A lucky wife born again from a farm family

Chapter 1622 Siege the city, massive attack [4]


"Aunt Xiong is here to report that little red spots have been found on Xiong San and Mr. Hong, but they are not sick yet. Doctor Lu is using insect attractants on them. The results will be available in two quarters of an hour. You don't have to worry."

"Did Mr. Hong fall into the trap?" Gu Jinli frowned. He was Hong Dao's grandfather, but nothing could happen to him: "But it was his lucky pig that caused the trouble? Has the pig been checked?"

Mr. Hong brought a little piglet to the northwest. He originally planned to kill it for the big pig to eat during the Chinese New Year, but they lived in the Gu family's village during the Chinese New Year. There was no shortage of meat to eat, so they didn't kill the piglet. pig.

Mr. Hong took the pig with him for a few months. He had developed a crush on it. He kept it as a pet and hugged it from time to time. However, the pig liked to run around, and he was afraid of getting into trouble outside. poisonous insect.

Gu Jinli said: "Aunt Lei, I have to go see Mr. Hong and ask him to burn the pig."

Gao Lei said: "Okay, I will accompany you."

The group of people went to the courtyard where Mr. Hong and his friends lived. When they arrived, Doctor Lu had already lured the poisonous insects out of Mr. Hong's body.

But Mr. Hong's pig couldn't be saved. Its belly was bloated, and poisonous insects had penetrated its internal organs, causing massive bleeding: "Brother Hong, this pig must be burned and cannot be kept."

Mr. Hong shed tears and said, "It really can't be cured? I have raised him as a grandson for several months. He has been raised so big. It would be a pity to have a fever like this."

Gu Jinli, who had just arrived outside the hospital: "..."

You always said this, and for a moment I didn't know if you were reluctant to let it die, or if you were sorry for its body?

"It's better to burn it, otherwise it will not only waste medicine, but also leave a place for the poisonous insects to breed. When the insects grow up, they will harm more people." What Dr. Lu said frightened Hong and Hong People who always lived in the same courtyard all advised: "Mr. Hong, burn it. Don't delay its reincarnation as a human being."

Mr. Hong didn't want to hurt the big guy, so he finally agreed: "...Okay, let's burn it. Remember to build a grave for it so that it can go away with dignity."

Doctor Lu: "Xiong Er, burn it on the spot. If you see any bugs crawling out, remember to stamp them to death. Don't let any poisonous bugs escape."

After that, he went to save Xiong San.

Outside the hospital, Gao Lei said: "It sounds fine. There's no need to go and see. Let's make poison quickly."

"Okay, let's go." Gu Jinli heard that Mr. Hong was still in the mood to cry for his pig, so he left with peace of mind. He did not go to the courtyard of the medicine warehouse, but went directly back to the courtyard where she and Gao Lei lived, and asked Ye Jingzi to take care of everything. After picking the required medicinal materials into the yard, he started to close the door to make the poison.

Gao Lei was shocked when he saw her busy: "You really know how to make medicine."

"Well, can I still lie to you?" Gu Jinli said, and then said: "You should go out first, my poison needs to be steamed, it is a bit dangerous."

The poison she made this time was stronger, and after steaming it in a sealed jar, it would be even stronger. It could kill someone in the blink of an eye. Even she couldn't stay in the house, waiting to put the jar on the stove, leaving Leave immediately after the next piece of charcoal is baked.

Gao Lei nodded and hurried out.

Aunt Tao, Xiaoji, and Ye Jingzi also hurried out, while Qing and Qing accompanied Gu Jinli... The master said that they must accompany Madam when she goes on adventures.

Live together and die together.

"Run!" After Gu Jinli finished, he called to Qing, ran out of the house, slammed the door, stepped back a few meters, and said, "The poison will be cured tomorrow."

Then mix those liquid poisons into the powder. Just sprinkle it and it can poison Rong people to death!

It was already late at night. After finishing his work, Gu Jinli took a medicated bath to cleanse his body of any possible poisonous gas, and then went back to his house to sleep.

But she didn't sleep peacefully. She had a bad nightmare. After being frightened, she heard the sound of bang bang bang again. This was the soldiers attacking the city with flint again.

Ji Zhenniang also lived in this courtyard. After hearing the sound, she came with Xie Huaihua and Nanny Xie and knocked on the door. She trembled and said: "Gu Xiaoyu, Gu Xiaoyu, are you awake? Can I go in and sleep with you?" ?The Rong people are attacking the city again, I'm scared."

Ji Zhenniang had been scared out of her mind these past few days. When the poisonous insect disease was found in another hospital, she was so scared that she fainted. Fortunately, she just hid in the room and cried, so she didn't cause any trouble to Gu Jinli.

Gu Jinli: "Sanqing, open the door and let her in. Keep your voice down so as not to wake Aunt Lei."

"Hey." Sanqing responded and went to open the door for Ji Zhenniang.

Gu Jinli came out of the inner room, pointed to the floor of the outer room and said, "You can make a bunk on the floor. Sleeping in the inner room will wake up Aunt Lei."

"Hmm." Ji Zhenniang was very afraid of Gao Lei. The old lady was more vicious than Gu Jinli. She was scolded so badly that she didn't dare to sleep on the floor. After Grandma Xie and Xie Huaihua laid the floor, she hugged her Sitting on the ground under the quilt, listening to the sound of boulders outside.

He shuddered every time he heard it, which made Gu Jinli's mouth twitch. He whispered: "You know how cruel the Rong people are this time. Do you still dislike Xie Baihu for killing people? These beasts should be cut into pieces by a thousand cuts." "

He also reminded: "Take the poison I gave you carefully, and use it neatly. Don't be like when you deal with bandits, you can't even sprinkle poison."

Ji Zhenniang trembled and promised: "I, I know, I will definitely use the poison well."


"Gu Xiaoyu, if the city is destroyed, can I take poison? Will my death be uncomfortable?"

I heard that the Rong people treated Dachu women as livestock, which would bring disaster to their lives. She would rather die than be humiliated.

Gu Jinli clicked his tongue when he heard it: "Look at your potential... No matter how far you go, you can still take it, but remember to spread poison first and kill a group of people to avenge yourself. You can't die in vain, right?"

Bang bang bang~

There was another sound of flint being thrown. Ji Zhenniang trembled a few times when she heard it, and replied: "You are right, you have to get a group of people before you die. It would be a shame to die in vain."

Gu Jinli smiled, Ji Zhenniang finally made some progress.

Half an hour later, the sound of boulders smashing against the city wall finally stopped. Gu Jinli listened for another three-quarters of an hour before he felt relieved... It was another feint attack, as the Rong people had been doing these past few days.

"Go to sleep, the soldiers won't attack the city tonight." Gu Jinli said and went back to the back room to sleep.

Before Chen time the next day, Magistrate Hao arrived with carts of medicinal materials. As soon as he saw Gao Lei, he said: "Mrs. Gao, I have brought the medicinal materials you asked for. Where is the insect attractant? I have made it." How much is it? Give it all to me!"

Last night, he sent people to every house overnight to notify people, asking them to check if there were any red spots on their bodies.

After receiving the news this morning, he was so frightened that he almost lost half his life. There were more people sick in the city than he thought.

Some people were sick and no one knew about it. After the government officials called the door and received no answer, they broke in and saw only corpses killed by poisonous insects.

The bodies were burned on the spot.

When it was burning, many poisonous insects crawled out, and the government officials almost fainted from fright.

Gao Lei wanted to save people, and did not hold Hao Zhifu's medicine stuck. After taking the medicinal materials, she gave him the insect attractant medicine prepared in the medicine warehouse.

Magistrate Hao immediately pulled him away to save him.

After three days of such busy work, the poisonous insect disease in the city was finally under control.

At this time, the Rong people also realized that something was wrong, and they released several batches of birds. At this time, Xing'an Mansion must have been in chaos due to the outbreak of poisonous pests. Why were there no shortage of soldiers on the tower? Didn't you hear that the untouchables in the city were frightened by the poisonous insects and made a fuss?

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