man!

What an imposing man!

At first glance, this man is different from other martial artists. He is more imposing than the eldest son of her family.

And there were many soldiers surrounding him, and the others seemed to put him first. He must be a military attache, or a very high-ranking military attache.

But he didn't seem to notice her. After entering the lobby, he walked towards Boss Bai's body. After checking the body of Boss Bai, he asked the two bandits who were being held: "But Boss Bai?"

The voice is deep, majestic, and beautiful!

Yulan was very happy. She originally thought that after Boss Bai died, she would have to live a hard life, but she never expected to meet such an extraordinary man here.

If she follows him, she will have a very easy life in the future.

It is better to be a concubine to a young and handsome military attaché than to follow Mr. Bai.

The two bandits who were being escorted said, "Yes, it's Boss Bai."

After hearing this, Qin Sanlang said to Hong Dao: "Chop off the head and take it back so that other bandits can recognize him."

When Yulan heard this, she quickly seized the opportunity. Her voice was crisp, trembling with fear and crying: "This military master, that person is indeed Boss Bai. I, I recognize him..."

When he said this, he started sobbing softly, looking pitiful and aggrieved, which made Jin Baihu feel distressed.

"Girl, don't cry. Boss Bai is dead. We are here to rescue you. We will bring you down the mountain safely and send you home." Jin Baihu thought for a while and then said: "If you don't want to go back, we will I will take you westward together and will never leave you without support."

These words are almost saying: Follow me, be my woman, I will protect you!

But Yulan's target was Qin Sanlang, so she ignored Jin Baihu and watched Qin Sanlang cry.

However, her crying was in vain. Qin Sanlang seemed not to have heard her words and did not even look at her. He continued to let Hong Dao put Boss Bai's head back on and show it to the other captured bandits, so as not to I was deceived by these two bandits.

Yulan was shocked and looked at her body in disbelief. Isn't she beautiful enough and her body not good enough? Why doesn't this man look at her?

Hey, you are right, Qin Sanlang thinks that his Xiaoyu is the most beautiful girl in the world, and other white lotus and green tea are not worthy to be compared with her.

Gu Jinli was afraid that after his family became rich, a widow would come to seduce Gu Dashan, so he told Gu Dashan every now and then stories about white lotus flowers and green tea stealing men and causing harm to his first wife and children.

While Gu Dashan was frightened, Qin Sanlang also learned a lot.

Well, I understand, Xiaoyu hates women who hook up with married men. He has to remember that he can't be deceived by Bai Lianhua's tears.

Jin Baihu laughed and said to Yulan: "Girl, don't look at Qin Baihu."

He lowered his voice and said to Yulan: "Qin Baihu is a soft-boiled man. He has to rely on the dowry of an ugly wife to support his army. He dare not find a woman."

It turns out that his surname is Qin, he belongs to a hundred households, and he married an ugly daughter-in-law.

A man who marries an ugly woman must be feeling panicked. If he wants to sleep with a beautiful woman, she is beautiful enough. As long as she seduces him in private, he will definitely take the bait and take her away.

The official position of Baihu is a bit low, but he is still young and will definitely be promoted.

And that ugly woman, an ugly woman is not worthy of being the wife of a hundred households!

She believed that Qin Baihu was not a fool and would divorce the ugly woman after being promoted.

Magnolia has a sweet dream, but her dream will never come true in her lifetime.

Qin Sanlang stood up, pointed at her and said: "This woman has evil intentions and is a scourge that will disrupt the morale of the army. Kill her to avoid future troubles."


Yulan was shocked, thinking she heard wrongly. Why would he let someone come and chop her?

However, You Ping had already drawn his knife and walked towards Yulan.

Only then did Yulan understand that the man named Qin really wanted to kill her!

"Sir, please forgive me, has Yulan done something wrong to make you unhappy? Yulan will change, Yulan will change, please don't kill me... I am also a woman from a good family, a poor person who was snatched up the mountain by Boss Bai and others. , Wuwuwu..." Yulan couldn't stop crying.

But Qin Sanlang had already looked away and looked at the eagle feathers on the ground. He covered his hands with a cloth and picked up the eagle feathers to look at them.

When Yulan saw this, she completely understood that this person named Qin was indeed a softie, and in order to get a softie, he was cruel to her.

Yu Lan didn't want to die, so she grabbed Jin Baihu's arm and cried: "Sir, please help me, I don't want to die, I want to go home and see my parents, woo woo woo..."

Yulan moved her parents out, and Jin Baihu had already fallen in love with her and wanted a beautiful woman to serve her. He protected Yulan behind him and stopped Youping: "Brother, this Yulan is also a miserable person. She There’s no bad intention, just let her live.”

Then he shouted to Qin Sanlang: "Qin Baihu, if you dislike Yulan and don't want her, then I will take her in. I won't bother you, right?!"

Qin Sanlang looked at Jin Baihu and repeated what he said before: "I said, this woman is a disaster. Keeping her will ruin the relationship between our brothers. If you want to keep her, you must be prepared to lead the army westward alone. , and cannot divide the spoils of war, and the preparations to be killed by this woman."

Qin Sanlang put away the eagle feather in his hand and said to Jin Baihu: "I won't force you, you can think about it yourself, and don't regret it after you think about it."

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