General Cheng admired Qin Sanlang very much. He was a man of talent just because he could protect his soldiers in battles with very few casualties.

"Has General Cheng seen him? It's really fate." General Liang said, and then asked: "Is he back? Lemuqin's head is still tied around his waist."

I have to come back and send it to the capital to make the emperor happy.

Duan Changling said without hesitation: "It's a great achievement for the young man to carry the enemy general's head with him."

Generals don't like soldiers who are too eager to take credit, and they are obviously sowing discord.

General Cheng pretended not to hear, glanced back, frowned and said, "You must have followed us back. Where have they gone now? Come on, go and invite Qin Baihu from He'an Prefecture!"

"Yes." The soldiers went to invite him on horseback, but after looking around they couldn't see anyone. General Cheng and the others were impatient.

Lieutenant General You suggested: "General, the soldiers are very tired. Why don't you go to the city first and wait until the Qin family is over?"

Duan Changling was very happy to hear this. The general summoned him but was nowhere to be seen. It was because of the general's reputation that the brat missed the opportunity to go up to the peak and follow the army into the city in triumph.

General Cheng refused: "Wait a little longer. After all, we are the ones who beheaded the enemy general. It is best to enter the city together."

According to the rules, you should walk at the front.

"Brother Cheng, today's boys are the most unruly. No need to wait, let's go to the city first." Duan Changling pointed at the soldiers and said: "Many soldiers are injured. We need to go to the city for treatment quickly. We can't do it because of a Qin Baihu Let the soldiers be seriously injured..."

Before the word "death" was uttered, a soldier shouted from behind: "Qin Baihu of He'an Prefecture is back with a large group of wounded soldiers!"

Came back with a group of wounded soldiers? Where did the wounded soldiers come from?

General Cheng was curious, but did not go to pick up Qin Sanlang. Instead, he asked someone to bring them all, and asked: "I wanted to see you earlier, but couldn't find anyone. What did you do?"

Qin Sanlang replied: "General, I am going to the south gate to look for my comrades."

He looked at Xie Cheng, who he was supporting, and said: "They are all soldiers of our He'an Prefecture, and some of them are traveling westward with us. Earlier, there was an emergency at the South City Gate, and Xie Cheng and the others went there to kill the bandits. ”

After saying that, he and Xie Cheng clasped their fists and saluted several people, and said, "I have met all the generals."

When the generals saw this, they were satisfied. Yes, it was polite.

General Cheng looked at his waist and said, "I heard that you killed Lemuqin."

"Yes." Qin Sanlang took off the bag from his waist and presented it to General Cheng with both hands: "This is Le Muqin's head. Please take a look at it, General."

General Cheng took the bag and opened it. Inside was the helmet of a Rong royal general. Inside the helmet was a bloody human head: "Yes, you are very capable."

Qin Sanlang said: "The general is overly praised. It's not because the general has the ability, it's just a trick in desperation."

He disguised himself as a soldier, infiltrated into the soldiers, first drugged Lemuqin, and finally beheaded him, and then said: "The general used the drug, please punish him." .”

Duan Changling was excited after hearing this. The two armies used poison in the battle. I'm afraid this boy's achievements will be greatly reduced!

General Cheng didn't like people who used poison on the battlefield, but after seeing the power of poisonous insects, he said: "The thieves poisoned our great Chu, killing many people, and tonight is critical, so we must use some means in desperation." ,A piece of cake."

Duan Changling was furious and was about to accuse Qin Sanlang when he heard General Liang say: "It's really nothing. The thief deserves to die of poison and pain!"

The words contained hatred for the Rong people.

He added: "Moreover, Qin Baihu's daughter-in-law saved our entire Xing'an Prefecture. If it hadn't been for Qin Gu, the people and animals in Xing'an Prefecture would have been killed by the poisonous insects of the bandits!"

General Liang told the Rong people about using birds to release poisonous insects, and Gu Jinli made insect attractants. He finally said: "The Rong thieves are ferocious and will definitely use birds to release poisonous insects all over Chu. Qin Gu has decided to use anti-injury medicine to attract poisonous insects." In the name of the Rong soldiers, I present the prescription of insect attractant medicine to the emperor, so that when the poisonous insect disease breaks out, various places can make insect attractant medicine as soon as possible to trap and kill poisonous insects, so as to protect the people and animals of Chu."

After hearing this, everyone present was shocked, especially the soldiers who resisted the army. They were extremely excited and said to Qin Sanlang: "Thank you Qin Baihu!"

If they presented the prescription to the emperor in the name of the soldiers who fought against the enemy, then they would all be heroes, and this great unearned credit was given to them by Qin Gu.

The soldiers were very grateful. Those who were jealous of Qin Sanlang for beheading an enemy general at a young age also put aside their jealousy and began to admire Qin Sanlang.

After hearing this, Duan Changling's eyes turned red with jealousy: "How could she, a peasant woman, make such a miracle medicine? Stop lying, the prescription must not be hers!"

He made trouble several times, and General Liang was already tired of him. He replied: "No matter how Qin Gu's prescription came from, the medicine she made cured everyone in the city!"

General Cheng also said: "Duan Tongzhi, since the prescription has been decided to be presented, it is the emperor's gift. As ministers, we should not discuss it too much, lest we be guilty of coveting the tribute."

These words were serious. Duan Changling was so frightened that he shut up and said with a smile, "General Cheng said that."

General Cheng was happy with the great victory today. Seeing that Duan Changling had softened, he stopped talking about him. He looked at Qin Sanlang and said with a smile, "Qin Baihu is so lucky. To be able to marry such a good wife is really a blessing in life."

Well, after hearing this, Magistrate Hao and General Liang's expressions changed and the corners of their mouths twitched... It was indeed a great blessing in life. Without some great blessing, they really wouldn't be able to marry such an ugly wife.

After hearing this, Qin Sanlang raised a smile on his tired face, nodded and said: "Well, I also feel that I am very lucky to have such a wife."

General Cheng was stunned and laughed: "Haha, he is indeed a young man. When he talks about his wife, he smiles all over his face."

General Liang: "..."

Magistrate Hao: "..."


Thinking of Qin Gu's face, they almost vomited again.

"It's getting late, and the soldiers are tired. General Cheng, please lead the troops into the city." Magistrate Hao looked at the pale whiteness on the horizon and urged General Cheng.

"Okay, let's go into the city!" General Cheng got on his horse, dressed up, took Lemuqin's head, and led the way into the city.

It wasn't until he entered the city and walked a few dozen meters that people began to come out to greet them. He didn't see Qin Sanlang coming to ask him for Le Muqin's head, so he was finally satisfied.

He is a good boy who does not seek credit. He can keep his composure even when he sees his great achievements being taken away by his superiors.

"Boy Qin!" General Cheng shouted, pinching the horse's belly and stopping.

Qin Sanlang was stunned and stopped.

General Cheng looked amused and said, "What are you doing standing there in a daze? Come here quickly."

"Yes." A big smile appeared on Qin Sanlang's face, and he rode towards General Cheng. When he was approaching, he stopped timidly and looked at General Cheng.

General Cheng was very happy. He was indeed a honest and honest boy, trustworthy and capable. He was also good to his wife. At first glance, he seemed to be a person who values ​​friendship. If you give him a hand, he would definitely be in good stead in the future.

However, Luo Ying's mouth twitched when she saw him in the carriage on the roadside: What is honest and honest, the youngest Qin is the most shrewd and arrogant, and he is also good at pretending. When they provoked him when he was a child, he was still young and couldn't beat them, so he He pretended to be wronged in front of his elders, which made them feel very distressed. He and Qin Er were beaten up.

"Here, this is your severed head. You should take it into the city." General Cheng handed Lemuqin's head to Qin Sanlang.

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