A lucky wife born again from a farm family

Chapter 1490 Chinese New Year【7】

The style, layout, and beds in the back rooms are exactly the same.

"There are also double happiness words posted on them." Gu Jinli looked at the big red double happiness words posted in the middle of the room, as well as on the windows of the outer room and the inner room. With surprise in his eyes, he asked Qin Sanlang: "You asked Uncle Mu Tong and the others to decorate it." ?”

Qin Sanlang nodded: "Well, we set off westward just after we got married. We haven't even lived in the new house for a few days. We finally arrived at the village, so naturally we have to decorate it well."

Although he and Xiaoyu bought many Zhuangzi, they couldn't reveal all of them, so this was probably the only time they stayed in a Zhuangzi on their way westward, so everything had to be better.

Qin Sanlang took two steps closer to her, looked down at her, and said with a gentle voice: "Xiaoyu, we are still newlyweds."

Gu Jinli was startled and suddenly remembered, yes, they had just gotten married less than two months ago. After traveling for more than a month, she encountered so many things that she almost forgot that she was just married.

"Hmm!" Gu Jinli was in a daze when he suddenly kissed him. He hurriedly took a few steps back, turned around, and said with his back to him: "I still have a lot of work to do, you can't mess around."

As he spoke, he raised his hand to tear off the pimple patch on his face. It was not good to kiss such an ugly thing, so he might as well tear it off first.

However, the acne patch is too tight and needs to be dissolved with warm water before it can be peeled off. Now I can’t peel it off.

Qin Sanlang smiled, feeling very happy. He took two steps forward, hugged her from behind, and kissed her earlobe: "Xiaoyu cares about me more and more, I'm very happy."

Gu Jinli: "It sounds like I treated you badly before."

Qin Sanlang: "Xiaoyu was also very good to me before, but now he's even better."

I really can't let go of him.

As he spoke, he raised his hand to hold the hand she was tearing off the acne patch, and said, "Stop tearing it off. I know Xiaoyu is very beautiful and won't care about the acne patch."

Gu Jinli shook his head: "It's okay. I'll tear it off first, let my face breathe, and put it back on when I go out. Anyway, these two courtyards belong to us, and no outsiders will see it."

After hearing this, Qin Sanlang let her go: "I'll bring you hot water. You apply it on your face first and then tear it off."

After saying that, he let go of her, left the house, and went to the small kitchen to bring her a bucket of hot water and a pot of hot tea to drink.

"Drink some tea and rest first." Qin Sanlang blew on the hot tea in the bowl, and after it cooled down a bit, he handed it to her.

Gu Jinli took the drink and asked Qin Sanlang: "Is there a small kitchen here? It's just right. I can use the small kitchen to make crystal cakes for Sister Yu and grilled fish for you. I don't have to go outside."

Qin Sanlang said: "The weather is too cold, don't do this, just let Erqing and Xiaoji do it."

It was much colder here than He'an Mansion, and the dead trees were covered with ice. He couldn't bear to ask her to wash her hands and prepare food at this time.

But Gu Jinli said: "I promised Sister Yu, I won't do it well if I don't. And your grilled fish, you like grilled fish. It's Chinese New Year, so I have to let you eat what you like."

Qin Sanlang smiled and turned to look at her, with burning eyes... What I like to eat is not grilled fish, but you.

"What are you looking at?" Gu Jinli put down the tea bowl and saw him staring at him. He picked up the cotton towel and threw it in his face in a funny way: "Wet the cotton towel. I'll apply it on my face and then peel off the acne patch." Come down."

Qin Sanlang took off the cotton towel from his face, put it in hot water to wet it, wrung it out a little, asked her to sit down, and put the cotton towel on her face.

Gu Jinli said: "There are still a lot of things to do outside. You go out and do your work first. Aunt Tao, Er Qing, San Qing, and Xiao Ji are here to help me. I won't be tired."

"Okay." Qin Sanlang nodded and explained carefully: "It's still early now. It's not too late for you to rest for half an hour before starting. Let Erqing and the others do the chores. You can just say it next to me. Don't get involved. Cold water. Just cook two grilled fishes, you don’t need to cook too much.”

Gu Jinli: "I know, you are so long-winded."

Qin Sanlang smiled, looked at her, turned around and left the house, telling San Qing who was guarding the door: "Don't let Madam do too much work."

"Yes." Sanqing responded respectfully.

Half a quarter of an hour later, Gu Jinli took off the cotton towel and began to tear off the acne patch. The acne patch soaked in warm water came off immediately.

She washed her face, applied some ointment made from medicinal herbs, and called to Sanqing: "Let's go to the small kitchen to make something delicious."

Then asked Sanqing: "What do you want to eat?"

Sanqing said: "I want to eat pot-wrapped pork!"

Madam once made Guobao Pork. It was sour and sweet and delicious. She thought about it after eating it once. But remembering what the master said about not letting Madam do too much work, she changed her mind again: "Slave eat it." Just the stew outside.”

Gu Jinli smiled: "If you want to eat pot-roasted pork, just do it. If you change your words, let's go."

She put on the sleeves and went to the kitchenette.

In the small kitchen, Erqing, Xiaoji, Ye Jingzi and Aunt Tao were already busy.

"Madam, the sweet-scented osmanthus, red dates, yellow gardenias, and tea leaves you asked for are all boiled, and the sesame seeds are ground." Xiaoji pointed to the rows of wooden bowls on the kitchen table, and then pointed to a pottery bowl. The water chestnut powder in the basin said: "The powder has been mixed. Madam, if you say a word, we can start making cakes."

Gu Jinli said: "It's not enough. Let's make another pot of sweet potato flour and we can make pot-roasted pork."

"Make potted pork, okay, slave, go get the sweet potato starch right now!" Xiao Ji also likes to eat potted pork, so he happily ran to the small warehouse next door and brought a big bag of sweet potato starch.

Uncle Mutong was a man who knew how to get things done. There were two warehouses in the two courtyards, one for dry goods and the other for fresh meat, vegetables and eggs. Gu Jinli had whatever he wanted.

"Have you killed the fish? Kill more, bake six, and fry a few pots of fish fillets." Gu Jinli said, "It's Chinese New Year, we have to eat more generously."

Aunt Tao laughed when she heard this: "Madam, don't worry. The river outside Zhuangzi is very deep and has a lot of fish in it. When Mutong and the others arrived at Zhuangzi the day before yesterday, they had people smash the ice to get fish. They hit ten big fish. You can be as many fish as you want in the tank.”

After hearing this, Gu Jinli asked: "Did you send the fish to everyone? You need fish during the New Year."

Grandma Tao said: "Sent. Mu Tong has a list in her hand and has already sent it to them according to the list. Soybean oil, noodles, vegetables, and bean sprouts have also been sent, so they will not delay their New Year's Eve dinner."

Gu Jinli felt relieved and started to prepare the sauce for the grilled fish. After working in the small kitchen for more than an hour, he finally finished everything he wanted to eat.

Xiao Ji looked at the dazzling array of food on the table and almost drooled: "Madam, this crystal cake is so beautiful. There is also ham stewed with tofu, it smells delicious."

Gu Jinli wanted to eat fresh tofu, so she prepared vinegar water for Uncle Mutong in advance according to the ratio. Uncle Mutong started making tofu after arriving at Zhuangzi, so she could eat it as soon as she arrived.

"Madam, happy new year." Si Qing ran over at some point and lay down at the door of the kitchen, staring at Gu Jinli who was eating ham.

Si Qing is only eleven years old, with a small round face. She specializes in medicine. Now she is seeing doctors under Dr. Dai and Ye Dakou. Her medical skills are very good, but she has a problem. She likes to eat ham and can't help it when she smells it. , ran quietly from the front yard.

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