The city was under siege because everyone knew that food was now a valuable thing, so these dozen or so families were reluctant to eat the food they had just bought, and they still ate the old food at home. Only one family ran out of salt and planned to eat the new food tonight. of poisonous salt.

However, this family was too poor to bear to add salt every time. They planned to sprinkle some salt to taste when cooking in the evening, so they escaped the disaster.

After seeing Team Leader Lou bringing people to search, he thought something had happened to his family and summoned the people from the yamen. They were so frightened that they all knelt down.

Leader Lou didn't have time to explain to them, so he immediately searched out all the grain and salt in his house, and even took away the multi-grain porridge that was still being cooked.

Lou Bantou said: "The Rong people poisoned the city. The grain and salt your family bought at Zhou's shop have been poisoned. They can't be eaten. We have to take away the grain and salt."

"What, the food of the Zhou family has been poisoned by the soldiers?" The old man of this family cried: "What about my family? There are nearly twenty people, old and young. Now the soldiers are besieging the city, and the men in the family cannot go out to work. If this food cannot be eaten, wouldn’t the whole family starve to death?!”

Doctor Fang said: "Don't worry, the Lei family's caravan will bring you food and salt before dark."

Since the Lei family caravan has taken care of this matter, they will not watch people who buy poisonous food starve to death.

After hearing this, the old man's family burst into tears of joy: "Thank you so much, Mr. Lei Wu, and thank you so much, Mr. Lei!"

Doctor Fang waved his hand and said, "Don't thank me. Come here. I want to diagnose your pulse. Please make sure you don't get poisoned or contract any disease."

Rong people like to poison poisons that are contagious, so we must be on guard against them.

The old man said hurriedly: "Quick, come here and check the doctor's pulse!"

Doctor Fang stayed at the old man's house for half an hour, and after checking the old man's family, he followed Mr. Lou with confidence.

However, Dr. Fang asked Team Leader Lou to leave a yamen servant behind and look at the family: "Someone has to keep an eye on them, lest the poison develops in a few days, or they have already been infected with the epidemic, which would be bad."

The soldiers and civilians in the northwest were very experienced in poisoning the Rong people, so when Dr. Fang said this, no one objected.

The old man's family was still very happy, thinking that there were government officials guarding them at this time, and if the soldiers attacked the city, they would have a helper to block them.

Lei Mao went to buy Chang's medicinal materials.

People who buy medicine usually have patients at home, so several patients who took Chang's medicinal herbs died suddenly.

When Lei Mao and the others arrived at Yao's house, the boss of Yao's family had just died, and Mrs. Yao was crying on the body of boss Yao.

"Pull her away quickly, get everyone else out, and burn the body immediately!"

The people from the Lei family caravan immediately followed suit.

Mrs. Yao had just died of her eldest son, and was in grief. When she saw that her eldest son's body was about to be burned, she raised her crutch and struck Lei Mao: "Stop, you Lei family caravans, don't bully others... My eldest son He died of illness and you refused to bury him and even burned him. Are you human?!"

Mrs. Yao was so excited that she burst into tears after scolding her. As a result, she couldn't breathe and fainted from crying.

Yao Er stood up and said: "General Manager Lei, you can't do this. My brother has died of illness. We have to build a funeral shed for him and burn his body. It is disrespectful to the deceased!"

Lei Mao hurriedly told Rongren Xizuo about poisoning the Chang family's medicinal materials: "Your eldest brother was poisoned to death. The poison may induce epidemic diseases. His body may have infectious poison and must be burned. "

He added: "As for your whole family, you must stay at home and be guarded by people from the Yamen, lest you also be infected with the epidemic and harm everyone in the city."

"What?!" Yao Er was stunned and couldn't believe that his eldest brother was poisoned to death by soldiers.

After hearing this, the rest of the Yao family were all frightened.

They were crying and making trouble, but they couldn't make more trouble than the people from the Lei family caravan, they were all subdued.

The body of the eldest son of the Yao family was dragged to the yard and burned. The bed and bedding were also burned.

Doctor Fang rushed here and prescribed some detoxifying medicine to the Yao family and asked them to take a bath quickly. Finally, he told them that the whole family should not go out.

Lei Mao and Lou Bantou were busy until midnight before they finished the work of poisoning Rong Renxiu. They were afraid that they would also be infected with the poison, so they did not dare to see Gao Lei, so they only sent someone to inform Gao Lei. thing.

Gao Lei nodded after hearing this: "It's good to catch them all, otherwise half of the people in the city will die."

Gu Jinli now lives in the same house as Gao Lei. After hearing this, he asked: "Aunt Lei, is Rongren's poison very powerful?"

After hearing this, Gao Lei remembered the disgusting past, with an expression on his face as if he had eaten a fly.

After a while, he said: "It's not very powerful, but it can make people die in a very disgusting way, and it can also infect people, which is quite scary."

After hearing this, Gu Jinli asked, "Can you tell me what symptoms the patients who were poisoned by Rongren's poison have?"

Gao Lei frowned when he heard this, looked at her and said, "You want to hear such disgusting things?"

Gu Jinli nodded: "I have some medical skills, and the Rong people have already laid siege to the city. I know more about it. If the Rong people poison me again, I won't panic if I encounter him."

"The Rong people have been caught doing fine work, how can the Rong people poison them? You, you just love to find punishment." After Gao Lei complained, he held back his nausea and told Gu Jinli several ways to poison the Rong people. Symptoms of poison.

Don't tell me, it's really disgusting!

But there is something even more disgusting.

Outside the city, the great witch doctor led by Lemuqin took advantage of the darkness and began to take action, releasing several groups of birds... These birds were carrying poisonous insects.

These poisonous insects are bloodthirsty and will burrow into the bodies of living creatures to reproduce. After killing people or animals, they will crawl out of the corpse and look for new living creatures to parasitize.

To put it bluntly, the poison used by the great witch doctor of the Rong people this time was a parasite, a terrible parasite that can live in the human body and kill people and animals after being cultivated.

The birds had been infected by parasites, but they could still fly. After being released, they flew towards the city.

It was dark, and the birds were small. As long as there were no huge rocks flying towards them, the soldiers guarding the city would not pay any attention to them. Moreover, birds were so common that they would fly around every day, so even if they saw them, the soldiers would not care.

The birds entered the city smoothly, but their bodies had been devoured by parasites, and they died not long after flying into the city.

Bang bang bang!

Birds smashed down from the sky and fell into the courtyards of people's houses.

Early the next morning.

As soon as Lin Dagui opened the door, he saw several dead birds falling in his yard. He was so happy that he called to his brothers: "Second, second and third, God has sent meat to our family. Come out quickly to pick up these birds." Throw it into the multigrain porridge and cook it together, our family will also have meat porridge today!"

The Lin family is not rich, and now the city is under siege. Everyone can't get out, and they will die at some point. It would be good if they could eat some meat. I heard that a dead bird landed in my yard, so I immediately got dressed. Get up and pick up the birds.

"Brother, there are eight of them, enough for three of us." Lin Sangui took the eight dead birds and plucked their feathers and cleaned them. Without cutting them, he threw them directly into the freshly boiled porridge water.

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