A lucky wife born again from a farm family

Chapter 1470 Suspected old friend

"Qin Baihu's arrangement is excellent. We all listened to Qin Baihu, so we took our soldiers to search?" The other hundreds of households asked in unison.

"Yes." After Qin Sanlang nodded, they ran away in a swarm, scattered throughout the White Wolf Village, and began to search the property in the village.

Qin Sanlang called Erping Sanping: "You two go down the mountain with your seven dogs and eight dogs. First go and tell Deputy General Fang what happened on the mountain, and then go to the Bailang County Yamen to find someone, and let the people from the county Yamen come up to deal with those good families." woman."

"Yes." Erping and Sanping responded, leading the two wolves down the mountain.

The Niu family's Dajin, Erjin and Sanjin also came. Seeing that Niu Dabao was still standing still in the lobby, he became anxious and waved to Niu Dabao and shouted: "Dad, Daddy!"

"What the hell are you in a hurry? I'm here right now." Niu Dabao looked at Qin Sanlang and Xie Cheng: "Don't worry, I will share the good things with you when I get them."

As he spoke, he gestured to Qin Sanlang. Qin Sanlang gave him a small map, which was drawn according to the bandit's instructions. The location of the underground vault where the gold and silver treasures were hidden was also explained: "Be careful of traps." .”

"Hahaha!" Niu Dabao laughed, then hurriedly covered his mouth, suppressed his laughter, and gave a thumbs up to Qin Sanlang: "Sanlang is still capable. Uncle is gone, and I will definitely handle it for you. "

Niu DaBao put away the small map, kicked Niu Sanjin, who was closest to him, and shouted: "What are you still doing in a daze? Hurry up and follow me. You all should be smarter. If you dare to do me any harm, I will kill you. Anyway, I will kill you." Many sons!”

After Niu Sanjin and others heard this, they nodded quickly: "I understand, dad, don't worry."

As he spoke, he followed Niu DaBao and the soldiers and ran away to the underground warehouse.

Qin Sanlang took out another small map and handed it to Xie Cheng: "You go too, be careful of traps, don't take too much, just take a little from a box. Don't take silver, take something worth more than silver."

"Eh." Xie Cheng was very happy. Although his family was rich, it was still far behind compared to aristocratic families and prominent families in various places.

And before he reached the northwest, he had already suffered the hardship of raising soldiers and taking care of the soldiers' relatives. He had to get more money, otherwise his family would not be able to afford it just relying on his hometown's savings to raise soldiers.

As for the court?

Oh, there is military pay, but that amount of military pay is not even enough to support the soldiers, let alone take care of their families.

"Let's go!" Xie Cheng called to his soldiers and ran towards the underground storage.

Qin Sanlang told You Ping: "Divide your people into two groups. One group will stay here and watch, and the other group will go to the yard where good girls are imprisoned. Guard first until the people from the county government arrive."

Then he called Hong Dao and the others: "Follow me."

"Yes!" Hong Dao and the others responded and followed Qin Sanlang out of the lobby.

After Qin Sanlang came out of the lobby, he did not go straight to the underground storage, but first looked for something around.

After a while, he found an eagle feather on several corpses on the side of the road.

This eagle feather was the same as the one he picked up in the lobby. They were both made from eagle wings.

He heard an old friend say that the feathers on an eagle's wings are very precious and generally cannot be plucked out.

His second brother was a demon king. After hearing this, he plucking the wings of the eagle raised by that man, which made the old friend so angry that he almost broke up with his second brother.

But he and his second brother are the best friends. They grew up together and went to the battlefield together. Even if the second brother pulls out the wings of the eagle he raised, he will not break up with the second brother even if he stabs him twice.

Qin Sanlang looked at the two eagle wings and thought of his old friend... Could it be that he is still alive and has become a bandit?

"Sir?" Seeing that Qin Sanlang was in a daze for a long time, Hong Dao called him, pointed at the eagle feather and asked, "But what's wrong with this eagle feather?"

Qin Sanlang nodded: "The people who looted White Wolf Village should be the ones who left Eagle Feather behind."

In recent years, a big gang has emerged in the northwest, called the Eagle Food Gang. Every time the gangsters of the Eagle Food Gang rob, they leave eagle feathers as evidence.

The Eagle Food Gang is different from other gangs. They are good thieves, and they like to go against the army and the Rongshan Gang. If they have something to do, they will rob the Northwest Army, otherwise they will challenge the Rongshan Gang. They love to look for trouble. typical.

However, Qin Sanlang thinks that the Eagle Food Gang is pretty good.

Qin Sanlang, Lei Wuye and others were doing business in the northwest. They knew about the existence of the Eagle Food Gang. Before coming to the northwest, they told Hong Dao and the others. Therefore, after hearing this, Hong Dao said: "Sir, why did the Eagle Food Gang want to be destroyed?" White Wolf Village? Aren’t they all bandits? Are the Eagle Food Gang helping us? This doesn’t make sense.”

Are the Eagle Food Gang helping them?

If they are old friends, it makes sense to help them.

But at the moment, it seems that it is not like a gang, but: "It is estimated that Bailang Village violated the rules of the Eagle Food Gang, and was used by the Eagle Food Gang to kill chickens and scare monkeys."

After passing Yongtai Mansion, there are various gangs on the westbound road. If the Eagle Food Gang wants to be the boss of these gangs, they cannot let these gangs have too much freedom. They must always let them know how powerful the Eagle Food Gang is.

"Let's go and find something first." Qin Sanlang temporarily put down the Eagle Food Gang and took the soldiers to the underground vault to find gold and silver treasures.

It took them three hours to find eight underground warehouses and four warehouses in Bailang Village. They obtained a lot of gold and silver treasures, silk and satin, as well as various weapons, grain, horses, mules, donkeys and carts. .

"Hahaha, Sanlang, we are rich this time!" Niu Dabao was almost crazy with joy, with a smile on his face: "These bandits are so damn rich, they have hidden so many good things."

Niu Dabao asked his three sons and soldiers to fill their bodies with gold and jewels, then brought a few sacks and put the gold, jewels and other things more valuable than silver into the sacks before moving the things in the warehouse. Come out and prepare to transport it down the mountain for confiscation.

The rest of the hundreds of households did the same. They first let the soldiers take it once, and then they packed a few bags of gold and silver themselves before moving out the found property and gathering it together.

In addition to gold, silver and jewelry, Qin Sanlang also took some ancient books, calligraphy and paintings that had been thrown into the corner of the warehouse by the bandits and collected dust, and he especially took those valuable original books and famous paintings.

Besides these he also took weapons and horses, as well as other cattle and chariots.

These are considered military supplies. What they need is difficult to buy and is more valuable than silver.

"Sanlang, you are still smart. These are all horses." Hu Baihu was a little sad. If he had known it, he would have gone to the stable to get the horses. Now these urgently needed and difficult-to-buy things have been taken away by Qin Sanlang. .

However, Hu Baihu didn't hold a grudge. The fact that he survived this time and made such a windfall was all thanks to Qin Sanlang. He had to remember some kindness, otherwise he would probably die if this kid got angry.

The other hundreds of households thought the same way, so although they were envious, they did not hold grudges. Instead, they asked: "Sanlang, when will we transport the things down the mountain?"

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