These corpses include servants, guards, and soldiers, totaling at least a hundred.

The carriages were also damaged a lot, with several carriages tipped over and a few falling directly into the trap ahead.

"Sese, how are you? Are you injured?!" Zhang Baihu staggered over, dragging his chopped body.

Mrs. Han wiped away her tears and went to help him and said, "Mr., I'm fine."

Seeing that Zhang Baihu's body was covered with blood, he said anxiously: "My lord, why are you so injured? Doctor Jin, Doctor Jin, come here and show me!"

Zhang Baihu held Han's hand and said with a smile: "Don't worry, they are just flesh wounds, nothing serious."

Those dead soldiers set a trap on the road. Their carriage overturned in half. The carriage that Doctor Jin’s master and apprentice were riding in fell directly into the pit. Both master and apprentice were stabbed to death by sharp weapons at the bottom of the pit. No one was there anymore. He looked at the injury.

"Where are Sister Yu and Brother Yi?" Zhang Baihu asked.

You Ping and You An hurriedly picked up the two children and handed them to the couple.

Sister Yu was so frightened that her face turned pale and her tears kept falling, but she resisted crying loudly.

"Sister Yu, don't be afraid. My parents are here. Those bad guys will never take Sister Yu away." Han hugged her daughter and comforted her.

Sister Yu and Brother Yi are twins. She is only six years old, but she is sensible. She nodded and said in a sweet voice, "Mom, I'm not afraid."

"Good boy." After Mrs. Han comforted Sister Yu, she hurried to see Brother Yi.

But Brother Yi was still unconscious, his face was red and a little green, and his whole body was extremely hot. Han shouted anxiously: "Doctor Jin, Doctor Jin, come and show Brother Yi!"

Seeing that he could no longer hide it, Zhang Baihu could only say: "Sese, stop shouting, Doctor Jin's master and disciple are all dead."

"They are all dead, what about Brother Yi? What about you and the injured soldiers?!" Han was obviously frightened by this turn of events, and asked at a loss.

Zhang Baihu was relatively stable and looked at Qin Sanlang and said, "Brother, do you have a doctor or military doctor with you?"

Qin Sanlang nodded: "Yes, follow me with the child in your arms."

He then told Hong Dao: "You will bring people to tidy up, clean up the bodies, and bandage the injured first. Later, Ye Dakou and others will come over to take a closer look at their injuries."

"Yes." Hong Dao responded and immediately led people to start cleaning up.

More than a quarter of an hour later, Qin Sanlang finally returned with Zhang Baihu and the others.

Gu Jinli saw them from a distance and knew that someone was injured, so he immediately said: "Er Qing, go and find Doctor Dai, Qinghui Qingpu and the others."

"Hey." Erqing immediately went to call someone.

Then he said to Aunt Tao: "Mom, that seems to be a lady. Go and pick her up."

"Yes." Aunt Tao took Xiaoji to pick up Mr. Han.

When Mrs. Han heard that there was a doctor with good medical skills and a medical woman here, she was so happy that she came over holding Sister Yu and Brother Yi in her arms.

As soon as he arrived at the carriage, he smelled the smell of rotten eggs and frowned. After seeing Gu Jinli's appearance, he was frightened, but he did not show it. Instead, he said: "Mrs. Zhang Han, my husband is Zhang Baihu from Sheng'an County, Linhe Prefecture, her natal family is the Han family of Guangcheng Bofu in the capital, thank you madam for your generous rescue."

After hearing this, Aunt Tao was shocked and looked at Mrs. Han... This woman turned out to be the only granddaughter of the late Uncle Guang Cheng.

Guangcheng Bo Han Yuan was a hero who followed Emperor Jingwu to conquer the world. Although he was a civil servant, he was named Guangcheng Bo because of his outstanding achievements.

But Uncle Guangcheng had poor heirs. His first wife died when he was young. He waited until the world was settled before marrying Han's grandmother and giving birth to Han's father.

But Han's father was short-lived. He died when Han was four years old, leaving no son behind.

Uncle Guangcheng felt sorry for his granddaughter. He knew how difficult it was for an orphaned girl to live in the world without the support of her father and brother, so he wanted to recruit a son-in-law for the Han family. The child he gave birth to would bear the Han family name and inherit the title of Uncle Guangcheng.

But Uncle Guangcheng's nephew and his family were not happy. They scolded Uncle Guangcheng at home. This old guy was getting more and more confused as he got older. How could he give the title of the Han family to an outsider.

Looking for a son-in-law?

Oh, then the son-in-law who comes to visit is not a foreigner? The child born does not bleed the blood of an outsider? !

Uncle Guangcheng's nephew's family did not want to give the Han family title to anyone else, so they proposed to adopt their eldest son to Uncle Guangcheng as his grandson.

Uncle Guang Cheng actually felt very sorry for his nephew's family. He had raised his nephew's eldest son for several years.

But later it was discovered that the grandnephew whom he had raised for several years had deceived his granddaughter into thinking that Paihuazi would take her away and sell her.

Uncle Guangcheng was angry, but when he got old and his son died, he would miss his family ties. He didn't do anything to his nephew's family. He just sent his grandnephew back, saying that he would not adopt him and would only recruit his granddaughter. The son-in-law comes to inherit the incense.

The nephew's family was very angry, and the most angry was the nephew's daughter-in-law, Mrs. Jiao.

The eldest son was withdrawn by Uncle Guangcheng and could not be his heir, which made the Jiao family lose face in the capital. From then on, the Jiao family harmed the Han family whenever they had the opportunity.

Han married Zhang Baihu because of Jiao.

When Uncle Guangcheng was ill in bed, Jiao sent someone to kidnap Han and wanted to sell her to Jiangnan as a prostitute. However, the sale failed and she was rescued by Zhang Baihu.

Although the Han family's innocence remains, if such a thing spreads, the Han family's reputation will be completely ruined.

Uncle Guangcheng wanted to recruit Zhang Baihu as his grandson-in-law for the sake of his granddaughter and knowing that Zhang Baihu had rescued her. Zhang Baihu must be a good person and of the right age.

But Mr. Han disagreed, saying that Zhang Baihu was her savior. How could she possibly recruit a benefactor as her son-in-law? She wanted to marry a son-in-law instead, but she had made an agreement with the Zhang family that she would adopt her first son to the Han family and continue the Han family's legacy.

The Zhang family agreed. With Uncle Guangcheng here, the two families quickly got married. The Jiao family was very angry. They didn't expect that the Han family could be saved after things like this.

However, half a year after Han's marriage, Uncle Guangcheng fell seriously ill and died just after he was diagnosed as being three months pregnant.

After Mrs. Han held the funeral for Guang Chengbo, she didn't want to stay in the capital, so she divided the manpower given to her by Guangcheng Bo into two, keeping half to look after the house. She and Zhang Yan took half of the manpower back to the Zhang family.

But the Jiao family was so fascinated by the title that they had been harming the Han family and Zhang Baihu for the past few years. Fortunately, Uncle Guangcheng left a strong manpower to protect the Han family until now.

But this time when they came to the northwest, the Jiao family sent death soldiers again. What made Han even more angry was that the Jiao family wanted to repeat the same trick this time and capture her child just like he captured her back then.

Mr. Jiao, you have to live well until the day I go to Beijing to take your life!

Han made a poisonous oath in his heart.

Gu Jinli heard that Mr. Shu had told the gossip about Guangcheng Bohan's family, so he didn't ask any more questions, but said: "Sister-in-law, you are serious. We are all going to the northwest to fight against the soldiers. We should take care of each other. Get the child to the carriage quickly. The doctor will be here soon."

Then he said: "The acne on my face is just suppuration. It's not a serious disease and it's not contagious. Don't worry, sister-in-law."

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