Gu Jinli pointed to the door of the inner room: "Put it in the wing room opposite. There are two small stoves inside to keep it warm."

The room she lives in is the largest in the inn, with an outhouse for entertaining guests, a back room for sleeping, and a side room where you can take a shower and use the toilet.

Then he said: "There is also hot water. You don't need to buy it this time. The people at the inn gave it to us for free. Do you want to take a shower first and then eat?"

She has already taken a bath, and the bath is particularly comfortable.

Qin Sanlang asked her: "Are you hungry?"

Gu Jinli shook his head: "It's not evening yet, I'm not hungry just because I'm afraid you are."

Qin Sanlang said: "Then I'll take a shower first, and then we can eat together."

After two days of fighting, even though he washed his face and hands, there was still a smell of blood on his body. He wanted to wash away the smell of blood on his body and didn't want to smell it to her.

"Okay." Gu Jinli stood up and took out a change of clothes for him from the box next to him: "Here they are, new ones."

Qin Sanlang smiled, took the clothes and said: "Go back to bed quickly, the ground is cold."

Although this is the best room in the inn, it is still very simple compared to home, and the weather is very cold. Her sunflower water must have just gone, and she can't catch a cold now.

"Yes." Gu Jinli obediently returned to bed, wrapped in a goose down quilt and waved to him: "Stop laughing, go take a shower."

He loves to giggle every time he comes back. Men need to be cooler.

Qin Sanlang nodded, went to the ear room to take a bath, and washed his hair. He took a comfortable bath and almost fell asleep in the tub. After being startled, he quickly got up.

When he returned to the back room, Gu Jinli was wrapped in a thick goose down quilt and his head was dozing off little by little.

Qin Sanlang smiled when he saw this, but soon put away his smile, with distress in his eyes... She was so sleepy just in the evening, she must have not slept well in the past two days.

Although she stayed at the inn, taking care of her injured relatives, taking care of the seized property, buying things for another trip, and worrying about him going up the mountain to suppress the bandits were enough to make her sleep well.

Qin Sanlang walked lightly, walked over, hugged her with the quilt, and wanted to put her on the bed, so that she could have a good sleep, but she woke up quickly and relaxed after realizing that it was him. , said with a sleepy and smiling voice: "Have you washed it? Huh? Your hair is wet. Let me go and I will wring it for you."

Qin Sanlang: "No, you go to sleep for a while, I will twist my hair myself, and then I will call you to get up for dinner after it is dry."

Gu Jinli shook his head: "I won't sleep anymore. If you sleep now, you will wake up in the middle of the night."

As he spoke, he took the dry cloth in his hand, asked him to sit on the edge of the bed, with his back to her, and began to twist his hair.

But wringing hair was a boring and time-consuming task, and Gu Jinli's hands were sore from wringing it.

Qin Sanlang saw that her movements had slowed down, raised his hand to hold her hand, and said with a smile: "It's ready, no need to hang anymore, let's eat."

Gu Jinli withdrew his hand, touched his hair, and said, "There is still some water vapor. It should be dry after eating. Let's eat."

Then he said: "Don't move, I'll get the food."

She pushed him away and asked him to sit aside. She got up and went to the penthouse to get the food.

Qin Sanlang followed, and the two of them set up a stove, loaded the food, and brought it back.

"There is also grilled fish." When Qin Sanlang smelled the aroma of grilled fish, he still didn't believe it. But when he opened the lid of the cage and saw the warm grilled fish inside, a surprised smile appeared on his face: "Where are you at this time? The fish you found?"

Gu Jinli was slightly proud: "There is a big pond in the county. I heard that there are a lot of fish in it in the summer, so I asked someone to cut a hole in the ice and get the fish out. Many people came to buy it, and I made a profit Pen."

Well, Qin Sanlang choked: "I also made a fortune. Is that big pond ownerless?"

"Yes, I'm from the county hospital. The doctor said that there are no fish in the pond in winter, and all the fish that are there are dead. If I want to break the ice on the pond, just give me a tael of silver, and I will break it. Just do it. There were so many fish that the doctor's intestines turned green." Gu Jinli wanted to laugh when he thought of the doctor coming to buy fish from her with a sad face.

But in the end, she gave the doctor ten big fish, which made the doctor extremely happy. She also gave her two good stoves for boiling medicine.

Qin Sanlang praised: "My little fish is so smart. In the future, when we see frozen ponds and rivers on the road, we can use this method to catch fish to eat."

Gu Jinli nodded: "Aunt Niu has already taken people to the big river outside the city to break ice and catch fish. They made a lot of them and disposed of them all to make meat and vegetables for the road."

Gu Jinli laid out the food and handed him a bowl of thick chicken soup and porridge: "You have been busy for two days and did not eat on time. Don't eat anything too hard. Eat chicken soup and porridge to nourish your stomach."

Qin Sanlang nodded, took the chicken soup porridge and drank a few mouthfuls before finishing the chicken soup porridge. He picked up his chopsticks and ate the grilled fish. After one bite of the grilled fish, his eyes brightened and he looked at Gu Jinli: "It tastes like home."

Gu Jinli smiled and said, "Of course, I made this, and the seasonings used are the same as those at home."

Speaking of home, she suddenly missed Brother Cheng and the others: "The Chinese New Year is coming soon. I wonder how the three grandparents, my parents, my eldest brother and sister, and Brother Cheng will spend their time. They should be preparing fried food at this time. "

Qin Sanlang felt heartbroken when he heard this, and said guiltily: "We will go back in three years at most, and we will celebrate the New Year with my father-in-law and mother-in-law every year from now on."

"Silly, I just lamented, what are you promising?" Gu Jinli looked at him and said, "I'm already married, so of course I want to celebrate the New Year with you, how can I go back to my parents' home?"

Well, it seems that a married girl in her second year of junior high school has to go back to her parents' home.

Forget it, forget about this for now.

"Eat quickly, sit for a while and then go to bed. You already have dark circles under your eyes. If you don't sleep for too long, you will die suddenly."

What I said is true!

Qin Sanlang smiled, touched her face, and continued to eat. He finished both grilled fishes, but he gave her all the fish steaks, which had few spines.

Gu Jinli had a full meal. After eating, he packed up the remaining noodles and mutton and put them back in the stove to continue warming them: "If you feel hungry in the middle of the night, get up and eat something."

She turned around and washed her hands with warm water, then called Qin Sanlang: "I have something delicious to give you."

As he said that, he trotted back to the back room. Qin Sanlang smiled and followed him quickly. As soon as he entered the back room, he saw a plate of dried loquat fruits in front of him: "I bought it at the hospital. After washing it, I steamed it in a basket. I licked it once and sprinkled it with icing sugar, and it tasted ok.”

Qin Sanlang was stunned when he heard this: "You have turned the medicinal materials into dried fruits."

Gu Jinli nodded: "Yes, these medicinal materials made from fruits can be eaten like this."

Qin Sanlang laughed out loud, why are you so smart?

He lifted her up with both arms and put her on the bed. He pulled the goose down quilt and wrapped her up, then picked up a piece of dried loquat fruit and ate it: "Well, it tastes good, sweet and sour." Sweet and delicious.”

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