A lucky wife born again from a farm family

Chapter 1489 Chinese New Year【6】

Sun Zhuang wiped his head with cold sweat. This Mrs. Niu was even tougher than Mu Ye said.

However, Sun Zhuangtou still said with a smile: "Several young masters are coming with this old slave."

"What? Young master? Hahaha, big gold, two golds and three golds, you are all young masters." Han Sansong's mother and Qiaozi's daughter-in-law laughed out loud.

Kuang was angry, pointed at them and scolded: "You guys are laughing so hard. My man belongs to a large family. Of course my son is the young master, but I have no servants in my family. Shut up, please stop laughing at you today." Don’t even think about living in a house at night, just set up a tent outside and live there, and don’t even think about eating meat!”

Bang bang bang, Han Sansong's mother and Qiaozi's wife slapped him a few times, and said with a smile: "Madam, calm down, we know we were wrong, you must not deny us a house to live in and meat to eat." ah."

Han Sansong's mother said: "Especially my family. Madam, you took half of my pig's head!"

Kuang: "Don't talk to me about that half pig head. It fell on the road a long time ago. You can go back and look for it yourself."

This is a denial of account.

Ji Zhenniang was extremely angry and complained: "A group of shrews, I feel ashamed to be with them."

Then he asked Gu Jinli: "Can we get rid of them? Instead of leaving with them, our family will go with the Zhang family. Sister-in-law Zhang is the eldest lady of the Earl's Palace in the capital. We should follow a noble lady like Sister-in-law Zhang." get along."

Gu Jinli glanced at her and said, "You are quite picky. Can you hide it when you dislike the poor and love the rich?"

After Ji Zhenniang learned that Han was the eldest daughter of the Earl's Palace in the capital, she was very kind to Han. Before setting off this morning, she followed the example of noble families and went to pay regards to Han.


You two are at the same level, and both are wives from a hundred families. Okay, who are you going to ask for?

Besides, weren't you very arrogant before? When you meet Sister-in-law Zhang, where did your arrogance go?

Ji Zhenniang became angry and said angrily: "When did I dislike the poor and love the rich? Sister-in-law Zhang is better than those shrews of the Kuang family."

Gu Jinli said: "Don't look down on Aunt Niu and the others. The northwest is different from the south. When we get there, we must get along with the locals. There are a lot of shrews in the northwest. If you encounter someone who is unreasonable, you have to ask Aunt Niu. They go and rush. Otherwise, why don't you go? Are you okay? You're a useless person who can only cry and is of no use at all."

Ji Zhenniang was scolded so much that she almost fainted and shouted: "Am I that bad?! Hiss, it hurts~"

He yelled too loudly and bit his tongue again.

But she felt that she was right, so she endured the pain and said, "Kuang and the others are not as good as Mrs. Zhang, nor are they as good as me."

Oh, you even praised yourself by the way.

Gu Jinli: "Aunt Niu and the others do have many shortcomings, but there are hundreds of kinds of people, and each has its own use. For example, I am very capable and smart, Sister-in-law Zhang can help us reach heaven, Aunt Niu and the others are Go quarrel and fight with other shrews at critical moments.”

Finally, he said: "No one is perfect, even small flaws can be of great use."

Ji Zhenniang has been taught by Grandma Tao recently and has become a lot more sensible. After hearing this, she felt that Gu Jinli was right, so she stopped arguing with Kuang and the others for the time being, and asked, "What about me?"


Gu Jinli looked at her expectantly and almost laughed out loud: "You? Your tear ducts are well developed and you can cry."

Ji Zhenniang didn't understand what it meant to have developed tear glands, but she knew the meaning of the word "cry". She was so angry that she said, "Gu Xiaoyu, you scold me, I and you..."

Knock knock knock!

There was a knock on the carriage, interrupting Ji Zhenniang's words.

Xie Cheng said: "Zhenniang, get out of the car and go to the yard we have been assigned to."

Saburo was so kind that he gave his family a courtyard. There were four rows of houses around the courtyard, and each row had ten rooms. Each soldier with his relatives could be assigned a room, and he could celebrate the New Year with his family tonight. .

Those who don’t have family members can only pitch tents outside.

However, Sun Zhuangtou and the others had already cleared the place where they pitched their tents, laid stones on the ground, burned three fire pits and six heaters, and boiled hot water on the heaters, so the soldiers no longer had to worry about drinking hot water.

There are also a row of long wooden boards set up on both sides of the tent to make beds. Everyone no longer has to sleep on the ground covered with weeds, and can have a good sleep warmly.

Ji Zhenniang was happy when she heard that her family had been assigned a courtyard. She stopped arguing with Gu Jinli and took Nanny Xie out of the carriage, returned to her own carriage, and went to the assigned courtyard with Xie Cheng.

The Kuang family had already asked the three Jin men in the family to go to the yard assigned to them. Because Niu had a large family, the yard they were assigned was large, and all the soldiers who came with their relatives had a room to celebrate the New Year.

Although the soldiers without relatives were envious, they also knew that there were too many of them. Even if thousands of houses were built in the Gu family's village, there would not be enough for them to live in, so they did not complain.

And as soon as they arrived at the place where they settled, they were attracted by several large pots of stewed meat. Each of them ate a piece of meat as big as a palm and drank a bowl of broth, which made everyone feel comfortable.

"No wonder you smelled meat as soon as you entered Zhuangzi. It turned out that there was so much meat stewed, and we can eat it with open stomachs this time!" The women in the Niu family camp were very happy and asked the men and children at home to go While grabbing the meat, he would grab the house himself, for fear that the house would be robbed if it was too late.

Sun Zhuangtou looked at the messy situation in the Niu family camp and said to Niu Dabao: "Niu Baihu, the most important rules in this army are that since the relatives have joined the army, they must set up the rules. Otherwise, if they go to the northwest, the soldiers will make meritorious deeds." Yes, but if something happens to the women in the family because of the rules, it won’t be beautiful.”

Added another sentence: "Houses are divided according to head, and the room on your side is just a little more."

Niu Dabao's face turned red when he heard this, and he shouted at the top of his lungs: "Fuck you, line up for me! Whoever dares to rob someone's house will live in the wilderness!"

This roar frightened everyone, and several younger children were so frightened that they cried loudly, and the situation became even more chaotic for a while.

Niu Dabao has a headache, damn, who are these people he brought with him!

However, the women were still afraid of bulls and leopards, so when they were shouted at, they quickly lined up.

Upon seeing this, Mrs. Kuang cursed: "Oh, you shrews, if you don't get treatment, you will have to fight with God!"

Niu Dabao: "Bah, you bitch has the nerve to say that you are the most unruly! Hurry up and arrange houses for them. Those with many people will live in big houses, and those with few people will live in small houses. Don't make random arrangements."

Kuang said: "I understand, why do you talk so much nonsense, a big man? Hurry up to Zhuangzi's big kitchen and bring back several loads of chickens, pigs, fish, sheep, rice, noodles, wine and vegetables. Let's make New Year's Eve dinner!"

Sun Zhuangtou: "..."

Are they going to impoverish their old village?

After the army and their relatives entered Zhuangzi, the entire Old Valley Village was in a state of excitement. There were sounds of people shouting and children laughing and running everywhere. For a while, there was a New Year atmosphere in Zhuangzi.

Gu Jinli was happy when he heard these sounds and said to Qin Sanlang, "It's Chinese New Year."

Qin Sanlang smiled and nodded: "Well, it's the Chinese New Year and everything is getting lively."

As he spoke, he stretched out his hand and said, "Get out of the car, we're in our yard."

They lived in the main courtyard of Zhuangzi. The main courtyard was very large, with two houses and two gardens. The place was big enough for horse racing.

"Let's go." Qin Sanlang took Gu Jinli's hand, arrived at the main room in the second courtyard, opened the door, and led Gu Jinli in.

Gu Jinli was shocked when he saw the furnishings in the house: "Why does it look so like our new house?"

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