Her family was actually allocated so many horses, as well as mule carts, a bunch of tents, and several supplies piled as high as a hill.

Get rich, get rich!

Seeing that Gu Jinli was laughing, Ji Zhenniang frowned and asked, "Gu Xiaoyu, you are crazy, why are you laughing?"

Gu Jinli ignored her and continued to look at the camp not far away.

Ji Zhenniang lifted the curtain and saw Qin Sanlang standing next to a group of horses and a pile of supplies. She felt sour. No wonder Gu Xiaoyu smiled so hard that her teeth were blinded. It turned out that the Qin family had gotten so many good things.

Looking at Xie Cheng again, he also got a lot of horses. He counted fifty horses. Huh, her Xie Cheng is not bad either.

"Dannian, go back." After seeing the excitement, Gu Jinli asked Danian to drive back to the inn.

Ji Zhenniang said: "Why don't you wait until Xie Chengcheng them?"

She still wants to go back with Xie Cheng.

Gu Jinli: "They want to send Vice General Fang back to the county. He won't be back so soon. Let's go back first."

Then he asked: "We will set off at 00:00 tomorrow. Are the dry food, water, firewood, medicinal materials, cars and other things that you should prepare at the camp ready? Now Xie Huaihua is injured, and Grandma Xie has to take care of her. You are very busy, you should know something better, don’t be a hands-off shopkeeper, and keep an eye on these mundane tasks yourself."

Ji Zhenniang was told that she felt guilty, so she turned her face away and said: "I, I'm keeping an eye on you. Besides, Xie Cheng said that Manager Xie and Manager Xiao Xie will do what they want, just let me take care of myself. "

Gu Jinli wanted to slap her when he heard this: "Xie Baihu feels sorry for you, but you can't be too willful. You have to help. Otherwise, if time goes by and Xie Baihu gets tired, he will dislike you and find other capable girls. Go be a wife."

Ji Zhenniang said angrily: "Gu Xiaoyu, you're scaring me again. If you don't scare me, I won't be able to sleep, right?"

Gu Jinli: "Ah, so-called loyal words are harsh to the ears. You should be grateful when I am willing to say this to you. When I am too lazy to talk to you, it proves that you are hopeless and I will give up on you."

"I know, I know. I'll keep an eye on it when I get back. I won't hold you back when I get on the road." Ji Zhenniang thought about the two days and nights when Xie Cheng went to the mountain to suppress bandits and couldn't sleep, and she also felt that her life was too much. It's so good, it's because I listened to Gu Jinli's words.

The inn was very close to the camp, and within a short while, they returned to the inn.

After Gu Jinli and Ji Zhenniang separated, he asked Erqing to call Xia Zhang's family.

Xia Zhang and his grandson have been living very uneasy these past few days. They are afraid that the Qin family will not want them, and they dare not take the initiative to ask for permission. They are afraid that if they ask for permission too many times, the Qin family will annoy them and they will only work with Aunt Xiong and the others without even having to eat. Dare to eat more.

Hearing Er Qing's words, I was happy and worried at the same time. I wonder what Mrs. Qin wanted to do with them? Should we accept them, give them away, or hand them over to the government and escort them back to He'an Mansion with Lu Chong and others?

Gu Jinli met them in the house where he lived. There were differences between men and women. Only Mrs. Xia could enter the house. Xia Zhang and Xia Lao were listening outside the house.

"My servants pay homage to Madam." The three members of the Xia family were servants in the Lu family. Although Lu Chong was arrested, they still remembered their status as servants and knelt down to salute Gu Jinli.

"Get up." Gu Jinli said to them directly without any nonsense: "My husband and I have decided to keep you, but you must become servants first. My family does not use servants without a death contract."

"You guys think about it. If you are willing to stay as a servant, go to the county office with Feng, settle the matter of selling yourself, and follow us on the road tomorrow. If you don't want to, you can leave now."

The three members of the Xia family are still servants of the Lu Chong family. If they want to follow them, they must first go to the Yamen and exchange the deed of sale for her family's.

The three members of the Xia family knelt down again, and Xia Zhang said: "Back to Madam, my family has already thought about it and is willing to be servants for Madam's family!"

Gu Jinli: "Oh, you've thought about it a long time ago? Are you so willing to be my family's servants? Don't think that just because my family has money and the servants have meat to eat, you want to come to my house and become servants. The Qin and Gu families punish their servants very hard." Be strict. If you make a mistake, you will be punished with military punishment. In serious cases, you will be killed directly with a stick, but it is not as good as you see."

Xia Zhang said: "Madam, my family understands that since they are servants, life and death are naturally decided by the master's family... My family has been servants to the Lu family. Compared with the Lu family, my family is extremely kind and can follow Madam’s family is a blessing to this servant’s family.”

Gu Jinli was too lazy to listen to these words and only said: "If you decide to stay, you must abide by the rules of the Qin and Gu families. If you make a mistake, the end will be death, or life will be worse than death!"

"Yes, I would like to thank you, Madam." Xia Zhang and his family kowtowed to Gu Jinli. Xia Zhang hesitated for a moment and then said, "Madam, I have something I want to say. Can I allow you to say it clearly?"

Gu Jinli: "Say."

Xia Zhang said: "After arriving in the northwest, I want to follow the master to the battlefield."

He added: "My family is willing to serve as servants for my wife's family, but I also want to make a contribution, and I hope my wife will do it."

Gu Jinli smiled, looked at Xia Zhang, and said, "You are indeed ambitious. You want to go to the battlefield? But what ability do you have to go to the battlefield? Just with your three-legged cat skills? You can't even defeat Daqing."

My family in Daqing is still a girl’s family.

After hearing this, Xia Zhang felt a little embarrassed when he thought of how he was picked up, thrown away, and knocked unconscious by Daqing on the night of the bandit murder. However, "I will learn my skills hard, please Madam, give me a chance!"

"Go down first, work hard, and wait until we get to the northwest." Gu Jinli knew that Xia Zhang had some abilities and ambitions, but the person he had just accepted had to be trained several times to gain strength before he could use it.

Xia Zhang also understood this truth. After kowtowing, he followed Mr. Xia and Mrs. Xia down.

The family took the initiative to find Feng Jin, who took them to the Bailang County government office, exchanged three deeds of betrayal, and officially became the servants of the Qin family.

Qin Sanlang and the others came back just before You hour in the afternoon, and they also brought Mr. Yao Qi and his family with them.

General Yao is the general flag of the Qianyang County Military Post. He used to follow Ding Ge. He had made a meritorious service on the night of the bandit killing, so he was not beheaded. Now he is following Qin Sanlang. He brought his wife and children to pay homage to Qin Sanlang and Gu Jinli.

Mr. Yao Qi's daughter-in-law, Lu, was in her thirties, a girl from a scholar's family, and was very gentle. Erqing took her to see Gu Jinli and saluted Gu Jinli: "Meet Madam."

"Aunt Yao, there's no need to be polite, just get up." Gu Jinli said, "From now on, we will be together and we will get along according to the rules of the village."


Why does this sound so social?

After hearing this, Mrs. Lu breathed a sigh of relief. Although Mrs. Qin was ugly and smelly, she was an easy person to get along with. In the past two days, people have also been sent to her side to deliver medicinal materials so that the injured soldiers and family members can have medicinal materials to treat their injuries.

The husband also said that Qin Baihu was a man of real ability and upright, unlike Ding Ge, who was too disgusting and would only use his daughter from his hometown to threaten them.

I have been busy with the New Year these days, so I haven’t updated much. I’m sorry everyone, I’m really too busy┭┮﹏┭┮I rarely write off-topics because I’m afraid that too many off-topics will affect the reading experience. In fact, I’m a bitch. , not aloof. Regarding Xiaoyu giving birth to a baby, do you think it’s not good to give birth too early? Regarding the lack of timely replies to comments, now you can’t see the real-time APP messages in the background, you can only see the previous ones, and you have to log in to the APP with your mobile phone to see the new messages. Thank you for your support. Happy New Year. May you make a fortune in the Year of the Ox. Yes, blessings are so vulgar. 0.0

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