"That's good." Gao Lei said, but she didn't want to escape.

The war is in chaos, and it is not easy to escape with so many relatives. People will die all the time, and it is not good for anyone. If the city can be defended, the lives of all the relatives can be saved.

Seeing that Gao Lei was in a daze, Gu Jinli held her hand and comforted her: "Aunt Lei, don't worry, everything is hard to say now. Maybe God will be on our side this time."

Gao Lei laughed when she heard this: "Aren't you afraid, girl?"

This was probably the first time that Sanlang's daughter-in-law had faced such a military disaster. She was not afraid and actually comforted her.

Gu Jinli smiled and said: "What's the use of being afraid? Besides, we agreed a few days ago that even if we are running for our lives, we should kill all the Rong people!"

When she said the last four words, her expression and tone became colder, which showed that she was very murderous towards the Rong people.

Listening to Gu Jinli's powerful voice and his calm demeanor, everyone's frightened hearts became much more at ease.

Guo Daming's daughter-in-law said: "My wife is so calm at such a young age. I am more than twice as old as my wife, so we shouldn't be afraid."

Han also said: "What Mrs. Guo said is that Rong people are also human beings. They will still be harmed by poisons and poisonous insects. We don't need to be afraid of them!"

Then he lowered his head and said to the two children: "Sister Yu, Brother Yi, did you hear that? We are not afraid."

The two children have recently seen their mother look very haggard, and they have also experienced poisonous insect disease. It would be a lie to say they are not afraid, but hearing their mother's words makes them feel at ease, and the fear on their little faces is much lessened.

When Mrs. Han saw this, she felt heartbroken... She still didn't do well enough. She had always warned herself not to show it no matter how scared she was, but it still affected her two children, making them frightened by her at a young age.

"Mrs. Zhang, you are already the one who has done the best." Apart from Gu Jinli, Gao Lei's most satisfied person is Han. After taking good care of the children, you can also take care of the two villas and take good care of all your relatives.

After hearing this, Mr. Han almost shed tears, but before the tears fell, there was a loud noise.

Bang bang bang!

This sound was all too familiar to them. It was the sound of a catapult smashing a huge flint against the city wall, but this time the sound was not from the east gate, but from the south gate!

"Daqing, what's going on?!" Gu Jinli asked Daqing, who had been standing on the roof to watch the situation.

Daqing replied: "Madam, there are fires in the south of the city. It should be the Rong people attacking the south city!"

The situation is not good.

Gu Jinli reminded: "Aunt Lei, I am afraid that the Rong people will not only attack the east city gate this time, but also pay attention to the south city gate, north city gate, and west city gate, lest the soldiers fight to the death at the east city gate, while the Rong people break through the other gates. enter!"

"Come here!" Gao Lei shouted.

"What's the old lady's order?" Master Yu immediately brought people in.

Gao Lei pointed to the south of the city and said: "Listen to this sound, the Rong people are afraid that they are attacking other city gates. Go to the city tower to inform General Liang and ask him to allocate more troops to guard other city gates, lest the east city gate is not broken and the other three gates are not broken." The city gate was breached by thieves!"

"Hey, I'll send someone right now!" Master Yu said, "Don't worry, old lady, the soldiers don't have that much baggage, so it's impossible to hit four city gates at the same time."

"But what if they secretly climbed up the city wall?" Gu Jinli asked, feeling that Xing'an Mansion was just like a basket, with gaps everywhere for enemies to get through. She asked Ye Jingzi to bring two boxes of poison and gave them to Master Yu: "Uncle Yu, take these poisons and go to the other three city gates. If any soldiers climb up the city wall, sprinkle them with poison to stun them."

Why was the drug given instead of poison?

Because the medicinal materials in the city are limited, not all medicinal materials can be used to prepare poison. All available medicinal materials can only be used, including insect attractants, poisons, poisons, wound medicines, and antidotes.

"Hey, I'll send someone right away." Master Yu Yu wanted to protect the Gao Lei family and would not leave easily. He sent eight brothers in four teams and ran towards the four city gates.

It was also because they delivered the drug quickly that there were actually dead soldiers at the other three city gates using hook ropes to climb the city walls, trying to use the cover of the boulder feint to silently climb up the city walls and open the doors for the soldiers.

"There are soldiers and thieves, shoot insect arrows quickly!" Hundreds of households guarding the north city gate discovered the soldiers and immediately called on the soldiers to use insect arrows.

Whoosh whoosh!

The insect arrows were shot down, but these were dead soldiers. Even if the rot insects got into their bodies, they would not run away, but would still crawl towards the city wall.

"Quickly find the hooks and cut off their ropes!" All the households broke into a cold sweat as they looked at the dead soldiers climbing up.

But although the soldiers cut off the ropes of the dead soldiers, the dead soldiers did not fall off the city wall, because their hands and feet were tied with hooks, and the hooks clamped the gaps in the city wall, preventing the dead soldiers from dying. The soldier fell.

When all the hundred households were pale and at their wits' end, the people from the Lei family's caravan brought the poison.

"Master Baihu, the Lei family's annex has sent a drug that can stun them!" A Xiaoqi came holding the box in person.

The whole hundred households were overjoyed and hurriedly said: "Spread the poison quickly!"

"Yes!" The soldiers all took the antidote pills and were not afraid of the poison. They just grabbed the poison and sprinkled it down the city.

Bang bang bang!

Many dead soldiers were knocked unconscious, fell from the city wall, and were directly smashed into meat patties.

However, the Rong people died more than they thought. After one group died, another group immediately took their hooks and continued to climb desperately.

The poison was limited, and it was used separately at the three city gates. After all the poison was spread, not all the dead soldiers fainted.

It’s over, it’s over!

All the households looked at the dead soldiers climbing up like evil spirits, their bodies soaked in cold sweat.

He wiped his face and said to his soldiers and strong men: "Get ready. As soon as the soldiers come up, they will be killed immediately!"

He also warned: "No one can retreat. If anyone dares to escape from the battle, I will chop up your family members in the city first even if I die!"

After listening to the strong men who wanted to escape, their legs and feet became weak and they did not dare to run away. They could only hold the sword and wait for the soldiers to climb up.

However, there were still soldiers feigning attack below the city, and huge flints continued to hit them. Another batch of soldiers and strong men on the city tower died.

All 100 households were almost injured by boulders.

Everyone was scared to death and could hardly lift the knife.

But time passed little by little, but they didn't see the dead soldiers climbing up. Instead, they heard a dense whooshing sound.

They thought it was the sound of soldiers' arrows and did not dare to look up.

It wasn't until there was a cry of killing coming from the city that they realized something was wrong.

All the hundred households bravely stood up and looked down the tower, only to see soldiers fighting with a large group of people below the tower.

It was too dark, and he couldn't see clearly whether these people were wearing armor, but all the households believed that these were reinforcements, and shouted: "Reinforcements are coming, reinforcements are coming to save us!"

At the same time, the people from the Eagle Food Gang rushed to the Lei family courtyard and handed the letter sent by Xin Ying to Gu Jinli, saying: "We are from Dr. Lu's side. This is a letter for you. Read it quickly. !”

Gu Jinli was stunned and hurriedly took a rolled up note and opened it. It read: Don't be afraid, little fish. I'm just outside the city and will pick you up soon.

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