
"I haven't paid New Year's greetings to Aunt Niu, Sister Zhang, and the children of each family, but I heard from Niu Wujin and others that I have an endless dowry, and they will come to pay me New Year's greetings on the first day of the new year. New Year's money. Now that I've slept all day, they didn't get the New Year's money. If Niu Wujin comes home and talks about it, a smart person like Aunt Niu will definitely guess it...then she will definitely gossip about us!"

Gu Jinli gets a headache when he thinks about Kuang's and Aunt Han's gossip abilities. It is estimated that she is now a female devil who will not let Qin Sanlang go even during the Chinese New Year and squeezes a young man dry.

Qin Sanlang laughed out loud when he saw her covering her face in annoyance, but Gu Jinli glared at her: "Are you still laughing? They will not only talk about me, but also you!"

"I'm not afraid of what they say. What they say is all false." Qin Sanlang hugged Gu Jinli tightly and comforted: "Xiaoyu, don't worry about this. I have already given the new year's money to all the children in your name. Everyone who comes to pay New Year greetings "

Qin Sanlang told her in detail about today's New Year greetings and New Year gifts. After listening to this, Gu Jinli felt a little relieved: "Where is Ji Zhenniang? She didn't make trouble with me?"

Ji Zhenniang is the most familiar with her now. People who celebrate the New Year will come to her, cry a lot because they miss their daughter, and then go back after complaining.

Qin Sanlang: "Ms. Ji didn't come. You fell out of favor. She went to the Zhang family to play with Sister Yu."

However, Sister Yu and Brother Yi were quite sensible. They followed Brother Zhang to pay Xiaoyu New Year greetings and said they wanted to thank Xiaoyu for saving his life.

After learning that Xiaoyu hadn't gotten up yet, he didn't make any fuss to see Xiaoyu. After paying New Year's greetings to him, he followed Brother Zhang to Niu's house to pay New Year's greetings.

Gu Jinli's mouth twitched when he heard this: "Ji Zhenniang is such a heartless woman. I am so kind to her in vain."

However, it is a good thing that Ji Zhenniang can transfer her feelings for Sister Tang to Sister Yu, so that she will not always think about Sister Tang.

He looked up at Qin Sanlang again and said angrily: "My New Year is over like this? It's annoying!"

Qin Sanlang smiled, lowered his head and kissed her, saying, "It's my fault, Xiaoyu, don't be angry."

The taste was so good that he couldn't control it for a while.

Gu Jinli snorted: "Forget it, can I really be angry with you for this? I'm not a child."

Qin Sanlang's smile deepened, he hugged her and said, "My Xiaoyu is still a little girl. She should have a temper and be noisy. There is no need to bear it."

Gu Jinli glanced at him: "You still want me to make trouble with you?"

Qin Sanlang said seriously: "It's not that I don't want Xiaoyu to make trouble with me, I just want Xiaoyu to be like an ordinary little girl. She doesn't have to think too much and can be as coquettish and tantrum as she wants."

Gu Jinli looked at his serious face, raised his hand and poked his cheek twice, and said with a smile: "You are getting serious now. Stop talking about this. Go get me fruit rice cakes quickly. I'm hungry."

After hearing this, Qin Sanlang got up and went to the outhouse. After a while, he brought a food box in and put it on the table. He then moved the table to the bed and took out all the food in the food box: "I made a lot of good food." You can try all the food."

She said that during the Chinese New Year, you should eat extravagantly. Regardless of whether you finish the meal or not, the table must be filled with dishes because it looks great!

"I want to eat the fruit rice cake first. There is only one fruit left. This is a rare thing, so we have to make noodles for it." Gu Jinli picked up a bowl of fruit rice cake and ate it.

After the fruit is cooked, the sourness will increase, but Qin Sanlang added sugar to it, and it tastes just right when she eats it: "The rice cake is glutinous, the fruit is soft, and the soup is sweet and sour, so it is delicious."

Qin Sanlang looked at her eating happily and smiled: "Just have one bowl, there is also pine mushroom stewed chicken, and the fish should eat more meat."

He added: "Now that we are almost in the northwest, it is easier to get big red fruits. The little fish don't have to worry about not being able to eat them in the future."

Gu Jinli nodded and quickly finished the fruit rice cake.

Qin Sanlang took away the empty bowl and handed her a bowl of chicken stewed with pine mushrooms. He also carefully removed the chicken bones so that she could eat more easily.

Gu Jinli took it and took a sip of the soup. The special aroma produced by the mixture of pine mushrooms and chicken made her squint her eyes happily: "It's delicious, it tastes like home."

"The pine mushrooms are brought from home, so they taste the same." Qin Sanlang wiped the soup from the corner of her mouth with a handkerchief, looking at her with a warm smile.

Gu Jinli glanced at him and said, "You should eat too. I'm so embarrassed just watching me eat. I can't even eat as wildly as I want."

Qin Sanlang smiled. Xiaoyu's words were always so interesting. With her, he could relax: "Okay."

After saying that, he moved his chopsticks and started eating. Like her, he ate the fruit rice cake first. It tasted sweet. The food fell into his belly, making him feel comfortable.

The wooden bowl was relatively large, and Gu Jinli was full after eating the stewed chicken with pine mushrooms.

Qin Sanlang handed her a plate of dumplings: "Eat a few more dumplings. I wanted to eat them last night."

When Gu Jinli heard the word last night, his face became hot uncontrollably.

Qin Sanlang saw her blushing and shouted: "Xiaoyu."

There was a smile in his tone, and there seemed to be other hidden meanings.

Gu Jinli became angry and glared at him: "What are you doing?"

Qin Sanlang's smile deepened and he quickly kissed her on the lips: "Xiaoyu blushes beautifully."

The long, satin-like black hair, the delicate and beautiful facial features, the angry expression, and the light blush on her cheeks...this was his wife, the little girl he wanted to pamper for the rest of his life.

Gu Jinli wanted to hit him, but seeing how affectionately he looked at her, he suppressed his anger and lowered his head slightly, his face even redder.

Qin Sanlang was used to her anger. When he first saw her blushing and lowering her head, his heart skipped a beat. He put down the wooden bowl, couldn't help but leaned over and kissed her deeply.

Gu Jinli was startled. When she realized what she was doing, he had already taken away the chopsticks in her hand and put them on the table. She was pressed into the bed by him, his breath was on the tip of her nose, and his passionate kiss was on her lips. : "Well, my dumplings~"

It fell off!

"We'll eat later." Qin Sanlang blocked her protest, and the kiss became overbearing. His movements were gentle, but he quickly took off the new long dress she was wrapped in, and kissed her body. superior.

Gu Jinli was so kissed that she lost all strength, but thinking of what happened last night, she couldn't help but tremble.

Qin Sanlang was startled, hugged her tightly and asked, "Will it be uncomfortable?"

Gu Jinli blushed when he asked: "...it hurts a little."

Still, I’m so scared!

And it had happened three times last night. If she did it again, she would probably die.

Hearing this, Qin Sanlang felt distressed when he remembered how she fainted last night. He stopped in time and did not touch her again: "Don't be afraid, Xiaoyu has a good rest tonight."

Then he said: "Xiaoyu Renren, I'll get the ointment and apply it to you."

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