A lucky wife born again from a farm family

Chapter 1478 On the road again

Qin Sanlang: "Since you need it, then keep it. Xiaoyu doesn't need to give it away to avoid heartache."

He could tell that she was reluctant to give away the Xia family.

Gu Jinli really couldn't bear to leave the Xia family's ancestors and grandchildren, but: "Ji Zhenniang is too useless. Aunt Xie and Xie Huaihua have to serve her. The Xie family needs talents like Mrs. Xia and Xia Zhang to handle trivial matters."

After Aunt Ji's group of Ji family members were sent away, the Xie family lost a lot of servants, and they had to make up for a few who could be used.

Qin Sanlang smiled. Ji's family is indeed useless, but his little fish is more capable.

"Keep it, no need to send it away. Let Xie Cheng figure out the Xie family's affairs by himself. He can't always rely on us." Qin Sanlang didn't want to see Gu Jinli in trouble, so he simply made the decision for her.

Gu Jinli's eyes lit up: "Really? This is not good."

A little happy.

Qin Sanlang looked at her suppressed joy and laughed out loud: "It's okay, let's keep it and not thank you for it."

"Okay, then keep it!" Gu Jinli was happy and finally didn't have to worry anymore.

Qin Sanlang smiled and shook his head, hugged her, stood up and left.

Gu Jinli thought he had left, but a quarter of an hour later he came back and brought her breakfast: "Rice porridge, eggs, and fresh meat pies. Eat before you get up. Don't be hungry."

After Qin Sanlang explained, he put on his animal skin cloak and left to find Niu Dabao and the others.

Niu Dabao and the others got up early, went to the camp to look at supplies, and were having breakfast in the lobby of the inn.

Kuang was also there. When she saw Qin Sanlang coming, she hurriedly greeted him: "Hey, Sanlang is up. You must be exhausted. Come over and have breakfast to replenish your strength."

Tsk tsk tsk, it’s been two days of exhaustion. I have to serve Gu at night, and I only get up at three o’clock in the morning. It’s too hard, and Gu is ugly, how can I do this?

Kuang looked at Qin Sanlang with sympathy.

Qin Sanlang was stunned. It took him a moment to understand what Kuang was talking about, and he defended himself: "Aunt Niu, I'm not tired. My little fish is very sensible. Since I haven't slept for two days, I'll be fine after eating." Had a nap.”

"No need to say this, Auntie understands...it's not easy." Mrs. Kuang's face said "I know it's not easy for you to eat soft rice, you don't need to explain."

Qin Sanlang was helpless. Seeing that Kuang didn't listen, he didn't bother to explain. Anyway, they would know Xiaoyu's kindness in the future and understand that he really liked Xiaoyu and was not forced.

"You bitch, you talk so much nonsense. Go back and take care of the children quickly. We have something big to talk about." Niu Dabao yelled at Kuang, but Kuang was afraid that her family would receive too little and would not leave, so she sat and listened. .

"You ignorant shrew!" Niu Dabao had no choice but to scold Kuang Shi, so he could only let Kuang Shi listen.

After Qin Sanlang had breakfast with Niu Dabao and Xie Cheng, he told them about his plan to recruit soldiers from the Qianyang County Division of Military Affairs.

Niu DaBao said: "This is a good thing. Ding Ge's soldiers are all thorny. I am too lazy to train them. Lu Chong's soldiers are the best to train."

Xie Cheng didn't have any objections. He took advantage of this division of troops. He nodded and said: "I listen to Saburo."

After talking about the division of troops, Qin Sanlang then talked about the division of supplies: "The horses, livestock, cars and other supplies obtained in the bandit camp will be divided equally between the three of us, and the remaining fraction will be given to Liu Baihu."

Lieutenant General Fang gave them all the materials in the bandit's village and let them divide it among them. Although the other hundred households did not receive horses, livestock and other items, they did get a lot of gold, silver and jewelry, and he had no objection.

Kuang shouted: "Why should you give Liu Baihu the change? He didn't go up the mountain to kill the bandit leader!"

Niu Dabao was so angry that he slapped the table and shouted: "Can you stop being so stingy, bitch? Liu Baihu didn't go up the mountain to kill the bandit leader, but he stayed in the camp to help, so naturally I'll give him something!"

Not only did they divide the supplies, they also took a share for Liu Baihu when they took the belongings on the mountain, and they had quietly given them to Liu Baihu last night.

Compared with Cao Baihu, Liu Baihu can help kill the enemy at critical moments and does not join forces with Ding Ge. He can be regarded as a good comrade.

Kuang thought about it and felt that she should give Liu Baihu a share, so she stopped making trouble.

"It's almost noon, let's go. We made an appointment with Deputy General Fang yesterday, so we can't be late." After dividing the things, Niu Dabao got up, and the three of them rode to the county seat to find Deputy General Fang and gave him the list of troops to be divided.

Vice General Fang looked at the list, nodded and said: "Yes, only Saburo can suppress Ding Ge's soldiers."

Then he said: "Don't worry, after I go to the capital, I will directly give this list to the Ministry of War, and ask the Master of the Ministry of War to record the officers and soldiers above under your command."

The generals in the northwest should not even think about taking away your men.

"Sir, the general banner, the small banner, and the close soldiers have been escorted to the camp outside the city. We can go there." Liu Baihu got up early in the morning. According to the list, he followed Ding Ge, Lu Chong, and Shi The general banners, minor banners, and close soldiers who were responsible for the rebellion were all captured and taken to the camp, where they knelt down and waited for Lieutenant General Fang to give the order before beheading them.

Vice Admiral Fang nodded: "Let's set off for the camp."

A group of people left the county office in a mighty manner and rushed to the camp outside the county town.

In front of the camp, dozens of people were kneeling, and all the soldiers in the camp were called out and stood up straight to watch the execution.

Lieutenant General Fang was carried to the middle and reprimanded: "These are the soldiers who followed the Ding family to kill and deprive their troops. Please open your eyes and see their fate! Whoever dares to commit the crime again in the future will be treated like them." , the head is in a different place!"

After the training, he looked at Qin Sanlang: "Qin Baihu of He'an Prefecture, you have made a great contribution this time, killing the bandit leader and Ding Ge, and saving the lives of all the soldiers in the army. It is you who will carry out the execution!"

Vice General Fang helped Qin Sanlang again.

"Yes!" Qin Sanlang stood up, glanced at the soldiers present, drew his sword and ordered Hong Dao and the others: "Execution!"

Click, click, click!

The broadsword fell, and there was a sound of bones being chopped. After three rounds, seventy-six soldiers who followed the Dingo bandits to kill and devour the soldiers were killed.

One head rolled off, blood spurted out, and the headless corpse fell to the ground with a bang. The soldiers watching the execution were frightened, and they told themselves in their hearts that they would never murder their comrades because of gold.

The execution scene was so shocking that the soldiers remembered their lesson.

Vice General Fang was very satisfied. After scolding the soldiers a few more times, he called all the households and went to the camp where the supplies were stored.

Vice General Fang took out a list of supplies and said: "We got a lot of supplies from killing Ding Ge this time, including nearly 400 horses. But the army pays attention to merit. This time the supplies are not divided equally. Whose is it?" Whoever has more merit will get more. You don’t need to be jealous of others who get more. If you want more, you will make more military exploits in the future!"

He added: "Whenever I read the name of the military station, hundreds of households from the military station will come over to get the list, and collect supplies according to the list. After receiving the supplies, prepare and continue on the road tomorrow."

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