Qin Sanlang was startled, and a surge of joy arose in his heart... He came back covered in blood, but she didn't dislike him, and even took the initiative to kiss him!

Xiaoyu didn't take the initiative to kiss him many times. Every time she took the initiative, he would be very excited. At this moment, he needed to work hard to suppress himself in order to suppress his impulse towards her.

Gu Jinli looked at his sullen face and clenched fists, frowned at him, and asked, "What's wrong with you? Are you still not happy when I kissed you? Is it like what Ji Zhenniang said, a man will be promoted if he performs meritorious service? Want to change your wife?"

She gritted her teeth and threatened: "If you dare to change your wife, I will castrate you so that you have no tools to have a baby with a vixen!"

Qin Sanlang was amused by her and said: "There is a wicked wife at home, and I would not dare to have any second thoughts even to death."

And he knew that Xiaoyu would not listen to Ji, she was just teasing him.

Then he explained: "Xiaoyu is taking a bath. I'm dirty, so don't make you dirty. I'll go wash it first."

Even if Xiaoyu doesn't dislike him, he is covered in blood and stains and wants to wash it off first.

"Originally I wanted to come back early and clean up in the front yard before coming to see you, but there were too many soldiers sending me back. They might find out that I was pretending to be faint, so I had to ask Danian and the others to carry me in directly."

After listening to this, Gu Jinli remembered what he had said before that General Cheng and the others kept talking to him and he was annoyed, so he pretended to be faint and escaped, and couldn't help laughing.

The smile was so sweet that it made Qin Sanlang feel itchy and asked her, "Why is Xiaoyu smiling?"

Gu Jinli said what he had said before and said, "I like you like this. This is what a twenty-year-old boy should be like."

Qin Sanlang smiled: "Xiaoyu likes it, then I will tell you more about outside things in the future."

Thinking of her birthday again, she said guiltily: "Xiaoyu, I'm sorry for missing your birthday and letting you face the siege of the city alone..."

Gu Jinli waved his hand and interrupted him: "It's just a missed birthday. You will have many opportunities to celebrate my birthdays in the future. Don't feel guilty. Just give me the replacement gift."

Then he urged: "Hurry up and take a bath. After washing, I will give you medicine to deworm. After that, you can eat and sleep. Your pulse is weak, which is a sign of exhaustion. You must have a good sleep."

Although he could still hold on and talk to her, the tiredness on his face and the coldness of his hands could not fool anyone. He had to take a good rest.

"Wait, take the medicine first." Gu Jinli was afraid that he would die suddenly, so he took out a packet of medicinal powder to soothe the nerves and protect the pulse. After mixing it with hot water, he blew on it and handed it to him: "Drink quickly. It calms the mind and protects the pulse."

Qin Sanlang took it, drank it in one gulp, put the cup aside, and said to her: "Don't worry, Xiaoyu, I'm fine, I won't die suddenly."

When he was in the military station, he would always sleep for only two hours in order to come back to see her. When she found out, she was very angry and threatened him with sudden death if he didn't sleep.

Later, he explained to her that their noble children who were knighted for their military merits would eat a kind of medicated diet from the time they learned martial arts. This medicated diet was handed down from the Zhou Dynasty and had been modified by the imperial doctors of the previous dynasties. By the time Da Chu was established and the new nobles received the prescription, this medicinal diet was already an excellent medicine for strengthening the body.

They have been raised like this since childhood, so their physique, heart and spleen are much better than ordinary people, so he can travel day and night to ambush, and nothing has happened yet.

"Even if you are in good health, you still have to sleep when it's time to sleep. Stop talking and go take a shower." Gu Jinli pushed him out the door.

Qin Sanlang looked back at her and left with a smile.

The bathing area is in the wing next door and has everything. His change of clothes is also placed on the table in the wing.

"Wash well and tell me if you need anything." Gu Jinli shouted to the door of the wing.

"Okay." Qin Sanlang laughed when he heard this. He liked this kind of homely time alone for the two of them. He shouted to her again: "Don't worry about Zhang Baihu. I have asked six dogs to look for them along the way." If we go over there, we will definitely be able to find Zhang Baihu and let him hide from the retreating soldiers."

"I got it, take a good bath." Gu Jinli felt relieved and went to Er Qing, who was guarding outside the courtyard, and said, "Go and tell Sister-in-law Zhang that Brother Qin has sent someone to find Zhang Baihu to reassure her."

"Yes." Erqing left quickly to tell Han what Gu Jinli said.

Mrs. Han was very happy after hearing this and said with choked sobs: "Thank you, my wife."

"Mom, is there any news about dad?!" Sister Yu is more sensible and has been worried about her dad. When she saw Er Qing coming, she followed him quietly to eavesdrop.

Han smiled and said: "Your Uncle Qin has sent troops along the way to find your father, and he also brought a wolf with him. The wolf has a keen sense of smell and will be able to find your father soon. Don't worry, Sister Yu, your father will come back to see us safely." "

Sister Yu looked at Mrs. Han and saw that the smile on her mother's face was no longer sad, and the fear in her heart was much less. She nodded and smiled and said, "Well, Sister Yu and my brother will be good and wait for daddy to come back."

"Well, our sister Yu is the most sensible." Mrs. Han touched Sister Yu's head. This daughter was not only sensible, but also made her worry-free. She looked at Er Qing and said, "Tell your wife, my child and I It’s okay, let her rest first and don’t worry about us.”

When Qin Baihu came back, the young couple reunited after experiencing life and death catastrophes. They must have a lot of personal things to say. Han was a sensible person and did not want Gu Jinli to work too hard for her family.

"Hey, I'll tell you, Madam, so I'll take my leave now." Erqing bowed and went back to tell Gu Jinli what Han said.

Gu Jinli nodded after hearing this, looked at Er Qing's dark circles under his eyes, and said, "You go to rest first and come back in the afternoon."

During this time, soldiers were besieging the city, and Guiqing, Xiaoji, Ye Jingzi and the others were working day and night. It was very hard for everyone.

Erqing was very grateful: "Yes, I obey."

The master only liked to stay with his wife, and did not like to be disturbed by servants like them. She took advantage of the opportunity when the master and his wife were alone to take a nap, and when she woke up, she went to change Xiaoji. The two of them took turns to serve. Just right in time.

After Er Qing left, Gu Jinli went to get the medicine box and sat on the porch to wait.

He kept dozing off while waiting. Counting the time, Qin Sanlang took a long time to take a bath, why hasn't he come out yet?

She was startled, thinking that he had fainted in the wing, and hurriedly knocked on the door: "Brother Qin, are you okay? Did you faint?!"

"I'm fine, don't worry, Xiaoyu." Qin Sanlang quickly replied: "I'll be out in a moment."

Qin Sanlang had already taken a bath, but he suffered a few injuries and didn't want her to worry, so he applied medicine in the side room.

However, Gu Jinli's nose was very good and he had already smelled the medicine. He said, "Are you applying medicine to yourself? Open the door quickly and I will go in to see your injury."

Then he said: "You don't have to worry about me. You will get injured in a battle. I have already guessed it. Open the door quickly and stop nagging, otherwise I will be angry!"

The last few words were spoken with anger.

Qin Sanlang didn't dare to make her angry, so he could only stand up and open the door. The moment he saw her, he smiled brightly and said to please: "Don't be angry, Xiaoyu, it's just a minor injury."

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