Duan Changling's face turned dark after hearing this. He looked even darker when he saw General Liang and Magistrate Hao lowering their heads, looking like they couldn't bear to look at him.

He was extremely angry, pointed at Luo Ying and said: "Prefect Hao, this Luo Ying is the bandit leader of the Eagle Food Gang and a prisoner of the imperial court. You can do whatever you want immediately..."

He wanted Magistrate Hao to arrest Luo Ying immediately, but he was worried about the revenge of the Yingshi Gang gangsters, so he could only change his mind.

The Yingshi Gang gangsters were furious, pointing at Duan Changling and yelling: "Duan, it seems you really miss your family and your family!"

Luo Ying raised his hand to stop the angry scolding of the Yingshi Gang gangsters, and said coldly: "Such a villain doesn't care about the life and death of his family. There is no need to trouble his family, just poison him and kill him."

Duan Changling was shocked and turned pale. Knowing that a lunatic like Luo Ying really dared to do this, he immediately said: "In front of all the adults, you dare to poison the general of the court? Magistrate Hao is about to arrest him!" "

Luo Ying smiled: "Who said I will poison you now? I have to be a good person in these three days, and I will arrange the poisoning of you in three days."

Duan Changling broke into a cold sweat and wanted to beg for mercy, but with so many people around, he couldn't lose face, so he could only say nothing.

Seeing this, Luo Ying sneered: "Ha, I finally know to shut up. If I had known this, you shouldn't have barked just now!"


Luo Ying actually called him a dog!

Duan Changling turned blue with anger, while Luo Ying lay down comfortably on the door panel, resting his head on his arm, and told him about Emperor Jingwu's decree: "I have meritorious service now, you must treat me well these three days, otherwise I will You don’t respect the emperor’s order, do you understand?”

Doctor Lu said that his poison was not easy to cure, and he had to remove the poison once a month, six times in a row to remove it. Moreover, he was poisoned and injured, and he had to recover for two days before he could leave, otherwise he would die on the road.

He wanted to go back to be with Jiao Jiao and his children, so how could he die outside, so he requested to enter the city based on Emperor Jingwu's decree.

General Liang said: "Of course we dare not disrespect Emperor Jingwu's decree..."

He looked hesitant and took Magistrate Hao to pretend to discuss it. He came back half a quarter of an hour later and said reluctantly: "You can enter the city, but you have to stay at the place designated by us. You are not allowed to do so within these three days." If you go out, you must leave before dark on the third day, otherwise we will arrest you, the criminal."

Luo Ying glanced at the dilapidated city walls of Xing'an Mansion with disdain and said, "It's hard for me to stay in such a shabby place for a long time!"

Then he asked: "Where do you want me to live? Let me remind you first. I am from a noble family. Even if I become a bandit leader, my food and clothing are better than yours. So I can't live in a bad place." !”

Duan Changling was so angry that this bastard dared to pick on him!

However, he cursed in his heart and did not dare to say it out for fear of being poisoned by the Eagle Food Gang.

Magistrate Hao said: "Go and stay at the Lei Family Caravan, where the conditions are good."

Luo Ying was furious: "If you don't go, what are your intentions? Let me go live in Lei's caravan. They have so many bodyguards. You clearly want to take the opportunity to let them kill me!"

These words can be regarded as a whitewash for the Lei family caravan, so that no one will cause trouble for the Lei family caravan after he leaves.


Magistrate Hao said: "You misunderstood..."

Luo Ying interrupted him: "What misunderstanding? You, the dog emperor's dog officials, all want to kill me, do you think I don't know?!"

Magistrate Hao was stunned by the roar.

Gao Lei said: "Don't worry, Mr. Ying, during the three days you are in the city, our Lei family caravan will not harm you. We will only watch you and prevent you from causing trouble in the city."

Duan Changling felt relieved after saying this. Oh, let you enter the city, and it will be like going to jail, being stared at!

Luo Ying glanced at Duan Changling, which was why he said Duan Changling was not smart enough... This kind of person can get credit for his cleverness, but he will not go far and will never become as handsome as Xu You.

"Enter the city!" Luo Ying hesitated for a while, and finally agreed to stay at the Lei family caravan. However, when he was about to enter the city, he looked at Duan Changling and warned: "If you dare to steal the credit, I will poison you to death!"

Duan Changling was overjoyed when he said this... What does this grandson mean? Does it mean that as long as he is honest and peaceful, he doesn't need to be poisoned?

Luo Ying saw his happiness and said disdainfully: He is indeed not very smart. He can be stopped by giving him a beating and some benefits.

"Let's go." Gao Lei turned around and took Luo Ying and others away first.

After Luo Ying made such a fuss, General Cheng, General Zhou, Qin Sanlang and others who had gone to pursue the soldiers also came back.

When Duan Changling saw this, he was so sick that he almost hit the city wall.

Damn it, he came back early just to be the first to lead troops into the city, so that the people in the city would think that he was the first to achieve success in this battle!

But now it's all in vain, almost all the soldiers who resisted the army have returned.

"General Cheng, I've been waiting for you!" Magistrate Hao and General Liang were so excited that they stepped forward to greet General Cheng.

General Cheng turned over and dismounted, cupped his fists and raised his hands towards them: "Brother Liang, Magistrate Hao, thank you for your hard work. It's us who are late."

Look, he is much better at talking than Duan Changling!

General Liang and Magistrate Hao said happily: "It's not too late, it's just the right time."

General Liang and Magistrate Hao praised General Cheng, thanked General Zhou, and asked about the situation of the soldiers: "But have all the soldiers and thieves been killed?"

General Cheng shook his head: "The general of the army was killed, and the morale of the army was in chaos. We could have killed them, but a royal general came... and let them run away. It was the general's incompetence."

The royal general was injured. He almost killed the Rong royal general. What a pity!

General Liang and Magistrate Hao were filled with regret when they heard this: "Oh, those beasts are so lucky. However, General Cheng is also extremely brave. We are waiting on the tower to watch the battle, and we all admire General Cheng."

Duan Changling saw that they were talking cheerfully and was very unhappy. He came over and interrupted: "General Liang was watching the battle from the tower. Did you see who killed Lemuqin?"

Duan Changling asked deliberately, no matter how powerful you are, the great credit of killing the enemy general is not yours!

General Cheng also wanted to know and asked: "Brother Liang, did you see that person? We must find him. Such a powerful person cannot be buried."

He was not angry at all, but looked eager for talent. Duan Changling was very angry, and he thought in his heart: "Cheng, just pretend, I'm afraid you won't find him and kill him."

General Liang laughed and said: "Haha, it turns out that I really know this hero. He is from Tianfu County, He'an Prefecture. He is from a hundred families who resisted the army. His surname is Qin."

General Cheng: "The Qin Baihu of He'an Prefecture, which one carries the military flag of He'an Prefecture?"

General Liang was stunned, nodded and said: "Exactly, it is said that General Guo of He'an Prefecture personally selected the flag bearer of the Prefecture Army."

"Ha, it is indeed him." General Cheng said with a smile: "He is indeed a brave man. He was very powerful in fighting with the soldiers before. He also led the troops well, and his soldiers suffered very few casualties."

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