Gu Jinli was stunned for a moment, and after realizing it, he hurriedly grabbed him: "No need to apply medicine, I'm fine."

Please, don't do this embarrassing thing, I'll explode!

Qin Sanlang saw that she almost wanted to find a crack in the ground to crawl into, so he smiled helplessly, sat back, hugged her and coaxed: "We are husband and wife, Xiaoyu doesn't have to be shy."

Gu Jinli was angry: "I'm not shy, it's just..."

It was just something, she couldn't find the right words to say it for a while.

Qin Sanlang said wisely: "Well, Xiaoyu is not shy. I won't go get the medicine. Don't worry."

After hearing this, Gu Jinli was finally happy.

Qin Sanlang was worried about her, and while she was happy, he risked his life and asked: "Xiaoyu, does it hurt too much? Don't get angry yet, this is business, I don't want to hurt you."

He was too presumptuous last night. When he got up today, he was shocked when he saw the marks on her body.

However, her skin was growing well, and when he looked at it again in the afternoon, the traces had faded a lot, and it was no longer blue and purple, but turned into a light red.

Gu Jinli gritted his teeth and glared at him, but knew that he was really worried about him, and said in a gentle tone: "It's just a little pain, much better than the day of the wedding. I'm fine, don't worry. Get out of the way first, don't block my search. dumpling."

After saying that, she pushed him away and persistently looked for her fallen dumpling on the bed.

Qin Sanlang smiled when he saw this, bent down to pick up a dumpling from the ground, and handed it to her: "Don't look for it, it's here."

Gu Jinli looked up and saw that it was indeed her dumpling.

But she couldn't eat it, so Qin Sanlang put the dumplings on the table and gave her a clean one.

"It's stuffed with cabbage and eggs. I've mixed some vinegar sauce for you. Eat it." Qin Sanlang had finished last night's dumplings. These dumplings were newly made. He picked up the dumplings with chopsticks and dipped them in some vinegar sauce. Feed it to her mouth.

Gu Jinli was wrapped in a quilt and ate with his mouth open. After eating six times, he stopped and said, "I'm done."

Qin Sanlang smiled, hugged her over and rubbed her belly.

Gu Jinli looked at his hands and said, "If you are like this, you won't get into trouble, right?"

"What do you mean?" Qin Sanlang didn't understand what he meant, but he just felt that rubbing her belly was very comfortable.

"It doesn't mean anything." Gu Jinli was smart and didn't say those four words again. Looking at the already dark sky outside the window, he asked, "Should we set off at noon tomorrow?"

Qin Sanlang: "No, the time has changed. We will set off at Mao the day after tomorrow."

Originally, they planned to set off before noon tomorrow, but the soldiers, relatives, and children accompanying them were all injured and sick. After several hundred households and general banners gathered together to discuss, they decided to postpone the journey for another half day to allow the injured to recover. .

Gu Jinli asked: "Won't it delay the trip?"

Because of the banditry, their trip was delayed for two days. If they postponed their departure, they would be delayed even more.

Qin Sanlang said: "No, tomorrow everyone will cook dry food, medicinal materials, drinking water, etc., so you don't have to waste too much time cooking these things before setting off. Just heat them up and you can travel longer." In addition, the injured soldiers, relatives, and children cannot bear it and must be raised by them, otherwise there will be few people in the northwest."

The soldiers and family members of Tianfu County's military post were well protected, but some of the soldiers and family members of other military posts died on the road.

"Okay, let's set off tomorrow." Gu Jinli turned around, lay on his shoulder, and closed his eyes.

Qin Sanlang hugged her soft body and smiled: "Xiaoyu, are you tired? How about I take you out to play?"

Gu Jinli opened his eyes and asked in surprise: "Where are we going to play?!"

"It's in the village, let's go." Qin Sanlang found clothes for Gu Jinli and asked her to put them on. He then took an animal skin cloak and put it on her, then put on her an animal skin hat and a thick belt around it. She used the scarf to cover her face: "That's it, no more acne patches."

Gu Jinli ran to the bronze mirror to look at his appearance, nodded and said: "Wrapped like a ball, you can see a pair of eyes. There is really no need to wear acne patches."

She turned around, smiled at him and said, "Let's go!"

Qin Sanlang picked her up, left the house, and walked outside the courtyard. He put her down after leaving the second courtyard.

There is a large open space outside the main courtyard. You An, You Ping, Uncle Mutong, Aunt Tao, Aunt Xiong, and almost all the servants of the Gu family are here.

After You An saw them, he ran over and asked, "Master, everything is ready, can we start?"

Qin Sanlang nodded: "Let's begin."

"Yes!" You An immediately left to talk to three people wearing raincoats and helmets.

Gu Jinli frowned and asked, "What novelty did you get behind my back?"

Qin Sanlang held her hand and said, "You will know soon."

Sure enough, not long after, a crisp but rhythmic sound of iron was heard. The three men in raincoats and helmets started to move, scooping out a ladle of the contents of the brazier with an iron ladle, and then used the other hand to scoop out the contents of the brazier. Holding the wooden stick, he hit the iron spoon.


The molten iron in the iron ladle was shot high into the sky and spread out in the air. Countless golden stars fell from the sky, like fireworks that suddenly exploded. It was extremely beautiful.

"So beautiful!" Xiao Ji, Si Qing, Qing Pu and several other maids cried out happily when they saw such a beautiful thing.

"It's an iron flower!" Gu Jinli was shocked. He looked at Qin Sanlang and asked, "Where did you find the person? Stop doing it. People who have never made iron flowers will be injured by the molten iron."

Although iron flowers are beautiful to look at, they are dangerous.

Qin Sanlang smiled and said: "Don't worry, these three are all servants of Zhuangzi. They used to make a living by blacksmithing when they were back home in the northwest. They are skilled in the craftsmanship and will not hurt themselves."

Sure enough, the three masters were very skilled in their movements and could avoid the scattered iron flowers. They were protected by their helmets, so they were not injured at all.

However, Gu Jinli didn't let them hit him too many times. He hit each of them three times, which was a feast for the eyes, and then he asked them to stop.

"Stop." Qin Sanlang ordered, and You An asked the three people to stop and gave them a reward of ten taels of silver each.

"Thank you, Master." The three masters were very happy. When they were in their hometown, they worked for a whole night and got blisters all over their bodies, and they couldn't get a few taels of silver.

Just because iron is expensive, they have to eliminate the cost of buying iron. After eliminating the cost, they will not make much money.

Aunt Xiong greeted them: "Go to the big kitchen to get the meat. It's all prepared for you. Take the meat and go back and have a good meal with your family."

After hearing this, the three of them were even more happy and followed Aunt Xiong to the big kitchen to get meat.

As soon as these three people left, people from Niu's yard rushed over.

"Hey, Qin Baihu and his family are lighting fire trees in their yard. It's really nice. Come on, hurry up and let's go and open your eyes!" Mrs. Kuang called to the women from each house and ran towards them.

Unfortunately, they arrived late. By the time they arrived in front of the main courtyard, most of the people had already dispersed.

Qin Sanlang had already taken Gu Jinli back to the courtyard where he lived.

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