A lucky wife born again from a farm family

Chapter 1487 Chinese New Year【4】

She now takes off the acne patch before going to bed every night and puts it on again before leaving the carriage the next day. Although it is a bit troublesome, she doesn't want to be ugly to him.

Qin Sanlang smiled and said to her through the car curtain: "Don't be afraid. No matter how lazy you are, I like it. Besides, Xiaoyu is smart. All he needs to do is use his brain. I will do the physical work."

Gu Jinli was so sweet that she put the acne patch on happily. When she finished applying it, Qin Sanlang brought hot water and she could brush her teeth and wash her face by raising the car curtain.

After working for more than two quarters of an hour, we finally set off.

The soldiers and their relatives, a mighty team of several thousand people, all rushed excitedly, talking about going to Gujiazhuangzi to celebrate the New Year.

"Hey, do you think the Gu family really has a Zhuangzi in Laogu Town? How far is Laogu Town from He'an Mansion? It's thousands of miles away. No matter how rich the Gu family is, they can go to this remote place to buy a Zhuangzi. Are they lying to us?"

Many women did not believe that the Gu family had Zhuangzi here, and they all thought that Gu Jinli was ugly and was lying to them.

Han Sansong's mother couldn't sit still anymore. Taking advantage of Kuang's excuse for snatching half a pig's head from her, she pushed Kuang and said, "Madam, go ask Mrs. Qin if her family has Zhuangzi in Laogu Town? If not, tell her quickly, otherwise we won’t see Zhuangzi today but he will fall out with her.”

"Ah, Damn Sansong, who do you think you are to fall out with Sanlang's wife? Sanlang's wife is ugly, but she is the wife of a hundred households. You all should respect her, or else I will tear you apart!" Kuang Shi cursed back rudely.

Han Sansong's mother quickly apologized: "I was wrong, madam, don't be angry."

Then he said: "I'm not worried that our happiness will be in vain. It's better to have a village to stay during this Chinese New Year than to be exposed to the cold wind in the wasteland."

"Hmph, you don't need to worry about this. Just keep your mouth shut and don't cause trouble for me!" Kuang cursed, but she also wanted to know if the Gu family had Zhuangzi in Laogu Town?

If not, her family would have to prepare a large amount of New Year's goods for the soldiers and their families, but if the Gu family had Zhuangzi, that would be a different matter.

Think about it, they all went to the Gu family's village and it was Chinese New Year. Could Sanlang's wife kill all the chickens, pigs, fish and sheep in the village for them to eat?

"Qiaozi, hurry up and drive to the Qin family's carriage in front. I want to go find Mrs. Qin!" Kuang couldn't sit still and quickly asked Qiaozi to drive after Gu Jinli's carriage. After forcing the Gu family's carriage to stop, she ran to The Gu family's carriage went up.

Ji Zhenniang was so angry that she pointed at Kuang and cursed: "You are crazy. You are forcing the carriage to stop like this. What if the two carriages are packed together and overturn?!"

With a snap, Mrs. Kuang knocked off Ji Zhenniang's hand pointing at her: "Wait a moment, your Aunt Niu and I have something to do to find Sanlang's wife."

The words you, Aunt Niu and me are used well. They bring out the seniority. If Ji Zhenniang makes trouble, she will be disrespectful to her elders.

Ji Zhenniang's face turned green with anger.

"Aunt Niu, what do you want from me?" Gu Jinli had someone buy a lot of red paper when he was in Bailang County, and now he was cutting New Year pictures with scissors.

Mrs. Kuang asked: "Sanlang's wife, your family really has a village in Laogu Town? You can't lie to us, right? We are all waiting to go to your village to celebrate the New Year!"

We've even thought about how to eat the chicken, pig, fish and sheep on your farm, but we can't let our happiness go in vain.

Gu Jinli glanced at her and grinned: "Don't worry, Auntie, Zhuangzi is of course there. Just prepare the meat, vegetables, wine and food for the New Year. When we get to Zhuangzi, we will start the New Year's Eve dinner and celebrate it together." Good year.”

Kuang's face stiffened: "Well, isn't the village of a wealthy family full of chickens and pigs? Your family has always been rich, how can there be a shortage of meat and food in the village?"

Gu Jinli: "Shortage, why not? There are thousands of us. Even if we stock up on vegetables in our village, we still can't feed so many people."

So don't think about freeloading, bring out the food for me!

Kuang was depressed. If she had known that she would have to prepare meat, vegetables and food by herself, she would not have come here.

But Mrs. Kuang was very happy to have a place to stay in Zhuangzi during the Chinese New Year. She laughed and said: "There are many people and the carriage is crowded. My aunt will leave first."

After getting off the carriage, he added: "As for the meat, vegetables and food, my aunt will prepare as much as possible. If you don't get enough, you can't be angry with my aunt."

After saying that, she ran away, fearing that Gu Jinli would chase her for meat and vegetables.

Ji Zhenniang said angrily: "Huh, they just want to take advantage. Gu Xiaoyu, please be smart, don't be so stupid, you always get deceived by them!"

Gu Jinli: "..."

Who is stupid? !

It was the New Year's Eve, so Gu Jinli didn't bother to argue with her, so he didn't answer and just cut New Year pictures happily.

Everyone was very happy to be able to go to Gu's Zhuangzi to celebrate the New Year. They didn't stop to eat solid food at noon, but ran hungry for an hour. At noon in the afternoon, they finally arrived at Gu's Zhuangzi in Laogu Town.

The location of Zhuangzi is excellent. Turn right from the official road, and then run for more than half an hour, bypassing a mountain and passing through a forest. It can be said that the place is both convenient and hidden, even if a large army passes by the official road. , and would not want to camp near here, but would run forward for half an hour and go directly to Laogu Town.

Zhuangzi is very big, surrounded by a large field of sorghum. This sorghum is a coarse grain. Even if an army or robbers see you planting sorghum, they will think that you are not rich in Zhuangzi. They will not come to rob you, but will rob those who planted sorghum. Zhuangzi of Wheat.

There are also some poisonous medicinal materials planted in the sorghum fields. These medicinal materials will emit a faint fragrance that will make people dizzy and vomit after smelling it. They are the first "weapons" to deal with intruders.

After passing the sorghum field, there is a frozen river. This river is three feet wide. After the ice melts, it can be regarded as the second line of defense in Zhuangzi.

After crossing the river, we entered the middle of Zhuangzi, where there is a lot of dry land used to grow soybeans and sweet potatoes. Past the field of soybeans and sweet potatoes, there is a medicinal field with many medicinal plants growing there.

These medicinal materials are not expensive. The truly valuable medicinal materials are planted in Zhuangzi, next to Zhuangzi's house, in front of the door and behind the house.

"Hey, this is the Gu family's village? It's too big, right? Qin Baihu's soft rice is worth it. The old Qin family has made a lot of money."

After the relatives entered Zhuangzi, they couldn't see enough, and they all said that the Gu family was rich and Qin Sanlang had earned it.

Kuang scolded them: "Be careful what you say to me, otherwise you won't have any chance of eating meat tonight. Do you smell it? The whole village is filled with the smell of meat. The people in Gu's village are probably killing pigs and sheep." Welcome us!"

I have to say that Kuang's nose is really good. Zhuangzi is really killing pigs and muttons to stew meat, preparing a New Year's Eve dinner for the army.

"My little boss!" When Uncle Mu Tong learned that they were coming, he immediately brought Zhuangtou out to greet them. In his excitement, he called Gu Jinli's "little boss" again.

"Uncle Mu Tong, happy New Year!" Gu Jinli was so happy that he opened the car curtain and waved to Uncle Mu Tong, scaring him so much that he took two steps back.

Although I knew that my little boss put an acne patch on his face, at first glance, it looked so ugly that it almost affected his appetite for New Year’s Eve dinner!

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