A lucky wife born again from a farm family

Chapter 1486 Chinese New Year【3】

Han nodded: "The Qin family is indeed good and worth keeping friends with."

Then he asked: "How many soldiers did Brother Qin bring? It looks like there are at least three or four hundred. With so many soldiers, even if we reach the northwest, we are still taking advantage of Brother Qin. We always feel that we can't live up to others."

Zhang Baihu said: "Brother Qin is a powerful man and has many soldiers, but Brother Qin said that fighting against the Rong people is not that easy. The northwest battlefield is not a battle of thousands of people, but a battle of millions. Fighting, his more than 300 soldiers scattered on such a big battlefield are like a handful of soybeans scattered in a field. It is of no use at all. He can make friends with as many households as possible. When the time comes, everyone will unite. , only then can we have someone to take care of us on the battlefield.”

Then he said: "So don't think you are taking advantage of Brother Qin's family. Brother Qin is not only good to our family, but he will treat anyone who can unite and has the ability sincerely. And our family is not that bad either. You are the eldest lady of Guangcheng Bofu. If the big brother is wronged in the northwest and his credit is deprived of his merits, you can hold the alchemy iron coupon and knock on the palace door to complain."

Alliance is something that is good for everyone. Although the Zhang family has few soldiers, they are taking advantage now, but at the critical moment, the Han family can directly reach Tianting, which is stronger than anything else.

But Zhang Baihu really admired Qin Sanlang.

Just because he remembered, this Qin brother was Qin Sanlang who followed General Guo into the water bandits' stronghold a few years ago and made great achievements.

The water bandit case was a big deal back then. People in Jianghuai and Jiangnan talked about it for a whole year. Naturally, their soldiers also talked about it, and they envied the soldiers of He'an Prefecture for their meritorious service in suppressing bandits.

Han asked: "Ms. sir, did Brother Qin tell you these words?"

Zhang Baihu nodded: "Well, he said it himself. It shows that he is very sincere, so you can rest assured and don't keep thinking too much. This country man is not as thoughtful as the nobles in the capital."

Mr. Han laughed and felt completely relieved.

Seeing that she was relieved, Zhang Baihu went to look at Brother Yi in the carriage, touched Sister Yu's head, and said to Han, "You three have a good rest. I have to go out again. We have someone here." The injured soldiers and their families must be taken care of, the carriages in the traps must be hoisted, and the broken ones must be repaired as soon as possible, so as not to delay everyone's departure tomorrow."

Mrs. Han was very worried about his health: "Let Manager Han go, you are injured and you need to take care of it."

Zhang Baihu shook his head: "The soldiers of the Qin family, the Niu family, and the Xie family are all there to help. As a Baihu, I can't send a servant there because I don't respect others."

Then he said: "The wounds on my body are just skin injuries, not bones. Don't worry... I will come back every hour. You can sleep peacefully with your children. Those dead soldiers will not dare to come again during this period." , we have a lot of people here.”

After hearing this, Mrs. Han could only let him go: "Just watch, don't do it yourself, or the wound will open."

"Hey." Zhang Baihu responded, leaving some men to guard Han and the others, and then rushed to work where the dead soldiers were besieging them.

There were so many people, and they were so busy that they finished everything at midnight. Zhang Baihu was very grateful: "Brother Qin, Brother Xie, Uncle Niu, thank you very much."

Niu Dabao laughed and said: "Thank you, I have taken a liking to the red satin in your carriage. Just give one to my uncle. Your aunt has been thinking about it since she was young, but the family can't buy that expensive thing. It just so happens that I can ask You want it.”

Zhang Baihu naturally agreed and gave two horses. Niu Dabao was so happy that he happily took the red silk satin to Kuang, but was beaten by Kuang.

"You idiot, you have no brains, how can you survive? You want a piece of red satin. Is it ridiculous for me to wear red satin at this age? Return it quickly and exchange it for some gold! Otherwise, I will exchange it for two A carriage is fine too, the carriage is valuable and practical!"

Niu Dabao originally thought that it was the New Year and Kuang had never enjoyed any blessings in his life, so he got her two pieces of red silk and satin to make her happy. However, the woman even disliked it: "Why are you yelling? Didn’t we get a carriage when we were in Bailang County? Why are we here? It’s the Chinese New Year, so wear something red to celebrate. If you don’t wear it, save it for Dai Jin to use when he marries a wife! "

He also threatened: "If you dare to shout again and let others hear it, I will throw away this red satin and won't even give you a piece of satin... If you don't know how to enjoy happiness, you will be a toiler!"

After hearing this, Mrs. Kuang stared angrily, grabbed a piece of dry firewood and shouted: "Niu Dabao, you are so damn capable. If you dare to yell at me, I will beat you to death!"

Both of them had gong voices, and the Niu family's camp was at the front, so everyone heard this roar.

The women in the Niu family camp are all fierce. When they were woken up, they came out and cursed: "Niu family, why are you calling for spirits in the middle of the night? Why are you making such a fuss? Get some rest now. We have to continue our journey tomorrow!"

Zhang Baihu was embarrassed: "Here, I'll ask someone to drive two carriages."

Don't make it too ugly because of two pieces of red satin.

Xie Cheng and Qin Sanlang both laughed: "Brother Zhang, don't worry, Uncle Niu and Aunt Niu are just like that. It's common to have three quarrels a day, but the relationship is very good, and everything gets better after the quarrel."

After Zhang Baihu heard this, he went back with peace of mind. After arriving at his camp, he separated from Qin Sanlang and Xie Cheng.

When Qin Sanlang returned to the camp, Gu Jinli was already asleep. Erqing and Sanqing sat on the front board of the carriage to watch. When they saw Qin Sanlang back, the two of them left with peace of mind.

Qin Sanlang took off his robe and shoes, washed his hands, face and feet with hot water from the fire pit next to him, then got into the carriage, got into bed, hugged her, kissed her, and said with a smile: "Xiaoyu, I came back."

Gu Jinli fell asleep and naturally would not answer him, but Qin Sanlang was still very happy. As long as he could stay with her, he would be happy.

Gu Jinli woke up before nine o'clock the next day. Seeing that Qin Sanlang was still asleep, he didn't get up for fear of waking him up.

When Qin Sanlang woke up, she was poking his Adam's apple and playing with it.

Qin Sanlang held her mischievous hand, hugged her tightly, kept her body close to him, and said in a hoarse voice, "You can't make trouble."

Gu Jinli blushed and said hurriedly: "I'm not making trouble, it's because you don't have enough concentration."

Then he said excitedly: "It's Chinese New Year, happy New Year."

In her previous life, she didn't look forward to the New Year very much, but it's different now. In ancient times, there was no entertainment. Everyone looked forward to the New Year all year round, so they could have a good time.

Seeing her happy look, Qin Sanlang felt extremely satisfied. He kissed her and murmured: "Good health on New Year's Eve and good luck in the new year."

Gu Jinli smiled. The ancients all believed in the Nian beast, so New Year's Eve was about health, and Xinyuan was New Year's Day, which was the New Year, and it was about good luck.

Dang, Dang, Dang!

The sound of gongs for breaking up camp and setting off was heard outside. Gu Jinli pushed Qin Sanlang: "Get up quickly. If you set off early, you can get to Zhuangzi earlier."

"Yes." Qin Sanlang responded, got up, and told her: "It's cold, so don't get out of the carriage. I'll bring you hot water, and you can brush your teeth and wash your face on the front board."

Gu Jinli was taking out a new pimple patch to put on it, and then laughed: "You will spoil me like a lazy bitch."

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