A lucky wife born again from a farm family

Chapter 1471 Don’t get involved

Qin Sanlang looked at the sky and said: "Let's start transporting it down the mountain now. I'm afraid we won't be able to finish it in one trip. We have to make two trips. Put the things in the camp at the foot of the mountain first, and wait until all the belongings are transported down the mountain. Bailang County's After the people arrive, we will transport the things back together."

Bailangzhai is in a dangerous position. It is on the top of a large mountain. It is difficult to get up and get down, so this is the only way to transport things.

But everyone is very happy, after all, they have made a fortune.

"Sure, we listen to you, let's start transporting things now." Hu Baihu said, leading the soldiers to start transporting property.

Cao Baihu, Jin Baihu, Xie Cheng, Niu Dabao and others also used horses to transport the property they found.

Qin Sanlang, along with Hong Dao and the others, were waiting for the people from the Bailang County government in Bailang Village.

While waiting for others, there were bursts of crying in the village. Hong Dao ran to see it. More than a quarter of an hour later, he came over and said to Qin Sanlang: "Sir, it's the women from good families who were kidnapped who are crying. There are a few women. I heard that we rescued him, and I want to come to thank you."

In fact, what those women said was much more straightforward than that. When they heard that the people who saved them were several adults from a hundred households, they immediately stated that they would repay their kindness with their lives.

To be honest, it is understandable that these women would have such thoughts. After all, they were damaged by bandits, and suddenly a group of soldiers and several hundred households came. Naturally, they wanted to control them and give them to them. Find your own way out.

But Qin Sanlang said that everyone should not get involved with those women.

Although they are pitiful, they will be very troublesome if they get their hands on them, so it is better to restrain themselves and ignore them.

"Don't worry about them. The people from Bailang County will deal with it when they come. If they dare to make trouble, they will be punished by the army." Qin Sanlang was thinking about Gu Jinli. He had been out for so long, and he didn't know how Xiaoyu was doing now. Will people be afraid in Bailang County?

"Hey." Hong Dao hurriedly ran to the yard and said to the women: "Stop arguing, we are here to suppress the bandits, and we are only saving you by the way. People from the Bailang County government will come later, you guys Tell us clearly where your home is, and the people from the county government will take you home."

"Master, Master, please help us. We can't go back. Our innocence has been ruined and we can't go back. We have no choice but to follow the military masters on this path!" Several women were crying and kowtowing on the ground.

When Hong Dao saw this, although he couldn't bear it, he could only say: "We are going to the northwest to fight against the enemy. We can't take you with us. You have to go to court first and settle the bandit's case before you can choose whether to go home or go." Make a living elsewhere.”

"Going to make a living elsewhere? Where can we, a group of weak women whose bodies have been ruined by bandits, go to make a living? Who will want us? Our family also despises us. If you don't take us away, you will end our way of survival!" A woman was about to go crazy after being tortured by bandits. She suddenly encountered such a group of military men and didn't want to let them go.

"If the family can't accommodate you, you can find a widower to marry, or become servants. There is still a way to survive. We really can't take you away." Hong Dao turned around and left after saying this, not wanting to be entangled by these women again. .

"Stop, if you dare to leave, I will die for you and let your whole family come to see us!" The woman from before warned Hong Dao with a ferocious look on her face.

Hong Dao looked back at her, sneered, turned and left.


There was a muffled sound from behind. The woman really hit the wall and was hit with a bloody head.

Hong Dao heard the voice and did not look back. He only said: "Your life is your own. No one can stop you if you want to die."

After that, he left.

Although these women were pitiful and he sympathized with them, Lord Baihu was right, it was best not to get involved with such women, otherwise they would be endless troubles.

"Stop, stop!" The woman was not dead. Seeing that Hong Dao was still leaving, she shouted at the top of her lungs and howled in the room.

Hong Dao pretended that he didn't hear anything and went to tell Qin Sanlang about the matter.

Qin Sanlang nodded and continued to wait for the county government officials.

After this incident, those women seemed to understand that these military men would not take them away, and they gradually stopped making trouble.

An hour later, Magistrate Qiu arrived with people from the Bailang County Government Office, accompanied by dozens of soldiers from the Bailang County Military Post.

"Qin Baihu, thank you for your hard work. You have helped us get rid of a lot of harm in Bailang County. I am deeply grateful." County Magistrate Qiu rushed over and held Qin Sanlang's hand, as if he was meeting his biological father. , I was so happy that I almost cried.

Hahaha, I originally thought that after being looted by Kuang's group of shrews, their Bailang County government office would be in poverty. I didn't expect that this man named Qin was so capable that he destroyed Bailang Village and found many good things.

He saw it in the camp at the bottom of the mountain. The carts were full of valuables.

"Qin Baihu, where is the list of stolen goods from Bailang Village? Bring it to me. After I count the property according to the list, you can leave." Magistrate Qiu asked with a smile on his face. .

As a result, Qin Sanlang said: "Your Majesty the County Magistrate, Deputy General Fang will go to the Ministry of War in the capital to report the banditry. The property and the list will be handed over to Deputy General Fang, so I won't bother the County Magistrate."


You bastard, tell me again!

"Qin Baihu, do you want to swallow the property in the bandit's stronghold? This is a capital crime!" County Magistrate Qiu was very angry. You can just take some, but you want to take them all without giving us any money. Staying in Lang County is too much.

Qin Sanlang said: "It is stipulated in the army that if the army annihilates bandits, the property obtained does not need to be handed over to the local government. It only needs to be handed over to Shangfeng, who will hand it over to the Ministry of War. The Ministry of War will use it as military pay and distribute it to the various armies. "

It is useless to talk to Qin Sanlang about criminal laws. Some criminal laws do not apply to military affairs.

County Magistrate Qiu choked: "Well, your soldiers' relatives have emptied out all the things in our county government office, and we still have to finish it off for you. You can't let us work in vain, right?"

Qin Sanlang: "There are nine villages in Bailang Mountain. In addition to Bailang Village, there are eight villages. The county magistrate can take people to search those eight villages. We should be able to get a lot of good things."

You can get a lot of good stuff!

Boss Bai is the bandit leader of Jiuzhaigou in Bailang Mountain. The other eight villages must hand over 70% of the good things they robbed to Bailangzhai. All the goodies are hidden in Bailangzhai. The other eight villages have at most three melons. Two dates.

But Qin Sanlang no longer talked about this. After telling Magistrate Qiu about what happened in the bandit village, he started beating gongs and waving flags to gather troops and prepare to go back down the mountain.

Dang, Dang, Dang!

Zhang Tu beat the gong and waved the flag and shouted: "The westward marching army gathers and prepares to go down the mountain!"

As soon as this sound came out, the soldiers scattered throughout the village gathered together, hundreds of them. Magistrate Qiu was frightened when he saw it, and he dared to stop Qin Sanlang from leaving.

He could only say with a smile: "Thank you Qin Baihu for your hard work, please go slowly."

After saying that, he thought of something and was startled. He grabbed Qin Sanlang's arm and asked: "Qin Baihu, are all the escaped bandits dead? There aren't any bandits hiding in the mountains, right? If you leave, What if they come out again and chop us down?!"

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