A lucky wife born again from a farm family

Chapter 1603 Attack the city, compromise

Magistrate Hao also knew that this matter was very important, but: "The government office has been searching for Rong people in the city with the people from the Lei family caravan these days. Six families with about 30 people have been found. There should be no Rong people in the city." If you do it carefully, why waste more manpower searching?"

He pointed at the crowd of Rong people outside the city, and then at the pitifully few Dachu soldiers on the tower, and said: "We really don't have any manpower. If we search the whole city again, we will have to take away the soldiers. Then There will be no one to defend the city!”

After speaking, he looked at Lei Mao and said: "General Manager Lei, I know that your Lei family caravan has many people, and all of them are good at martial arts. Please ask Mrs. Gao to help and select a group of people from the Lei family caravan. Searching the city."

Lei Mao almost laughed angrily: "Prefect Hao, we from the Lei family's caravan have gone to guard various wells in the city to prevent the Rong from poisoning. Where can we find the manpower to search for the Rong in the city?"

The Lei family's caravan is engaged in business, not as soldiers of the Yamen. It's good to be able to do this job. What else does Magistrate Hao want from them? !

Magistrate Hao also knew that the Lei family caravan had done their best, so he thought about it and said: "Take Lou Bantou to the Fengjia Escort Bureau and ask the people from the Fengjia Escort Agency to search the Rong people in the city with you. The government really has nothing. When people are gone, the government officials will guard the city."

Added another sentence: "After you have searched the city, you will also come to help defend the city. The soldiers and civilians of Xing'an Prefecture will both prosper and suffer. If we don't defend the city, we will all die."

"Fengjia Escort Agency? Hao Zhifu, you are really good at making things difficult for me." Lei Mao said: "The Fengjia Escort Agency is not very good at dealing with us. I don't know how to dispatch them. So, you order the people from the Fengjia Escort Agency to guard the tower. City, how about giving us two squads of government officials and going with us to search for the soldiers?"

General Liang heard this and said: "Prefect Hao, let's do it like this."

He added: "Prefect Hao, Lei Mao is right. Now sending the government officials to search the city can also appease the people. It is much better than letting the people from the Fengjia Escort Bureau do the search."

The soldiers were besieging the city, and the people in the city were very scared. At this time, people from the government came forward to search from house to house while comforting the people, so that the city could be more stable.

After hearing this, Magistrate Hao nodded in agreement, and immediately asked someone to hand him a pen and paper, and wrote a handwritten note, asking all the bodyguards from the Fengjia Bodyguard Bureau to come and guard the city: "Take it, search it carefully, and make sure there are no soldiers in the city."

"Hey." Lei Mao took the handwritten letter and left immediately.

When Lei Mao was arguing with Magistrate Hao, Peng Wen had been standing on the tower watching the Rong people. When Lei Mao waved him away, he asked him: "How is it?"

Peng Wen shook his head: "It's not good. The Rong people have surrounded Xing'an Prefecture and sent a team of chariots to run along the city wall. It can be seen that they want to seal us in the city and prevent anyone from leaving the city... …The king’s flag has always been standing, and the horn will sound every quarter of an hour. It is obvious that all their troops have not arrived yet, and they are still gathering troops.”

When Peng Wen said this, a cold sweat broke out on his back: "How many troops have they sent this time? Now it looks like there are twenty or thirty thousand troops. If they continue to gather troops, won't they have to have more than fifty thousand troops? Xing'an Prefecture will Thousands of soldiers and horses, if tens of thousands of Rong people attack the city together, it is possible to directly attack Beicang Prefecture, let alone Xing'an Prefecture! The Rong people set up a royal flag, which shows that the people leading the troops are from the royal family."

Rong people pay attention to blood. Once the royal family leads an army, they must win, otherwise they will both perish. This battle is dangerous.

Lei Mao's face darkened when he heard this, and he said: "Search the city first to make sure there are no soldiers in the city before talking about anything else... If we really can't defend it, we can send my aunt out of the city with the men and horses of the Lei family's caravan. "

Peng Wen: "But..."

What about the other brothers’ families?

The old lady would not leave if she could not ensure the safety of her brothers and their families.

However, Peng Wen did not ask this question. Saying such words now would spoil his mood. He had better listen to Lei Cao and search the Rong people in the city first.

The two squeezed through the crowd, got on their horses, and ran towards the government office. After running more than ten meters, there was a loud bang behind them.

Pieces of burning boulders were thrown towards the city, breaking holes in the walls of the tower.


The huge boulder rolled down from the city tower and hit the city. The people near the city gate were hit by the boulder and were instantly crushed into meat cakes. Some people were burned by the flames and covered with flames. They kept screaming and running: "Ah, ah, Help, help!”

An unpleasant smell of pine oil filled the air, filling everyone's nostrils.

"The soldiers are attacking the city!" Peng Wen looked back and saw that the huge rocks burning with fire were still smashing into the city. The people who had previously blocked the city gate ran away. The surrounding area immediately became chaotic, and there were several people. People covered in fire were bumping around like headless flies.

Peng Wen couldn't see it, and hurriedly rode into a row of houses at the base of the city wall. He jumped off the horse, took out buckets of water, and poured it on those who were on fire: "There is water in the room where the soldiers are resting. Hurry up." Go get water and save people!”

However, everyone was in chaos. They all fled to the city for their lives, and no one listened to him at all.

Lei Mao called several soldiers over, brought water to put out the fire on several people, and saved the burned people.

"There are soldiers taking care of them. We are under control. Let's go quickly." Lei Mao grabbed Peng Wen and rode away. He took a shortcut to the government office and gave Hao Zhifu's handwriting to Lou Bantou.

After reading it, Team Leader Lou immediately called Team Leader Ji and showed him Magistrate Hao's handwriting: "Old Ji, you first lead the brothers and the people from the Lei family caravan to search the city, and I will go with Chief Manager Lei." Fengjia Escort Bureau. After the Fengjia Escort Bureau goes to defend the city, we will follow you to search for the Rong people."

The detailed work of the search army cannot wait, the sooner it is done, the better.

"Team Leader Lou is still good at handling things." Lei boasted, and then said to Team Leader Ji: "Thank you for your hard work, Old Ji. For the sake of our family, we must find out the rong people carefully!"

Everyone has selfish motives, you say for the sake of the people in the city? Stop talking nonsense, at this time, only your own life and that of your family are the most important.

"Sure, I will take my brothers to search." Old Ji responded, went to the Lei family's main house, took away all the men from the Lei family's caravan who were left behind, and began to search the city carefully.

Lei Mao and Lou Bantou went to the Fengjia Escort Bureau, found the head escort, and showed the head escort Hao Zhifu's handwriting: "Default Chief Feng, this is an order from the prefect Hao. For the sake of the family members of the bodyguards of your escort bureau, For the sake of your master’s reputation, do it quickly.”

The head of Feng Darat's face turned dark, damn Lei Mao, and he threatened him with the reputation of his master's family. He also got Hao Zhifu's handwritten letter in advance, so that he couldn't refuse even if he wanted to.

If they refuse, it means that the Feng family ignored the overall situation and acted selfishly during the war. The Feng family will be despised by the entire Chu State and even be resented by the emperor.

Emperor Jingyuan hated the Rong people so much. If the Rong people came, the Feng family's bodyguards would not help fight against the Rong people... Hehe, after the war, the Feng family's house would definitely be ransacked!

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