A lucky wife born again from a farm family

Chapter 1623 Siege the city, massive attack【5】

The military scout Qianhu, who was responsible for investigating the city tower and the enemy situation in the city, immediately reported the strange things in the city to the general.

General Le Muqin frowned when he heard this, called the great witch doctor, and asked: "Why is Xing'an Prefecture still so stable? Didn't you say that rotworms are powerful, and they have been cultivated from generation to generation, and they reproduce quickly and can grow quickly?" If it spreads in the city, surely the untouchables of Dachu will not be able to resist? What is going on now?!"

After saying this, he slapped the table, his bearded face filled with anger.

The great witch doctor Tuzhang brought by Lemuqin is the confidant of the great wizard. Although Lemuqin belongs to the royal family, he is usually very polite to Tuzhang. After all, he is a member of the great wizard.

In Dayong, no matter who becomes the Khan of Heaven, he must get the blessing of the great wizard to secure his position. Otherwise, with a word from the great wizard, all the Rong people who believe in the witch god may turn against the Khan of Heaven.

However, only two groups of vanguards from the four directions came, and two groups were still delayed, which made Lemuchin very irritated. After seeing that the city had not been opened indiscriminately, he caught the big witch doctor and vented his anger.

After hearing the report from the scout Qianhu, Tu Zhang also frowned and said: "General, the rot bugs were given by the great wizard, and they were tamed by us under the leadership of the great wizard. We have tried them in Dongqing and other desert countries. Several times, the results have been excellent, but no one can solve the danger of the rot insects. The untouchables in Dachu are too stupid to deal with the rot insects!"

This is a good thing that the great wizard personally searched for and cultivated. It was given by the wizard god. The common people in Dachu are inferior to animals. How can they control the divine object given by the wizard god?

"But why is there no chaos in the city now?!" The general asked, pointing at the great witch doctor: "This battle is related to the great cause of Dayong for eternity. We must capture the entire northwest and occupy the fortress cities leading to the Central Plains. If it fails, You all must kill yourself to apologize to the Witch God!"

The great witch doctor said: "If this incident fails, I will cut off my head to apologize to the witch god and the great wizard, but the rotten bug will never make a mistake. The general should wait for another two days to see. After all, the general's troops are There was no gathering.”


Lemuqin kicked over the iron stove in front of him, pointed at the great witch doctor and said, "How dare you mock me!"

"I don't dare. The great wizard has told me that there must be no mistakes in attacking Chu this time. Tu Zhang will obey the general's orders even if he swore to death." Tu Zhang's words sounded nice, but his face was full of mockery and Le Muqin wanted to vent his anger on him. the meaning of.

Lemuqin was furious when he saw it, but he did have two groups of vanguard troops from all directions that had not arrived, and he didn't know what happened on the way, so they were delayed.

There is also Tuo Gude. He hasn’t sent a message to him for a long time. I wonder if he is dead or alive now?

Thinking about these things, Lemuqin became more and more angry and said to Tuzhang: "Get out, let the rotworms go again, and mess up Xing'an Mansion!"

Tu Zhang was also furious at being scolded, but for the sake of the grand plan, he remained silent. After bowing, he led two witch doctors out of the tent.

"Call all the witch doctors and release the rot worms." Tu Zhang ordered.

"Yes." The two witch doctors immediately blew the horns they carried, and the dull sound of the horns sounded. The witch doctors gathered immediately after hearing it.

The witch doctors also brought cages, and in these cages were batches of birds. The bellies of some of these birds had begun to swell, which showed that they were seriously harmed by poisonous insects. If they were not released, they would not survive for half a day. will die.

"Sacrifice to the witch god!" Tu Zhang led the witch doctors in the direction of Dayong. After worshiping the witch god once, he started to release the birds: "Let go!"

There was a flapping sound, and the birds flapped their wings and flew towards Xing'an Mansion in the dark.

"Bird, general, another bird is flying here!" Since everyone knew that the poisonous insects were brought by birds, General Liang asked his soldiers to stare at the sky. If they saw a bird flying, they should shoot it immediately.

But these flocks of birds are still too small in size, and they come at night. How can they shoot them?

"Shoot the arrows, shoot the arrows quickly!" General Liang was frightened when he heard the birds flying again, and immediately asked the soldiers to shoot them with arrows.

Whoosh whoosh!

Whoosh whoosh!

A shower of arrows was fired at the birds in the sky, but unfortunately few of them could be hit. Ninety percent of the birds were flying towards various places in the city, and they could not be caught and found nowhere.

"General, no, it's too dark, the birds are too small, and this thing flies very high, beyond the range of the bow and arrow, there is no way to shoot it!" The deputy general ran over to report, feeling scared and anxious. , these birds flew into the city in batches, and I don’t know how many people will be infected tomorrow.

Bang, General Liang punched the city wall and cursed: "Damn Rong people and beasts, there will be no end, they are trying to kill us!"

"Hurry up and ride into the city to inform Magistrate Hao, asking him to quickly organize people to search for birds. These harmful things must be burned clean, otherwise the medicinal materials in the city will be used up. Where can we make insect attractants?! "General Liang is not stupid. He knows that even if there is a way to lure out poisonous insects, the medicinal materials will be used up when the city is besieged.

"Yes!" The deputy general did not dare to delay, and immediately rode towards the city, shouting along the way: "Check if any birds have fallen from the tower? Once found, burn it on the spot, otherwise everyone will suffer again!"

Their military strength is already small, but they cannot withstand the disease.

"Yes!" After hearing this, the soldiers on the tower immediately lit torches and started searching the tower.

The city wall of Fucheng was built very thick, so the city tower was very wide, more than six meters wide, and houses could be built on it. The city wall was long, so there were many places for the soldiers to search.

Torches were wandering back and forth on the city tower. Tuzhang outside the city saw it and frowned... Could it be that the untouchables of Dachu had discovered that the rot worms were brought by birds?

Impossible. How could the untouchables of Dachu be so stupid and discover such a clever plan that the great wizard came up with? !

Although Tu Zhang believed in the great wizard, he was not stupid. Looking at the situation on the tower, he guessed that the untouchables of Dachu had already known about the birds bringing the rotworms.

He was filled with resentment in his heart, and another worry arose... Could it be that the general had guessed correctly, and that the untouchables of Dachu had really figured out a way to cure rotworm disease?

However, Tu Zhang did not inform Lemuqin of this speculation and wanted to wait for two days before talking about it.

He didn't believe it. A magical creature like the Rot Bug couldn't bring chaos to Xing'an Prefecture? !

"Let's go back." Tu Zhang said, leading the witch doctors away, and went back to report to Lemuqin: "General, the rot worms have been released. Let's just wait for good news."

Lemuqin was not so optimistic, and said: "I hope the news is really good. If Xing'an Mansion continues to be in chaos, I will attack the city and won't wait any longer!"

Ha, Tu Zhang sneered in his heart, as if you didn't attack the city because there was no chaos in the city. It was obviously because two of the vanguard armies from the four directions didn't come, so you didn't attack the city.

Tu Zhang didn't say anything more and bowed to leave.

In the city of Xing'an Prefecture, there was a rush of openings all night long.

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