A lucky wife born again from a farm family

Chapter 1485 Chinese New Year【2】

Gu Jinli nodded and smiled: "Of course that's good. There should be more people during the Chinese New Year. Besides, everyone is from Jianghuai. When we arrive at Zhuangzi tomorrow, let's make rice cakes to eat together. This is a must-eat New Year's Eve treat in the south."

Qin Sanlang laughed when he heard this, looked at her and said, "Okay, let's make rice cakes. They are all available in Zhuangzi. You can just make them when you get there."

Gu Jinli added: "There are also sheep and fish in Zhuangzi. Let's make roasted whole sheep, stewed mutton and fish and mutton. You are good at making mutton. You can do it tomorrow."

Start ordering now?

Qin Sanlang's smile deepened, and he followed her in everything: "Okay, I'll make you roasted lamb, stewed lamb, and fresh fish and mutton tomorrow."

Gu Jinli narrowed his eyes when he heard this and nodded repeatedly.

The words between the two made Han feel relaxed and no longer felt embarrassed to follow Zhuangzi to someone else's house to celebrate the New Year.


This Qin Baihu is sincere towards Mrs. Gu, and his eyes are filled with affection when he looks at Mrs. Gu. This kind of affection is more intense and focused than the way his husband looked at her when they were newly married.

Take a closer look at Gu Jinli... Although she has abscesses on her face, her facial features are rare and delicate. If she can get rid of the abscesses and get rid of the stinky smell on her body, she will definitely be a rare beauty.

The Qin couple saved the lives of her whole family. Mrs. Han thought that she had to write a letter back to the capital as soon as possible and ask someone to find an imperial doctor who was good at treating abscesses and body odor so that Mrs. Gu could be cured as soon as possible.

Seeing Mrs. Han looking at her in a daze, Gu Jinli said, "Sister-in-law, what do you want to eat? You're welcome, tell us, there are servants in the village, and I'll get you whatever you want to eat."

Han said with a smile: "I can eat anything. My husband-in-law only needs meat to eat. The two children... Sister Yu likes to eat crystal cakes, but that stuff is only sold in Futai Building. When the time comes, my brothers and sisters will give it to me." Just order some sugar and noodles, and I'll make other pastries for her."

Sister Yu was very sensible and knew that she was going to someone else's village to celebrate the New Year, so she followed: "Aunt Qin, I also like to eat meat cakes. I will eat meat cakes when the time comes."

Meat cakes can be made as long as there are meat and noodles, and they are the most common pastry.

Gu Jinli smiled: "We're not eating meat cakes during the Chinese New Year. We'll only eat what we like. Aunt Qin will make crystal cakes for you tomorrow. Just wait."

Then he asked: "Where is Brother Yi? What does sister-in-law Brother Yi like to eat?"

Han hesitated for a moment and said, "That kid likes to eat ham, but it's too expensive to buy. Just give him some meat."

The ham was sent from the capital, and it was something that the children of the great nobles, aristocratic families, and high-ranking officials in the capital competed for. The Earl's Mansion in the capital only sent them two small portions, but Brother Yi fell in love with it as soon as he ate it. , thinking about eating ham every day.

Han didn't want to say it originally, but she didn't want to lie to her savior.


Gu Jinli laughed out loud: "Brother Yi is a good eater. I will let him eat ham tomorrow, but he can't eat too much. He is still sick."

Mr. Han was stunned and said hurriedly: "Brothers and sisters, please don't get it for him. It's too expensive."

"Sister-in-law, you don't have to be like this. You should be happy during the Chinese New Year and eat what you like." Gu Jinli was afraid that Mr. Han would continue to be polite, so he said: "It's getting late. The tents are all set up. Sister-in-law will take the lead first." Children, please go back, we have to continue our journey tomorrow."

It took two hours to treat Brother Yi. The soldiers had already set up tents around him, and the food was ready and they were eating it.

Then he looked at Sister Yu and said, "Doctor Dai will send Brother Yi's medicine and anti-surge medicine to you later. You and your whole family should drink some. Especially Sister Yu, children are prone to fever when they are frightened. .”

After hearing this, Mrs. Han nodded: "Thank you, brothers and sisters. Let's go back first."

"Hey." Gu Jinli asked Aunt Tao to see off the Han family, and also sent Qingpu over, preparing Brother Yi or Sister Yu to take care of them.

If someone else's family was given to a servant, Han wouldn't dare to use it, but Gu Jinli and his wife saved her family. Han knew that Gu Jinli would not harm her family, so she accepted it.

"You must be Mrs. Zhang. I am a servant of the Gu family. My husband's surname is Xiong. Everyone calls me Aunt Xiong. These things were given to you by our wife for you to use first." Aunt Xiong is the leader. Bear Big Bear, Second Bear, and Third Bear, they pulled two carts of things over for the Zhang family.

Mrs. Han was very grateful and was about to say something thank you when Aunt Xiong said cheerfully: "Mrs. Zhang, don't say any polite words. My wife said that we are helping each other. The Qin family helped your family today. Your family Just come back and help tomorrow. Let's unload the things first, and then we have to rush back to the camp for dinner when we're done."

After hearing this, Mrs. Han said no more and asked her servants to help unload the things.

After Aunt Xiong and the others left, Doctor Dai came over to deliver the medicine in person. After taking the pulses of Brother Yi, Sister Yu, and Zhang Baihu, he said, "They are all fine. It's nothing serious. It shouldn't happen in the middle of the night." If you have a fever, you can rest peacefully."

After saying that, he left the medicinal ingredients, explained how to cook them, and then left.

Han and Zhang Baihu took their children back to the tent.

The tent was built with the help of the soldiers from the Qin family camp. The tent was large and thick, and her family's carriage could enter the tent directly.

Two half-meter-wide pits were dug inside the tent, and fires were burning in the pits, keeping the entire tent warm.

Han said to Zhang Baihu: "Ms. sir, the Qin brothers and their wife have been very kind to us. How can we repay them in the future?"

Zhang Baihu was a soldier and he was quite open-minded. After hearing this, he smiled and said: "Brother Qin treats us well because we are both from the Jianghuai River and we are all people who went west to fight against the enemy. We can take care of each other when we arrive in the northwest. You There is no need to always remember how to repay Brother Qin and his wife, just treat them as brothers."

He added: "Brother Qin said that the situation in the northwest is not very good. Fighting against the Rong requires comrades who work together. The more soldiers we can get to know, the more advantageous we will be when we arrive in the northwest. His ideas are similar to ours. , It’s just that the people in the various military stations in Linhe Prefecture are afraid of the Jiao family and have left us behind, and are not willing to follow us. Brother Qin is willing, so naturally we want to do well with him. "

As soon as she talked about this, Mrs. Han felt very guilty: "My husband, it's all me..."

Zhang Baihu said hurriedly: "We are husband and wife, there is no need to say these words all the time. It is my blessing to marry you, and I am not at a loss."

So you don't have to feel guilty.

"But..." Mrs. Han shed tears: "If it weren't for me, you wouldn't be isolated by them."

This is not the first time that the Jiao family has sent people to kill them. This is already the third time on the westward journey. Hundreds of households in the counties of Linhe Prefecture are frightened and are unwilling to go with the Zhang family anymore, leaving the Zhang family behind. , left early.

This can't be blamed on them. After all, the Jiao family sent dead soldiers, and the Jiao family's sons and natal brothers were all officials in the capital. Those hundreds of households did not dare to offend the Jiao family.

Zhang Baihu held Han's hand and said: "Sese, remember, anyone who can leave us behind is not worth going to. Such people will abandon their comrades when they go to the battlefield in the future. We will only follow those who can be with us." We have a true friendship with those who share the same hardships, such as the Qin family."

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