A lucky wife born again from a farm family

Chapter 1477 Xia Family Arrangements


"Well, I miss Xiaoyu." Qin Sanlang's kiss became passionate.

Qin Sanlang knew about her little life. He hadn't slept for two days. Although he wanted to touch her very much, he would not touch her tonight: "Well, I know. I just want to kiss you."

As they talked, the kiss became more and more passionate. In the end, it was he who suffered.

He lay on her body, holding her tightly, breathing hot and forbearing breath from his nose.

Gu Jinli didn't dare to move, but she couldn't help laughing: "I told you to take it easy, now you have to suffer."

This moment took a long time, at least two quarters of an hour, before he slowly calmed down, hugged her and said, "Go to sleep, I have to get up early tomorrow morning to discuss the division of troops with Xie Cheng and the others."

He was indeed too tired these past two days and fell asleep not long after he finished speaking.

Gu Jinli nestled in his arms, looked at him sleeping soundly, and tapped his closed eyelids: "The eyelashes are so long and handsome. He is indeed my husband-in-law."

She admired his "beauty" for a moment, then closed her eyes and went to sleep.

That night, she slept peacefully and didn't wake up like she did last night.

Before dawn the next day, she felt someone kissing her. She opened her eyes a small gap, looked at the sky outside, raised her hand and pinched him: "It's not dawn yet, don't make trouble, I want to sleep again." A while."

Qin Sanlang smiled, bit her neck, and said, "It's dark outside because it's going to snow, but it's getting late now."

However, he didn't bother her anymore, but held her in his arms and let her continue to sleep: "Don't get up in a hurry, let's sleep for a while."

Gu Jinli: "Didn't you say you wanted to get up early to discuss the division of troops with Xie Baihu and the others? It wouldn't be good if you left late."

Qin Sanlang: "I have made great contributions. They are now taking me as the leader. It is right that I leave late."

Gu Jinli: "..."

Do you still want to make a grand finale?

"Okay, let's sleep a little longer." Gu Jinli closed her eyes and fell asleep again without realizing it. When it was daylight, she woke up. Seeing that Qin Sanlang hadn't left yet, she hurriedly pushed him: "It's almost three o'clock in the morning. stand up!"

Qin Sanlang looked at her, rested his head on his hand and said, "Don't worry, I have already given the order. We are not going to rush today. After dividing the troops and the captured materials, we will make dry food and repair the car in the remaining half day, and we will set off again at 00:00 tomorrow." , it takes a day and a half to catch up, and we will stop on the afternoon of New Year’s Eve to celebrate the New Year, which will not delay the trip.”

Today is the 28th, and it’s more than a day’s drive from here to a village where Xiaoyu’s family bought. Uncle Mutong has already led people to prepare New Year’s goods in the village, so they can just go there.

"Are you still sleepy?" Qin Sanlang held her hand and placed it on his abdomen to warm it.

In fact, he had woken up long ago. It could be seen that she was sleeping soundly, so he did not get up and lay with her.

Gu Jinli shook his head: "I'm not sleepy anymore. I slept very well. I had the most full and peaceful sleep last night on this journey."

After saying that, he hurriedly said: "Don't feel bad for me. I rode in a carriage all the way. It was very comfortable and I didn't suffer any hardship."

Qin Sanlang didn't say anything after hearing this, but just looked at her steadily.

Gu Jinli was offended and said angrily: "It's scary to just look and not say anything. If you have anything to say, just say it."

After hearing this, Qin Sanlang retracted his arms, pulled her into his arms, hugged her tightly and said, "I will let Xiaoyu live a normal life as soon as possible."

This kind of life on the road is too hard, comparable to her running away from home when she was a child... He doesn't want her to live this kind of life.

Gu Jinli smiled: "You are so annoying. I told you not to be upset. Get up quickly. If you go too late, Aunt Niu and the women in the Niu family camp will definitely spread gossip about us."

Those women gossiped about meat and vegetables, and they said whatever they said in a lively manner.

Qin Sanlang smiled, hugged her for a while, let go of her, stood up and put on his clothes, turned around and said to her: "If you are afraid of the cold, don't get up. I will let Aunt Tao, Aunt Xiong and Feng Jin do those trivial matters." , you don’t have to worry.”

Gu Jinli liked to stay in bed. When he heard this, he sat on the bed wrapped in quilt and said, "Okay, I'll sit there for a while."

Qin Sanlang looked at her sitting on the bed in a daze, smiled, and told her about dividing the troops: "I only want the troops from He'an Prefecture, but not the troops from other prefectures. It's hard to get the troops from across the prefecture. It is very likely that the northwest post will be taken away.”

"I plan to recruit soldiers from Qianyang County. Although those soldiers are thorny, Ding Ge is indeed capable of leading troops. All the soldiers under his command are tough and can fight better."

"I plan to let Uncle Niu take over Lu Chong's soldiers. Lu Chong's troops are average and his soldiers are not very good. But Uncle Niu can lead troops and train these soldiers for a period of time and they can be reborn."

"Let Xie Cheng lead the soldiers left by Shi Baihu. After killing the general banner, Xiao Qi and his close soldiers, the rest of the soldiers will be easy to deal with. Xie Cheng can use them without much training."

As for Liu Baihu and Cao Baihu, they did not perform any meritorious service. Cao Baihu even escaped before the battle and hid with his soldiers all night before coming out. It was good to be able to distribute some supplies, but forget about the soldiers.

Liu Baihu doesn't argue much, but if he is short of money and supplies, just give him more supplies and gold and silver.

After hearing this, Gu Jinli thought for a while, nodded and said: "Yes, you are very good at distinguishing it like this."

Ding Ge's soldiers are the most capable, but they are thorny. Only Brother Qin can suppress them.

Lu Chong's soldiers were the most useless, and they had to be trained a few times by the more powerful Niu Dabao.

Shi Baihu's is quite good. After removing the thorns, it can be used without much training, which is convenient for Xie Cheng.


"There is a servant in Lu Chong's family. There is a grandson named Xia Zhang. He defected before the battle and even stole Lu Chong's poison. He helped us. Their ancestors and grandson have been in our camp these two days. It seems that they are Those who want to follow us... I wonder if they are willing to go to the Xie family?"

Qin Sanlang was startled when he heard this and asked, "Do you want to give Xia Zhang's family to the Xie family?"

Gu Jinli nodded: "Yes, Xia Zhang is brave, resourceful, decisive, and able to distinguish between good and evil. I have also met Mr. They are well taken care of and can be used by the whole family.”

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