A lucky wife born again from a farm family

Chapter 1484 Chinese New Year [Good luck in the Year of the Ox 0]

Chapter 1484 Chinese New Year [Good luck in the Year of the Ox^0^]

There were too many abscesses on the pimple patch. Without clear explanation, I guess Han wouldn't dare to carry the child into the carriage.

Han felt relieved after hearing this, and quickly put Brother Yi into the carriage and put him away, and then said to Gu Jinli: "Brothers and sisters, there is no need to worry. There are imperial doctors with excellent medical skills in the capital, and there are also two good scar removal medicines. After we arrive in the northwest, I will immediately write back to the capital and ask my family to bring an imperial doctor to treat my brother and sister's face, and they will definitely be cured."

Good guy, he is the royal doctor at first glance, and he is indeed the eldest lady of the Earl's Palace.

But she doesn't need it.

Ji Zhenniang's eyes widened, and she pointed at Gu Jinli's face and asked, "What did you say? Gu Xiaoyu's face is so rotten and it can still be cured. Are you lying?"

Gu Jinli's face turned green when he heard this, and he grabbed Ji Zhenniang: "Get down quickly, the carriage is so big, there is no room for you to sit on it now."

Ji Zhenniang was dragged out of the carriage and pushed aside by Gu Jinli.

Gu Jinli got on the carriage, took the pulse of the unconscious Brother Yi, looked at his eyes, took out the knife, and cut the wrist of Brother Yi: "Sister-in-law, your child seems to be poisoned. He is caused by poisoning." High fever."

"Poisoned!" Mr. Han exclaimed in fright, unable to figure out how Brother Yi was poisoned. The people around Brother Yi are all her people, and she has protected Brother Yi very well.

But now is not the time to pursue these things, Han asked: "Is there a way to detoxify it?"

Gu Jinli: "Let's see what kind of poison he got first."

While talking, Doctor Dai, Qing Pu, Qing Hui, Ye Jingzi and the others came over.

Gu Jinli hurriedly said: "Doctor Dai, the patient is in the carriage. He is a child. He has been poisoned. I don't know what kind of poison it is, but the poison gave him a high fever. Let's lower his fever first, otherwise it will burn out his brain. of."

"High fever caused by poisoning? It can't be smallpox, right?" Doctor Dai frowned and immediately untied Brother Yi's clothes. After seeing that there were no red spots on his body, he felt relieved and began to cooperate with Gu Jinli to give Brother Yi Reduce fever.

After working hard for an hour and giving Brother Yi two rounds of injections, Brother Yi's high fever subsided and he woke up in a daze: "Mother... mother..."

"Brother Yi is here, don't be afraid. Brother Yi will get better soon." Han held onto Brother Yi's hand and cried uncontrollably.

Brother Yi heard Han's voice and smiled at Han. He was about to turn around to find other family members when he couldn't hold on and fainted again.

"Brother Yi, Brother Yi!" Mrs. Han was anxious and asked Doctor Dai and Gu Jinli: "Doctor, sister-in-law, what's wrong with Brother Yi? Why did he faint again when he was clearly awake?"

Gu Jinli hurriedly touched Brother Yi's forehead. His hand was gentle and not hot. He breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Sister-in-law, don't worry. Brother Yi fainted because of high fever and physical weakness. As long as the fever stops, he will be fine." Something happened."

As he spoke, he asked Qingpu Qinghui, who was testing the poison: "Are you really poisoned?"

Qing Pu nodded: "After the poison test drug was put into the blood, the blood turned dark black. It was poisoning, but it was not smallpox poison."

"As long as it's not smallpox." Gu Jinli started to turn over Brother Yi's body and went to check his clothes, but strangely, no trace of poison was found.


He was obviously poisoned, how could he not find any traces of the poison?

Gu Jinli looked at Mrs. Han: "Sister-in-law, has Brother Yi said anything about how he feels uncomfortable recently? Or is there something wrong? Think about it carefully and tell me when you think about it clearly."

"What's uncomfortable or wrong?" Mr. Han closed his eyes and forced himself to think, but after thinking for a long time, he couldn't think of it. He could only shake his head: "No, Brother Yi hasn't felt anything uncomfortable in the past two months. , even when I’m on the road, I still feel that the road is novel and fun.”

Gu Jinli frowned, right?

When she was in trouble, Sister Yu suddenly spoke: "Aunt Qin, my brother once said that his scalp was itchy a few days ago and asked me to scratch it... Is this an uncomfortable place?"

"Forget it!" Gu Jinli hurriedly picked up Brother Yi's hair and carefully looked at Brother Yi's scalp. He found something like a louse on Brother Yi's head and hurriedly called to Doctor Dai: "Dai Doctor, come in and take a look, what is this?"

Dachu was a little different from her previous world. There were some herbs, fruits, and insects that she had never seen before.

Doctor Dai got into the carriage, pulled Brother Yi's head, and saw a small insect attached to the scalp near the back of his head.

The bug is black, the size of a sesame seed, and is almost integrated with the hair, but this is only half of the bug, and the other half must have penetrated into the scalp.

"It's a ghost mosquito!" Doctor Dai said: "It's a poisonous insect from Dongqing Kingdom. There was some commotion in Dongqing Kingdom in the past few years. Many children were bitten and had a high fever and went crazy."

After hearing this, Mrs. Han was very angry: "Mr. Jiao, you are so vicious in heart, you are deliberately trying to harm my Brother Yi like this!"

Then he asked hurriedly: "Doctor Dai, is there any way to rescue me?"

Doctor Dai nodded: "Yes, the ghost mosquito is just hard to find. Many children don't know they are poisoned by the ghost mosquito, so they delay treatment and end up with a high fever or burn themselves to death. Now that we have discovered the ghost mosquito, we only need to treat it Bake it out, remove the eggs, and take medicine for a few days and it will be cured."

"Insect eggs?" Han was shocked: "This thing can lay eggs in human scalp?"

"Well, ghost mosquitoes attach themselves to the scalp in order to pierce their bodies and lay eggs." Doctor Dai looked at Gu Jinli: "Madam, go down first and let the green fennel and green cattails come up to help."

This thing is a bit disgusting, it’s better not to let Madam get her hands on it.

Gu Jinli got off the carriage and put on the green fennel and green cattails.

Doctor Dai and the others worked hard for another hour. After finding three ghost mosquitoes and hundreds of eggs on Brother Yi's head, they burned the wound on Brother Yi's scalp and buried medicinal powder. After finishing, he said to the anxious Han: "Mrs. Zhang, the ghost mosquito has been removed and the wound has been treated with medicine. Your brother Yi will be fine after he wakes up."

After hearing this, Ms. Han almost knelt down in front of Dr. Dai and said, "Thank you so much, Dr. Dai."

Then he looked at Gu Jinli: "Thank you, brothers and sisters. You are the saviors of my family. Please accept my respect."

They saluted Gu Jinli and Doctor Dai.

Gu Jinli and the others avoided it and said with a smile: "Sister-in-law, there is no need to say these polite words. The camp has been set up. Let's take Brother Yi back to recuperate. He will be cured when he gets up tomorrow. He will be able to celebrate New Year's Eve just in time."

Han was extremely grateful. Just as she was about to speak, she heard Zhang Yan's voice and immediately turned back to look at him: "Ms. sir, has your wound been bandaged? Does it hurt?"

Zhang Yan came here with Qin Sanlang. Hearing this, he nodded and comforted: "Don't worry, I'm fine."

Then he asked: "How is Brother Yi?"

Knowing that he was worried about Brother Yi, Han quickly told the matter.

Zhang Yan was overjoyed when he heard this. He saluted Qin Sanlang and Gu Jinli and thanked him: "Brother Yu, thank you brother Qin and my younger siblings. Your kindness will be unforgettable by Brother Yu's family."

Foolish brother?

Gu Jinli looked at Qin Sanlang. He seemed to recognize Zhang Yan for being able to call him a brother.

Sure enough, Qin Sanlang looked at her and said: "Brother Zhang and his carriage broke down. People here in the wilderness will celebrate the New Year tomorrow. I would like to invite them to go to Zhuangzi to celebrate the New Year together."

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