A lucky wife born again from a farm family

Chapter 1492 Accompanying Wife

At this time, the sky was completely dark, but the village was very bright, the bonfire was blazing, and the aroma of meat wafted from the cauldron on the bonfire.

On the side of Zhuangzi's road were stone pillars with braziers placed on them. The fire was burning and illuminated the roads on both sides of Zhuangzi.

Under the eaves, there are red lanterns hanging, Spring couplets and door gods are posted on the door, and the word "Fu" is posted on the wall. There are two red bags hanging on both sides of the word "Fu" with blessing candies in the bags. The children stand under the word "Fu". He jumped up and went to get the lucky candy bag.

There is a small hole in the bag, and if you punch it a few times, the lucky candies inside will fall out, which is called receiving the blessing.

The more blessing candy that falls, the more blessings you will get this year.

But you can only hit it six times. If the lucky candy doesn't fall after six times, you can't hit it again.

"Hey, I don't believe it. How can my Niu Wujin's luck be so bad? I can't even get a lucky candy!" Niu Wujin had already beaten lucky candies in Niu's yard, but he was unlucky. A bag of lucky candies was hit twelve times in total, but not a single lucky candy was knocked out.

He didn't believe in fate, so he came to the Qin family to get lucky candies again. Now he had a bag of lucky candies, but he still couldn't receive the blessing. At this moment, he was staring at the last bag of lucky candies, spitting into the palm of his hand, and rubbing it. After rubbing it, prepare to make some sweets.

Bao Fukang stood aside, looked at him, and said mockingly: "According to the rules, you can only hit your own lucky bag. If you come to our side to hit it, even if you hit the lucky candy, it won't count."

"Ah, shut up. Can't you say something nice during the Chinese New Year?" Niu Wujin said angrily: "My mother said that blessings are given by God. You can get all the lucky bags from anyone's house and knock them down. All the lucky candies are blessings from God!"

Bao Fukang: "That was your mother who wanted to take advantage of others and deliberately lied to you. Only you are stupid enough to believe it."

After saying that, he took out the lucky candy he had beaten, shook it towards Niu Wujin, threw it into his mouth, and ate it with a bang, and finally said in Niu Wujin’s envious eyes that he was almost murderous: " I made eight lucky candies, you can eat a few first, you don’t have to save them until tomorrow.”

You can only eat the lucky candies until the first day of the Lunar New Year. This is called staying lucky. However, if you have a lot of candies, you can eat a few first, as long as you don't finish them all.

Niu Wujin was shocked: "You only filled two lucky bags and got eight lucky candies?!"

Bao Fukang nodded: "Yes."

Niu Wujin was angry: "Cheating, it must be that the hole in your bag of lucky candies must have been torn, so that's why so many lucky candies fell out!"

"They are all the same bags, why can't you knock them down?" Bao Fukang gave a fatal blow, which made Niu Hardware choke.

Lin Tongshan's son, Lin Xiaoshi, brought Bu Ling's son to watch the fun. He nodded and said, "Brother Fukang is right. Brother Hardware, just give up. I guess God doesn't want to give you blessings. You can come back next year..." …”

"That's right, Bao Fukang just said nasty things on purpose to make me angry!" Niu Wujin pointed at Lin Xiaoshi and said, "Xiao Shitou, don't follow Bao Fukang's example. He can't speak. If you encounter cruel people in the future, , you will be beaten to death, do you also want to be beaten to death for saying the wrong thing?"

Hong Lao, who was watching them making trouble, heard this and said: "Hardware, you can't say that word during the Chinese New Year, it's unlucky. Hurry up and don't worry."

He turned to Qin Sanlang and said, "The old man also wants to see if this boy's luck is so bad? Why did he win so many lucky bags and not even knock down a single lucky candy?"

Qin Sanlang smiled: "I'm afraid the hardware won't be able to get lucky candy."

Daqing told Xiaoyu that Niu Hardware couldn't get lucky candies at Niu's house. After hearing this, Xiaoyu went to the lucky bag to do something, tied several lucky candies together, and blocked the small opening of the bag. Hole.

As Qin Sanlang spoke, he raised his head and looked towards the main room. Gu Jinli and other female relatives were having New Year's Eve dinner in the main room. At this moment, he was also looking at Niu Hardware outside to see if he could win the lucky candy.

Niu Wujin was very lucky. This time he used all his strength. After jumping up, he punched the lucky bag.


Boom, boom, boom!

Good guy, I knocked off the big lucky candies. After the small mouth of the bag was stretched, the remaining small lucky candies all fell down like rain, which shocked Niu Hardware: "This... …”

Qin Sanlang and Gu Jinli were stunned, and they were really defeated.

Mr. Hong laughed loudly and said to Niu Wujin: "Wujin, you can do it. I'm afraid you will have great luck this year!"

Niu Wujin came to his senses, hurriedly picked up the lucky candies on the ground, and said to Bao Fukang, "Did you see that? I am God's biological son! No matter how lucky you are, at most you can be considered God's grandson!"

"You brat, do you take advantage of others like this? I'll beat you to death!" Niu Dabao, carrying two jars of wine, brought Zhang Baihu and Xie Cheng over to see Qin Sanlang for a drink. Hearing this as soon as he came, he was furious. I almost threw the wine jar at Niu Hardware.

"Dad, I was wrong, you can't hit people during the Chinese New Year!" Niu Wujin said, and ran away with a bag of lucky candies.

Niu Liujin chased Niu Qijin behind his back: "Fifth brother, fifth brother, give us some lucky candies, we don't have any lucky candies yet!"

Bao Fukang also followed Lin Xiaoshi and the others. For a while, the whole courtyard was filled with children running and adults laughing, and it was extremely lively.

Gu Jinli had already eaten. When he saw Niu Dabao and the others coming to Qin Sanlang for a drink, he took Aunt Tao and the others back to the main courtyard.

Not long after entering the main courtyard, Daqing came and said to her: "Madam, the master said that he will be back in an hour at the latest. Please rest first and don't worry."

Gu Jinli nodded: "Yes, I understand. Ask You An to tell him to drink less and I'll wait for him to eat dumplings."

"Yes." Daqing responded and left quickly.

Qin Sanlang came back less than an hour later. He still had something hidden behind his back, but he didn't give it to her immediately. Instead, he hid it first: "Xiaoyu, I'm back."

Gu Jinli was looking at the account book. When he heard this, he looked up happily and said, "It's so early, I thought you were going to drink until midnight."

Qin Sanlang: "They all have families and won't drink so late."

I want to come back to accompany my wife.

Then he said: "I'm too dirty. I'll take a shower first."

Gu Jinli waved to him: "Go ahead, hot water and clothes have been prepared for you, you can get it yourself."

This time, there was no need to rush her. I took the initiative to take a shower when I got back. Unlike usual, I had to come over and give her a hug first.

Then he said: "By the way, is there still a fire in the stove? There are dumplings warm on the stove. We need to eat them at midnight, so they can't be allowed to get cold."

"Okay." Qin Sanlang responded, looked at her deeply, turned around and went to the bathroom to take a bath, wash his hair, and took a look at the fire in the stove.

After taking a shower, Qin Sanlang went outside the yard and took the hidden things.

Gu Jinli was wrapped in a goose down quilt, nestled in bed and reading his account book. Suddenly, his eyesight dimmed, and then a faint sweet fragrance came, and a small basket appeared in front of him, containing two large red fruits, that is, apples.

Gu Jinli was shocked, hugged the basket, looked up at Qin Sanlang and said, "Where did you get the big red fruit?"

Qin Sanlang smiled and said: "It's from before. I know you love to eat fruits, so I keep two of them. I thought I would give you a New Year's gift on New Year's Eve. Do you like it?"

"I like it!" Gu Jinli was extremely happy. In this winter, there are not even any vegetables, let alone fruits. It is really a blessing to be able to eat apples at this time.

Seeing her happy expression, Qin Sanlang smiled. He leaned close to her and asked deliberately: "Did Xiaoyu prepare a New Year gift for me?"

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