After the banditry, the number of soldiers under his command increased, and the number of accompanying soldiers and relatives also increased, so she had been very busy recently, and Qin Sanlang knew that she had no time to think about New Year's gifts.

Well, Gu Jinli was stunned for a moment, hugged the fruit basket tightly, looked at him, and asked seriously: "Does grilled fish count? I grilled six fish for you, six or six, which is a good sign."

Qin Sanlang laughed out loud, grabbed the fruit basket she was holding, and said, "It doesn't count."

Gu Jinli hugged her even tighter: "It's just two fruits, do you still want to take them back? Well, I'll replenish them for you tomorrow."

"You don't want to ask me what New Year gift I want?" Qin Sanlang complained, his deep eyes looked at her like this, the scorching light in his eyes made her face feel a little hot, and she wanted to avoid him. gaze.

Suddenly, her arms were empty, and the fruit basket she was holding was taken away by him. She hurriedly reached out to grab it, but he held her hand and could not move.

Gu Jinli looked at him and frowned: "You are too stingy for not allowing me to eat."

Qin Sanlang smiled, moved closer to her, and said, "It's too cold to eat raw fruit in the winter. I'll cut it up and cook it with rice cakes tomorrow. Don't you really want to eat fruit rice cakes?"

Gu Jinli's eyes lit up and he said with a smile: "This is good. Cut one to make fruit rice cakes. We can both be full."

Then he pushed him and said, "Don't get so close. The candle light is not strong enough, and you are blocking the light."

After hearing this, Qin Sanlang smiled even deeper, sighed helplessly, and asked: "Xiaoyu, do you really not know what I want for the New Year gift?"

After saying this, he kissed her on the lips, kissing her softly.

Her laughter came, indicating that she knew and deliberately avoided his kiss.

Qin Sanlang raised his hand and clasped her chin to prevent her from hiding. His mountain-like body pressed down on her, pressing her on the goose down quilt. His kiss became greedy and lingering, trying his best to absorb her unique sweetness.

"Hmm~ It's cold." When Gu Jinli was almost suffocated by his kiss, she felt a sudden chill on her body. He tore off her long red dress and nightgown, and the chill hit her, making her panic.

Qin Sanlang grabbed her hand, put it around his waist, and whispered: "Hold me tight so I won't be cold."

He didn't know when he took off his robe. Gu Jinli's hand fell directly on the skin of his waist. It was as hot as a stove. It gave her warmth and made her tremble.

Qin Sanlang kissed her and comforted her gently: "Don't be afraid, it's me, it won't hurt this time, be good~"

After saying that, a fine and scorching kiss fell on her body, making her tremble more and more. At the same time, she felt a little panicked. She pushed him and said, "Qin Mu, I..."

Qin Sanlang interrupted her words with a kiss, hugged her tightly, and let her press against his body, letting her understand that he could no longer bear it: "Don't be afraid, Xiaoyu, hold me tight, it'll be okay."

However, it's okay.

When he woke up, he found himself in the tub, being held in his arms and taking a bath.

She opened her eyes, glanced at him, then closed her eyelids feebly, and said, "I'm not done with you~"

But she spoke feebly, and the way she lay on the bathtub was very seductive. Qin Sanlang couldn't hold it back and kissed her again.

In short, I took a shower, but it took an extra hour to finish.

Gu Jinli was so angry that she wanted to hit him, but now she had no strength at all, so she could only lie on top of him, bite his neck, and threatened: "Just wait for me~"

Qin Sanlang gasped when she bit her, kissed her gently and said, "Okay, I'll wait for you to hit me tomorrow, but you can't bite me now."

Not only is the bite painful, it is also torturous.

Gu Jinli was so tired that he didn't have the energy to think deeply about what he meant. He lay on his back and said, "I'm so tired... I haven't eaten the dumplings yet, and I haven't watched the fireworks yet."

Qin Sanlang smiled: "We can eat dumplings tomorrow. We don't have fireworks here. When we get to the northwest, I will take you to see the ironworks. They are as beautiful as the fireworks you said, okay?"

Gu Jinli nodded, lay in his arms, and fell asleep.

Qin Sanlang smiled when he saw this. He stood up with her in his arms, went back to the back room, put a long skirt on her, put her into the bed, got in, hugged her tightly, and said with satisfaction: "Thank you, little one." Fish New Year’s gift, I like it very much.”

On the night of the wedding, he was afraid that she would be uncomfortable, so he didn't dare to use force. After one time, he stopped touching her. He had endured it for almost two months, and he finally satisfied his craving tonight.

What was even more gratifying was that she did not make trouble with him, but fulfilled his wish and allowed him to be as arrogant as he wanted.

However, Qin Sanlang was too happy too early.

Gu Jinli was furious when he got up from sleep the next day. He wrapped himself in a quilt, stared at the dim sky outside the window, and was confused. He asked and sat on the edge of the bed, revising the northwest map according to his previous memories. Qin Sanlang: "Am I getting up early?"

Qin Sanlang's hand holding the brush paused and fell silent.

Gu Jinli frowned and asked in a different way: "Is it going to snow soon, so the sky is darker?"

Qin Sanlang put away the northwest map, pens, inks, paper and inkstones and other things, put them aside, poured a bowl of hot water that was just right for her mouth, handed it to her mouth, and said with a smile: "Little fish, drink some water, moisten it." voice."

Gu Jinli woke up from his sleep and was thirsty. He drank most of the bowl of water from the teacup he handed him and continued to ask persistently: "Is it going to snow?"

Last night, she was so tortured that she didn't go to bed until dawn. It was impossible for her to wake up so early. Therefore, the sky was dark and it was probably going to snow.

Qin Sanlang put down the tea bowl, sat back on the bed again, hugged her and said, "It's Youshi now."

"What?" Gu Jinli was shocked: "So it's not that it's going to snow, but that it's going to be dark soon. If I get up, the New Year will be over!"

She was thinking about the New Year and the first day of the Lunar New Year. She had prepared a lot of games to play with everyone, but she just fell asleep.

Qin Sanlang patted her back gently and coaxed: "Don't be excited, Xiaoyu. I made fruit rice cakes for you myself. It's delicious. I'll get it for you right now."

Gu Jinli grabbed his collar and said angrily: "You, the culprit, don't even think about escaping."

Then he said: "I still have mountain mushrooms!"

Mountain mushroom?

Oh, I remembered, her secret weapons, Lu Laosan and General Fan, were both paralyzed by the Mountain God Mushroom.

However, he is her husband-in-law and the person she likes. Unless he takes a concubine, she will not give him mountain mushrooms.

Therefore, Qin Sanlang was not afraid at all and said with a smile: "If I don't run away, Xiaoyu can hit me however he wants."

After all, she was really tired last night.

Gu Jinli choked up when she saw his smiling face and the distress in his eyes... They were husband and wife, and Brother Qin was very gentle to her. She shouldn't be angry with Brother Qin over such a thing.

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