Yao Zongqi and Lu had a daughter. She was just fifteen this year. When Lu knew that Yao Zongqi was going to fight in the northwest, she cried so much that she couldn't let go of Yao Zongqi. But she knew Ding Ge's character and knew the northwest. It's so dangerous that I don't dare to bring my daughter here.

Therefore, after discussing with her natal family, she married her daughter to her eldest nephew and only brought her two sons with her.

Lu didn't stand out, she was like an invisible person among the accompanying relatives, and she didn't talk about her daughter, but Ding Ge knew everything. He not only used her to threaten Mr. Yao Qi, but also used his daughter from his hometown to threaten him. They are a couple.

I said, if my husband doesn’t help the Ding family kill people and seize soldiers, he will send people to his hometown to destroy their daughter!

Her husband and she were extremely afraid, so even if they knew that Ding Ge wanted to kill and seize soldiers, they did not dare to inform Qin Sanlang and others.

Fortunately, the husband finally turned against the enemy and helped Qin Baihu and others deal with the Ding family and the bandits, thus saving his own life.

Lu Shi shed tears when she thought about the danger this time and the fear of being threatened by Ding Ge. She quickly wiped away her tears and said with a smile: "Mrs. made me laugh. Don't worry, I'm not a weak person. I can bear it." It’s okay, I won’t cause trouble to Madam.”

Gu Jinli smiled: "I can see it. If my aunt doesn't take the initiative, Mr. Yao Qi won't dare to defect in the face of the battle."

The safety of the whole family lies in Ding Ge's hands. If Lu didn't have the courage and ability, Mr. Yao would really not dare to side with them.

Lu was very sincere. She told Gu Jinli everything about her family, her parents' family, and even her in-laws, and handed her a list: "Madam, this is the list of relatives of the officers and men under my husband's command. Take a look, if there is anything If you want to know, you can ask me."

Gu Jinli was very happy: "Auntie is really good at getting things done. If you are so smart, it will be much easier for me in the future."

When she took the list and looked at it, she was really surprised. Lu was so good at doing things. He even wrote down clearly the personalities of the soldiers' relatives, who had conflicts with whom, and who was better friends with whom.

Gu Jinli was very satisfied. Seeing that the sky was getting dark, he stayed with Lu for dinner.

Lu agreed happily. When the food was served, Lu was shocked. They all knew that the Gu family was rich, but they didn't expect that Gu's food was so good and even included roasted lamb legs.

"This is roasted with my spices. Auntie, try it." Gu Jinli used a knife to cut a few large pieces of mutton for Lu and put them into her bowl.

Lu was flattered and said hurriedly: "Madam, you don't have to do any work, I can just cut it myself with a knife."

He added: "Madam, don't think I'm weak, but I can actually use a knife."

Mr. Yao Qi followed Qin Sanlang halfway, and Lu was afraid that Gu Jinli would dislike her, so she often said these words to prove that she was not a burden.

Gu Jinli smiled: "No one went to save my aunt on the night of the banditry, but my aunt protected the soldiers' relatives. It shows that my aunt is powerful and can help in the future."

After hearing this, Mr. Lu peacefully followed Gu Jinli to eat.

Ji Zhenniang ran over just after eating, and asked Gu Jinli before entering the room: "Gu Xiaoyu, do you think I can send a servant to follow Sister Tang back to Lu's house? Sister Tang is so young and injured again. This place is so far away from He'an Mansion, what if she is bullied on the road?"

Gu Jinli glared at Ji Zhenniang: "Are you sick? I've told you that Lu Tang is not your daughter. Don't put your feelings for Zhuzhu on her. Lu Tang went back with Deputy General Fang and the others. , my husband and Xie Baihu both asked Deputy General Fang, and Deputy General Fang will take care of Lu Tang."

Gu Jinli was annoyed that Ji Zhenniang cared about Lu Tang so much. No matter whether Lu Tang grew up to be good or bad, the fact that Lu Chong and Cen were their enemies would never change.

No matter how pitiful the enemy's children are, don't touch them. Who knows if the enemy will hate you and take revenge on you when they grow up?

"But Vice Admiral Fang is a man, how can he take care of Sister Tang?" Ji Zhenniang just felt that Sister Tang was so pitiful. When she saw Sister Tang suffering, she thought of Zhuzhu.

If she and Xie Cheng died in the northwest, would Zhuzhu be as pitiful as Sister Tang?

As Ji Zhenniang thought about it, she burst into tears.

Gu Jinli was speechless.

Seeing this, Lu went to help Ji Zhenniang up and told her about a scholar who rescued the son of a classmate, but in the end his daughter was destroyed, he was paralyzed, and all his family property was taken away: "That man listened to others and thought that his father He was harmed by Yu Xiucai, so when he grew up, he took revenge on Yu Xiucai. Later, he learned that his father was indeed killed by bandits on the way to take the exam, but the man did not go to Yu Xiucai to apologize and left the pregnant Yu Xiucai. The scholar's daughter took the Yu family's money and went away to a foreign country, and never came back for more than ten years."

Ji Zhenniang was frightened: "You, are you serious? You didn't lie to me on purpose just to curry favor with Gu Xiaoyu, did you?"

Lu was not angry, but said in a gentle tone: "This is true. Yu Xiucai and my father were classmates, and Sister Yu and I were handkerchief friends... Fortunately, God has eyes, and Sister Yu ended up remarrying a government servant. , Finally we didn’t reach a dead end.”

In fact, the man also knew that he had wrongly blamed Yu Xiucai, but the big mistake had been made. The man did not have the courage to bear it, so he simply walked away, thinking that Yu Xiucai had really killed his father.

"Mrs. Xie, in this world there are people who repay kindness and there are people who repay kindness with hatred. The daughter of an enemy can be given some money to take care of her, but she cannot be too close to her, so as not to harm her family." Lu said sincerely.

After hearing this, Ji Zhenniang sat quietly for a long time, and finally left silently.

Seeing this, Lu was a little worried and looked at Gu Jinli: "Madam, Madam Xie, is she okay?"

Gu Jinli said: "Don't worry about her, she will be crazy for one night and she will be fine."

Sure enough, when setting off the next day, Ji Zhenniang came over and took a carriage with Gu Jinli. She told Gu Jinli: "I gave Xie Cheng a thousand taels of silver and asked him to send someone back to his hometown. From now on, I will send someone to Lu Tang every year. A few dozen taels, and when she gets married, she will be given another dowry, but she will not be allowed to know who gave the money."

Gu Jinli sighed with emotion: "You are finally smart for once and have done a good job."

Lu Tang was pitiful, but she was the daughter of Lu Chong and Cen, and she had experienced banditry, so they could give Lu Tang money to live and feed her, but they couldn't get too close to her.

"Sanlang, don't worry about the matter between the Ding family and the bandits. I will take care of it. You can go to the northwest with peace of mind. The war in the northwest is urgent and we can't wait." Vice General Fang came to see Sanlang Qin and others off in person.

County Magistrate Qiu also came, and couldn't stop laughing when he saw Qin Sanlang: "Qin Baihu, you are our lucky star in Bailang County. Help us eliminate banditry, and the people of Bailang County can finally live a good life."

There is indeed a lot of gold, silver and jewelry hidden in the other eight bandit villages. He has become rich this time, thanks to Qin Sanlang, the God of Wealth.

The people of Bailang County echoed: "The county magistrate is right, Qin Baihu, you are our great benefactor in Bailang County."

The people of Bailang County also came to see Qin Sanlang and the others off, and the people were truly grateful to Qin Sanlang.

Qin Sanlang didn't have any more words to say. He cupped his fists and saluted them. After saying a few words to Deputy General Fang, he set off with the soldiers.

The mighty team of several thousand people left Bailang County under everyone's watch.

Their car had been repaired and a lot of dry food had been made in the previous two days, so they were able to run all the way until it was completely dark before setting up camp.

But before they arrived at the camping spot found by the scouts, two scouts came back on horseback: "Sir, there is the sound of fighting a mile ahead. From the sound of weapons, it seems that they are a group of soldiers. There were cries of women and children, maybe there were bandits?"

Then he said: "Hong Xiaoqi has already gone to help. Let his subordinates come down and ask the Lord for instructions. Do you want to rescue them? If not, he can get back quickly."

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