Qin Sanlang said: "The county magistrate is overly worried. The bandits in Bailang Mountain have offended people who should not be offended. Even if there are bandits who escape, they will be intercepted and killed on the way, and they will not be able to kill them again." "

If the bandits from Jiuzhaigou in Bailang Mountain were allowed to do evil again, wouldn't the Eagle Food Gang be in great disgrace?

Magistrate Qiu's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he asked: "What does Qin Baihu mean? Who did the bandits in Jiuzhaigou of Bailang Mountain offend? Who has such great ability to kill the escaped bandits?"

Even the imperial court did not have the manpower to hunt down the bandits.

Qin Sanlang: "They have offended the Eagle Food Gang, the magistrate can rest assured."

"What? They offended the Eagle Food Gang, hahaha!" County Magistrate Qiu couldn't help laughing out loud. God is really wise. It's okay. You can get out of here.

County Magistrate Qiu waved his hand and said: "Qin Baihu, please go slowly, I won't see you off."

Then he urged: "We can't delay going to the northwest to fight against the enemy. You have to get on your way as soon as possible."

Don't stay in our Bailang County for too long. The relatives of your soldiers are a bunch of shrews, comparable to bandits. If you stay here for a few more days, our Bailang County will be emptied by them!

After Magistrate Qiu finished speaking, he glared at Niu DaBao with an evil look. The Kuang family who had cheated him the most was Niu DaBao's wife!

"Lord Magistrate, what are you doing? Are your eyes twitching?" Niu Dabao asked in confusion.

Magistrate Qiu choked up when he was asked, snorted coldly, ignored Niu Dabao, turned around and left, and said to the head of the county government office: "You lead people to stay behind to deal with the aftermath, while the officers and soldiers from the Division of Soldiers will follow me to the nearest bandit." Village!"

Bailang Village was emptied out by Qin Sanlang and the others. There was no benefit to be gained from staying here. He had to rush to other bandit villages to find underground vaults!

Qin Sanlang was also very interesting and gave the map to other villages to Magistrate Qiu so that he would not get lost in the mountains.

"Let's go." Qin Sanlang gave the order, and the soldiers set off and went down the mountain in a mighty manner.

An hour later, we finally arrived at the foot of the mountain: "Break camp and go back!"

After hearing this, the soldiers guarding the camp at the foot of the mountain quickly got up and rushed to Bailang County Station with a lot of goodies.

Although everyone was exhausted, they were extremely excited because they got so many good things this time. After marching for two hours, they finally returned to the Bailang County Station.

The wounded soldiers, relatives, Vice General Fang and others who had been left behind, as well as the people of Bailang County, all came out. When they saw Qin Sanlang and the others walking in the distance, they shouted: "Hey, we're back, we're back, look." , this is a good old thing!"

The people of Bailang County shouted: "The hero who killed the bandits is back. Come on, hurry up and beat the gongs and drums to welcome him!"

The clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang of gongs and drums sounded immediately. It was very noisy and had no sense of musical beauty at all, but the people of Bailang County were really happy.

With the banditry out of the way, they no longer have to worry about their daughter, new wife, and younger sister being snatched away by bandits.

"Hey, who is the young man riding the horse in front? He is really handsome and very impressive. Are you married? He looks so young and he must not be married. My daughter happens to be fifteen this year, so she matches him very well!"

"Bah, old Miao family, you can rest a while. Someone who can ride a big horse must be an adult. How can someone who has become an official at such a young age marry your daughter? Your daughter is just average-looking. Don't do this all day long. That dream of marrying high!"

"Hey, Dahu's wife, although the daughter of the old Miao family is average-looking, I heard that a member of the Baihu family in the westbound team married an ugly girl. Oh, she is so ugly that she can't help her ancestors. She is so ugly. To be able to marry an adult from a hundred households, a daughter from the old Miao family can still climb a high tree if she puts her efforts into it."

Dahu's wife was shocked: "What? Are there really hundreds of families who married ugly women?"

The woman replied: "Of course it is true, that ugly woman is the Qin Gu family who almost bought out our county and surrounding villages in the past two days!"

"It turns out it's her, but she's rich. The old Miao family are blacksmiths, and they have a lot of money!" Dahu's wife said to the old Miao's wife, "You'd better take a rest and stop dreaming."

In addition to Qin Sanlang, Xie Cheng was also favored by others. Many women laughed and said: "This gentleman is not bad. If my granddaughter can marry him, she will be blessed."

"Hmm, it looks good, but at this age, I'm afraid he has already married a wife."

"What are you afraid of when you marry a daughter-in-law? My family is poor. If my granddaughter can be a good concubine for an official, it will be considered a high achievement."

In the carriage not far away, Ji Zhenniang was furious when she heard these words. She raised the curtain and cursed at the group of women: "Bah, a bunch of shrews, you still have no shame? He already has a wife and a daughter. You still want to recruit him as your grandson-in-law, is your granddaughter an ugly monster who can’t get married?!"

The women were scolded and wanted to scold them back, but when they saw the servants with swords surrounding the carriage, they knew that the identities of the people in the carriage were not simple, so they did not dare to scold them and only replied: "A man with three wives and four concubines is It’s common practice. Once you have a wife, can’t you remarry? If you don’t give a man a child, you are a jealous woman. If you want to be divorced and go back to your parents’ home, be careful of being divorced!”

"You, you guys!" Ji Zhenniang was going crazy. She was about to rush out of the carriage to beat them, but Gu Jinli stopped her. He looked at her and said, "See, Xie Baihu's business is good. If you don't want it, people will rob it."

Then he said: "Don't you hate Xie Baihu? Then why are you angry if he marries other women?"

Ji Zhenniang became anxious and shouted: "You are talking nonsense. When did I dislike him?!"

Gu Jinli was shocked: "You have disliked Xie Baihu for almost three years, and you still deny the things you have done so righteously. Ji Zhenniang, you are really unreasonable."

She threatened Ji Zhenniang: "I heard that there were many beauties captured in the bandit village. I guess some beauties fell in love with Xie Baihu and followed her back. Ji Zhenniang, you are finished. Your status is not guaranteed."

"Shut up, Xie Cheng wouldn't do this!" Ji Zhenniang cried angrily, whimpering, what if Xie Cheng really brought the woman from the mountain back?

After Gu Jinli succeeded in scaring her into tears, he said: "You know that Xie Baihu is very popular, and you know that Xie Baihu can't survive without you, so you should be nice to Xie Baihu."

Ji Zhenniang said: "I have been very good to him recently, all, all..."

"What are you talking about?" Gu Jinli is gossiping. Are you talking about that?

Ji Zhenniang glared at her and said, "What's that look in your eyes? Gu Xiaoyu, you are shameless!"

On the road, whenever they had free time, they just kissed and hugged each other, but this way they were much closer than they had been more than two years ago.

Gu Jinli snorted and said: "This is a gossipy look on my part. Let me tell you, although you have been pretty good to Xie Baihu recently, you are really not good. And you are really not a qualified wife. In Xie Baihu's case, When Xie Baihu is protecting you, you should also help him more and do what the mistress should do. You can't always lose your temper like a child. Otherwise, as time goes by, Xie Baihu will lose his patience and will retire. If I leave you, go marry another girl who is more sensible."

Then he said, "I'm not trying to scare you. Think about it for yourself. Are you the most burdensome among your relatives on the way west?"

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