A lucky wife born again from a farm family

Chapter 1635: Attack the city, no need to be a widow

Gu Jinli froze, and finally let go of what he had been worrying about for so long, and then a huge joy surged in his heart... Brother Qin was alive and came to pick her up!

"How, what does the letter say?!"

"Gu Xiaoyu, are you okay? Isn't it because the letter said something bad? Are you too sad?"

Ji Zhenniang asked at the same time as the person who came to deliver the letter.

Gu Jinli glared at Ji Zhenniang and wanted to raise his hand to slap her: "How could you tell that I was sad? I was obviously stunned with surprise."

She raised the small piece of paper in her hand and shouted to everyone: "This is a letter from my little brother Qin. They are here, just outside the city. We don't have to run away, we are saved!"



Everyone was very excited, and Lu and the others even cried with joy.

God is wise, someone finally came to save them, and asked: "Madam, did Qin Baihu tell me about my master's condition? Is he okay?"

Gu Jinli said: "I haven't written it, but Mr. Yao Qi has been following little brother Qin. My little brother Qin is fine, and your Mr. Yao Qi will be fine too. Don't worry."

The writing on this small piece of paper was very sloppy, which showed that it was written in a hurry, and what was written on it was just a word of comfort to her, and nothing else was said next to it.

Why don't you write a few more words?

Gu Jinli was also very worried. The city had been besieged for more than ten days, and she and Brother Qin had been separated for almost a month. She didn't know how he was doing now.

She knew him best. Because he had experienced blessings and suffered hardships, he was a very hard-working person. During this time, he had to clear out the lurking soldiers while also rushing all the way to save her. It must have been a very difficult time. There is no time to sleep.

If you are too tired, you will die suddenly!

Gu Jinli thought a lot, and the expression on his face kept changing. The people from the Eagle Food Gang who came to deliver the letter were very worried, and he asked directly: "With the look on your face, could it be that you only reported good news and not bad news just now?"

Gu Jinli looked at him and said, "This is a letter from my husband-in-law. He didn't write anything else. Why are you in such a hurry?"

The man was stunned and realized that he was in trouble, but he couldn't help but ask. He said: "I'm Yan San, please forgive me, madam, but since breaking off the contact, this is the first time that Xinying flew into the city, but I’m sending you a letter, I want to know the news about our boss.”

This boss refers to Master Ying.

When they first saw Xin Ying, they were really happy. The iron pipe hanging around Xin Ying's neck said: Send it to the Qin Gu family in the Lei Family Villa for personal blessing.

Yan San and the others were furious. They finally sent the message, but why was it sent to a woman? !

But there was no other way, Yan San could only send the letter.

Gu Jinli handed him the note directly: "Read it yourself."

Yan San blushed crazily after reading it... Why is this a letter to comfort his wife? No useful information at all?

Yan San was very angry, but Master Ying told him that anyone who dared to be disrespectful to Qin Baihu and the Qin Gu family would die.

"I'm sorry, Mrs. Qin, but I was too anxious." Yan San returned the note and was about to leave when the nurse from another hospital came in with two more people.

Yan San was a little surprised to see them and asked, "Mr. Liu, A Wang, why are you here?"

With a smile on his face, Gao Wang handed him a letter in his hand: "You are here early. You will receive useful news in a quarter of an hour at night."

Yan San was overjoyed and hurriedly took the letter, opened it and read it.

Mr. Liu handed another letter to Gu Jinli: "It must be Mrs. Qin, this is for you."

Gu Jinli knew that these were all members of the Eagle Food Gang, and that Master Ying of the Eagle Food Gang was related to Brother Qin, so there was no way he could harm him, so he immediately accepted the letter.

This letter was still written to her by Brother Qin. It was relatively long. It told some about his situation. Finally, it talked about the rescue arrangements and asked her not to run out because she was worried about his safety... Xiaoyu is good. , don’t run out, just stay in the city and wait for me. If you run out to help, I will be distracted by worrying about you.

Gu Jinli felt sweet after reading this letter, but she was also worried about him... When she just received the note, she didn't know his situation. Did she ever think about killing him with You An, You Xi, Da Qing and others? Go out and help him. But as if he knew what she was thinking, the second letter asked her not to leave the other courtyard.

"Gu Xiaoyu, is there any news about Xie Cheng in the letter?" Ji Zhenniang couldn't help it and asked with a tearful voice.

Gu Jinli said: "Yes."

After leaving one piece of paper, she gave another piece of paper to Ji Zhenniang.

Ji Zhenniang hurriedly took it and read it, covering her face and crying: "Oh, oh, oh, oh, I don't have to be a widow anymore."

This piece of paper contains information about Xie Cheng, Guo Daming, Yao Zongqi and others.

Gu Jinli was too lazy to pay attention to Ji Zhenniang. He looked at Mrs. Han who was looking anxious and said, "Don't worry, Sister-in-law Zhang, Zhang Baihu will be here soon."

There was no news about Zhang Yan in the letter. Brother Qin and the others were walking faster than Zhang Yan. Zhang Yan hadn't joined them yet and now he didn't know whether he was alive or dead.

However, Zhang Yan went to Long'an Mansion to ask for help. Even if he returned with reinforcements, he would still follow the same path as Brother Qin and others. Those lurking Rong people have been cleared out by Brother Qin and others. There will be no danger if Zhang Yan takes the reinforcements along the same path.

After Gu Jinli said this, Han breathed a sigh of relief and smiled: "Now that Qin Baihu and the others are here, we can be safer."

As for Zhang Yan, she believed in him. They had gone through so many difficulties and obstacles together. She didn't believe that they would be cut off in the northwest!

Perhaps Han had regained some of her former confidence and calmness. Sister Yu looked at Brother Yi, her face relaxed a lot.

Bang bang bang!

The sound of flint hitting the city wall came again.

After Yan San read Lord Ying's letter, he said to Gu Jinli: "I hope Mrs. Qin will stay well in the other courtyard and not go out. We must follow the instructions and go out of the city to help defend the enemy."

In the letter, Master Ying's last words turned out to be: That woman from Qin Gu's family is too courageous. Stop her and not allow her to go out of the city to cause trouble, lest anyone be distracted by the war!

After saying this, he was obviously very dissatisfied with Qin Gu and regarded Qin Gu as a beauty.

But Yan San glanced at Gu Jinli and felt like he wanted to die. How could Lord Ying treat a woman with such appearance as a beauty and a curse? She doesn't have this condition at all.

Yan San put aside this quarrel, looked at Gao Lei, and begged: "Mrs. Gao, our boss is here, but there are too many soldiers and thieves outside the city. Please keep the people from the Lei family's caravan and the Feng family escort agency." Everyone lends them to us.”

Gao Lei: "It's okay to give you people from the Lei family caravan, but do you dare to use people from the Feng family escort agency?"

Yan San said: "We are short of manpower and can't take care of that much. Moreover, if the Fengjia Escort Bureau still wants to do the escort business, it will have to be a little bit wary of us."

Otherwise, the Eagle Food Gang could disrupt the Fengjia Escort Agency's business.

"Sure." Gao Lei agreed and said to Gu Jinli, "You stay in the other courtyard and I have to personally go to the Fengjia Escort Bureau to ask for someone."

Otherwise, I'm afraid the Fengjia Escort Agency won't let him go.

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