Gu Jinli replied: "Aunt Lei, don't worry. We have ways to preserve cooked dry food, and it's still a little cold here in the northwest. The dry food will not go bad within two months."

He also explained: "If the city is besieged, if the soldiers poison our water source, we will not only have no water to drink, but also no water to cook. And after the city is besieged, the woodcutter cannot come to sell firewood, and this firewood is also a problem . We have a lot of people, so we consume a lot of firewood every time we cook, so we have to turn the grain into dry food while there is still firewood. And in wartime, it would be easier if we can just grab some dry food and eat it."

Afraid that Gao Lei would be dissatisfied and scold her again, he continued: "I have asked my servants to go out and buy dry firewood, charcoal, trees, pine oil, water jars, clay pots, water bladders, etc., and try to ensure that we have enough Firewood and water are available.”

Han said: "Brother and sister Qin is still thoughtful."

Although she came from a noble family, she had never experienced a war. When she heard that Xing'an Mansion was besieged, she was so frightened that she hugged Sister Yu and Brother Yi tightly, not knowing what to do.

Gao Lei suddenly stood up and shouted: "Peng Wen, little Peng Wen!"

Peng Wen had just brought someone back, and when he heard the shouting he ran over and said, "What are your orders, Madam?"

"Go quickly and tell Lei Mao to disperse the people from the Lei family's caravan and guard the wells in the city. Then go to the government office to report to Magistrate Hao to search the whole city immediately to prevent any soldiers from lurking in the city. Give us The water source is poisoned." Gao Lei's eyes turned red when he thought of the Rong people's habit of poisoning in war.

The Rong people's poison is very powerful. Every time they poison, many people in Dachu will die.

"The soldiers want to poison us?" Peng Wen was startled and said hurriedly: "Yes, I will go find Amao and the others right away. You..."

Gao Lei waved his hand and said, "Don't worry about me. I'm protected by a group of nurses. I'll just stay in another courtyard. I won't go there. Nothing will happen. You hurry up and do the work. It'll be over if you're late!"

"Hey." Peng Wen left immediately and rode to the main house of the Lei family caravan to find Lei Mao.

Lei Mao is the general manager of the Lei family caravan in Xing'an Prefecture. He is very famous in Xing'an Prefecture. Not only is he familiar with the situation in the city, but he can also directly meet the adults in the government office. When he saw Peng Wen coming, he asked: "Where is my aunt?" , why didn’t you come back?”

Lei Mao and Peng Wen were both nearly forty years old, so they called Gao Lei their aunt.

Peng Wen said: "The old lady stayed in another courtyard. She said that Mrs. Qin was young and had no elders around her. She was afraid of the war now, so she went with Mrs. Qin."

He also said that the Rong people might poison the wells in the city, so he had to go to the government office to inform Magistrate Hao and ask Magistrate Hao to send people to search the city again.

"Sure, I'll make arrangements right away." Lei Mao immediately asked someone to beat the gong and gather everyone from the Lei family's caravan.

Good guy, in less than half a quarter of an hour, the entire front yard of the main house was filled with strong men with knives, like a gang gathering.

Lei Mao: "Everyone is divided into three groups. One group goes to the wells in the city to protect the water source and prevent the soldiers from poisoning; one group stays to protect the family; and the other group goes to the other courtyard to protect the old lady!"

"Yes!" The people from the Lei family's caravan responded and immediately dispersed, led by three stewards, and ran to different places.

Lei Mao rode a horse and followed Peng Wen to the government office, but was told: "The prefect is not in the government office. He has gone to the city tower."

Xing'an Prefecture was besieged. As the prefect, Hao Zhifu naturally had to go to the tower to see the situation.

The two of them ran non-stop towards the city tower, not daring to run too fast for fear that the horses would hit pedestrians on the road.

The city was already in chaos, with people everywhere coming out to buy food, salt and other supplies, as well as people dragging their families and families out of the city to escape.

Upon seeing this, Lei Mao shouted: "Going out of the city now is a dead end. Don't go out. Prepare food and water. It's safest to stay at home!"

But these people didn't listen at all. They said: "The soldiers are coming, and the city will be destroyed soon. Why don't you run away now and wait to be killed by the soldiers?"

He kindly advised: "Look at the clothes you are wearing, are you from the Lei family caravan? Your Lei family caravan is not bad. I advise you to take your family and escape quickly. Otherwise, when the city is destroyed and the men are killed, Women must be ruined to death!”

After saying that, he grabbed his parents, carried the children on his back, called his wife, and rushed to the city gate.

There are many such houses, blocking the streets.

Lei Mao frowned and stopped trying to persuade them. The city gate was closed anyway, and these people couldn't get out. He dismounted with Peng Wen, pulled the horses and squeezed out of the crowd, and then rode wildly.

More than three quarters of an hour later, we finally arrived at the city gate.

The city gate has been blocked. The soldiers built a human wall and drew their swords to stop the crowd: "Go back, General Liang has an order. Anyone who dares to come will be killed without mercy!"

The people in the city were blocked in front of the city gate and could not leave the city. They cursed angrily: "Fuck you, you are soldiers. If you don't kill soldiers, why are you pointing knives at us?!"

Lei Mao shouted: "Because there may be secrets of the Rong people among you, and you want to come over and open the city gate for the Rong people and kill the people in the city!"

Then he pointed at the man who just cursed and said: "He may be a spy of the Rong people, arrest him!"

When the man heard this, he was frightened to death and said quickly: "No, no, I am a citizen of the city and a good citizen. Who the hell are you? Don't slander me!"

Peng Wen sneered: "He is General Manager Lei of the Lei Family Caravan!"

As soon as the four words "Lei Family Caravan" were spoken, the man immediately shrank his neck and apologized: "I am blind and cannot see the mountains. Please don't be angry. I am really a good citizen. I am either a soldier or a soldier." The soldiers are calling, and I want to take my family and escape."

Lei Mao said: "If you take your family out of the city at this time, are you going to run for your life or die? If you don't want to die, or if you don't want to have a good life in the future, go back!"

The Lei family caravan is not a group of believers. All members carry knives and are comparable to gangsters. There are some things they dare to do.

After hearing this, the large group of people who wanted to leave the city became frightened and backed away, but still did not go home.

Peng Wen said: "Why don't you go home? Are you staying at the gate of the city? Do you want to be the first to be stabbed when the city is destroyed?!"

As soon as these words came out, the people realized that it was not appropriate to stay at the city gate, and some people began to walk back.

Lei Mao had already gone up to the city tower and saw General Liang. He pointed at the group of people and said, "General Liang, please send someone to keep an eye on these people and see where they have gone. There is probably a Rong soldier hiding among them."

General Liang knew what Lei Mao said was reasonable, but where could he get the soldiers to keep an eye on such a large group of people?

However, General Liang wanted to use the men and horses of the Lei family's caravan to defend the city, so he nodded and agreed. He sent soldiers with three small flags, stared at the group of people, and asked Lei Mao: "What are you doing here?"

It couldn't be that Gao Lei filed a lawsuit against him, and Lei Mao came to him to settle the score.

Lei Mao said again what Peng Wen told him.

General Liang was shocked when he heard this and hurriedly took him to see Magistrate Hao, saying: "Governor Hao, this matter is too important. We must immediately send someone to search the Rong people carefully to avoid the tragedy of Rong people poisoning again. "

Here in the northwest, we have not fought with the Rong people once or twice. The Rong people have always been unreasonable and like to poison when fighting, so we have to be on guard.

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