A lucky wife born again from a farm family

Chapter 1606 Attack the city and break out

"The porridge is ready, come and eat quickly!" Lin Dagui greeted the people in the third room, and went to help Mrs. Lin out personally: "Mom, God has blessed us and sent meat to our family. Today, whether it is a boy or a girl, We all eat meat, do you think that’s okay?”

In the past, when the Lin family ate meat, the girls could only watch. Only during Chinese New Year and holidays could the girls get two pieces of meat to eat.

But now that the city is under siege, this may be their last meat meal. The whole family must eat some meat, lest they die and go to the underworld to be complained by the girls.

Mrs. Lin also felt that the family was a little sorry for the girls, so she nodded and said: "Okay, we all eat meat today. Boss, please share the meat with the others."

"Hey." Lin Dagui responded, first giving a bird to Mrs. Lin: "Mom, you are the biggest in the family, you can eat a whole bird."

After Mrs. Lin finished eating, Lin Dagui used scissors to cut the bird meat and divided the seven birds into fourteen parts. Each person in the three houses got half a bird.

The whole family enjoyed and cherished the meal...after all, it might be the last meal.

After eating, Lin Ergui took Dafang's son out to check the situation.

There were many people on the street, all of them men. Like Lin Ergui, they went to the government office to inquire about the situation.

"Yesterday, the soldiers used flint to attack the city. They smashed the east tower, but they did not hit the city gate. I wonder what poison they will use against us today?" said the shopkeeper Lu of the city's wine shop, feeling extremely scared. Then he said worriedly: "I heard that General Zhou entered the city late, and most of his soldiers were killed by the soldiers. The remaining soldiers and horses ran away, probably hiding in the mountains."

"What, is what Mr. Lu said true? General Zhou's troops have not entered the city?" Lin Ergui worked as a waiter in the Lu family restaurant. When he heard this, he grabbed the shopkeeper Lu and asked, "No way, General Zhou is Xu The general sent him, he was very powerful, how could he be killed by the soldiers so quickly?"

"Oh, all the really powerful soldiers have died long ago. How can the remaining ones be the rivals of the Rong people?" Shopkeeper Lu said this in a somewhat cryptic way, alluding to the emperor's killing of Wei Guogong and his family.

"What can we do? We won't be massacred by the soldiers, right?" Lin Ergui was very scared and asked tremblingly.

"How do I know?" Shopkeeper Lu withdrew his hand and squeezed towards the yamen door. He wanted to ask his acquaintances in the yamen to see if they knew about the latest war situation and whether they had sent a letter asking for help. When will reinforcements arrive?

Dang, Dang, Dang!

The yamen servant struck the gong and shouted: "Back off, back off, Qi Tongzhi is here!"

After hearing this, the people surrounding the Yamen were so excited that they hurriedly asked: "Master Tongzhi, will the Rong people attack Xing'an Prefecture? When will someone come to rescue us?!"

Some people were so frightened that they cried loudly, knelt down and begged: "Master Tongzhi, we must ask the capital to send reinforcements to save us!"

Qi Tongzhi also knew that everyone was scared, so he stepped on the chair and shouted: "Don't worry, everyone, before the army besieged the city, the government had sent people to Yongcheng Prefecture, Daliang Prefecture, and Long'an Prefecture to ask for help. The reinforcements from these three prefectures, The reinforcements from the Central Plains Capital Command and the reinforcements from the capital will come to rescue us soon. Just hold on for a few more days, and when General Xu's reinforcements arrive, we will be saved!"

This happened thanks to the Lei family's caravan. If General Liang had been relied upon, everyone in Xing'an Prefecture would have died, and the soldiers in the nearby city had not yet heard the news.

Thinking of this, Qi Tongzhi couldn't help but curse in his heart: Damn Liang Baifeng, if you don't believe Mrs. Gao's news, come and tell me, let me escape first!

Now that he is trapped here, he can only fight to the death for his own life.

"What? General Xu has already brought his army to rescue us! God bless us!" The guys were so excited. It's good that the reinforcements have arrived. They don't want to be slaughtered by the soldiers like the people in Longshan Mansion. .

But there are also people who doubt whether this is true or not, saying: "Master Tongzhi, you are not lying to us, are you? General Xu is going to guard Long'an Prefecture, who will come to rescue us? What about the soldiers and horses of Yongcheng Prefecture and Daliang Prefecture? Not many, even if they come, can they beat the Rong people?"

Qi Tongzhi sneered, pointed at the man and said, "Come on, this man uttered evil words during the war and was caught by me. He will be punished with thirty sticks!"

"Ah? Master Tongzhi, you are wronged. I just asked a question, how can it become a lie?!" The man refused to accept it and shouted even louder.

After Qi Tongzhi heard this, he realized that he was getting what he wanted, so he changed his order: "If you don't repent, come on and kill him with a stick!"

After hearing this, the man's face turned pale with fright. After noticing Qi Tongzhi's murderous intent today, he hurried away.

But the government officials had already rushed over, held down the man, tied his hands and feet, blocked his mouth, and started beating him!

The government officials used all their strength and beat him more than fifty times, beating the man's back to a pulp and beating him to death in front of the government office.

"Oh my God~" Shopkeeper Lu and the others exclaimed, almost paralyzed to the ground in fright, but it was Lin Ergui who dragged him back and didn't stop until he reached the other side of the street.

"Oh my God, Tian Liuzi is dead, Qi Tongzhi really killed him like this~" Lin Ergui was also frightened, and said tremblingly after running to the other side of the street.

Shopkeeper Lu had come to his senses and answered: "It must have been intentional... During the war, it was most taboo for everyone in the city to be disobedient. In order to prevent everyone from causing trouble, we killed them as a warning to others."

Shopkeeper Lu is worthy of being a shopkeeper, and he guessed it right.

General Liang and Magistrate Hao sent a message to Qi Tongzhi, asking him to stabilize the people in the city and kill people as a last resort to scare them!

After Qi Tongzhi received the news, he planned to kill a thorn to shock the people in the city. Tian Liuzi happened to be looking for death, so he fulfilled his wish.

As his name suggests, Tian Liuzi is a gangster from the west of the city. When he was a child, he came to Fucheng to beg for food. When he grew up, he became a thug. In short, he is a person who will do any evil thing as long as he has money. If you kill him, you will not have a family. Come and seek justice.

Qi Tongzhi took the opportunity and said: "In Da Chu's criminal law, those who mislead the public with evil words during war will be killed without mercy! Tian Liuzi is seeking death for himself, and he cannot blame others. You must also remember this. Don't cause trouble to the government, otherwise you will end up like Tian Liuzi. Did you hear that clearly?!"

Tian Liuzi was beaten to death, and his screams before his death hit everyone's eardrums. Everyone was scared and hurriedly said: "Listen, listen clearly."

Qi Tongzhi felt that this was not enough, so he said: "Come here, take the soldiers out carefully and show their heads to the public on the spot!"

Mrs. Xu's daughter, son, son-in-law and her family were all escorted out and knelt on the ground.

The executioner of the Yamen raised his knife and chopped off one by one... The process of killing one by one was a bit long, and the people present were even more frightened to death.

Shopkeeper Lu was vomiting. Before he finished cutting, he said to Lin Ergui: "Quick, help me go home and give you two taels of silver~"

Shopkeeper Lu was stingy. Lin Ergui used to work for him and would not give him an extra copper plate, but now he gave him two taels of silver. Lin Ergui was naturally happy to help shopkeeper Lu go home.

Shopkeeper Lu readily gave Lin Ergui two taels of silver. After Lin Ergui's uncle and nephew left happily, shopkeeper Lu laughed and said, "Idiot."

Nowadays, in wartime, food is the most valuable thing, and money is dead!

But shopkeeper Lu was not happy for long, and fell ill the next night.

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