Gu Jinli snorted and pushed the door open. After closing the door, he walked towards him and reached out to take off his clothes.

Normally, Qin Sanlang would have been very happy, but now he stopped her and said, "Xiaoyu, wait a minute, give me the insect attractant, and I will kill the insects."

He came back from outside the city. Those poisonous insects are powerful. I don't know if he was infected. He didn't want Gu Jinli to get close to him, lest he be infected and harm Xiaoyu.

Gu Jinli: "You can't do it alone, you need two people, lest the bugs are lured out and no one can kill them."

"I'll let You Xi and the others come in to help." Qin Sanlang took the medicine box in her hand, looked down at her and said, "Good boy, Xiaoyu, go out first. I don't want anything to happen to you."

Although his tone was gentle, his attitude was very tough and he would not allow her to refuse.

Gu Jinli had no choice but to nod in agreement, then took the medicine box and took out the insect attractant and gave it to him: "This is the insect attractant."

I told him in detail how to use it, and talked for half a quarter of an hour before leaving.

Not long after, You Xi came over with Feng Jin.

"Madam." After the two of them greeted Gu Jinli, they went into the side room to give Qin Sanlang medicine.

Gu Jinli was a little bored, so he sat on the stone bench in the yard and waited for more than three quarters of an hour before the door to the wing opened.

Qin Sanlang dressed up and walked out. He smiled gently at her and said, "Xiaoyu, I'm fine. There are no poisonous insects in my body."

Feng Jin had been doing insect repellent work during the period when the city was besieged. He knew how to use insect attractants to lure out insects. After using insect attractants for Qin Sanlang three times, he never lured out poisonous insects. , and concluded that Qin Sanlang was not infected with the poisonous insect disease.

Feng Jin and You Xi both knew the rules of Qin Sanlang and Gu Jinli, and they left immediately after finishing their work.

After hearing this, Gu Jinli breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Don't be too happy yet. You have to use insect attractants once in the next few days, otherwise I won't worry."

"Okay, I'll listen to Xiaoyu." Qin Sanlang walked over to her, held her hand, pulled her up, and walked towards the main room: "I'm hungry."

"I've prepared a lot of delicious food for you. Let's go eat now." Gu Jinli was led into the house by him. As soon as he entered the house, she went to pull off his clothes again.

Qin Sanlang didn't stop her this time and asked her to take off her clothes.

Gu Jinli looked at the white cloth wrapped around his body. The white cloth was stained with little blood stains, but the blood spots were not big. It could be seen that although he was injured, it was not serious.

"But are you relieved?" Qin Sanlang looked down at her, disturbed by the fragrance of her body, his voice became hoarse, he hugged her, pressed her against the soft roof of the outer room, and kissed her lips, greedily He kissed her, and the hot breath exhaled from his nose was full of his eagerness.

"When I'm outside, I always miss you~" He murmured softly, but the intensity of the kiss increased, and his movements became blushing and heart-beating, and he took off her clothes in a few strokes.

Gu Jinli struggled for a moment, and finally found a chance to breathe, and said hurriedly: "No, you have to sleep, otherwise you will die suddenly, huh~"

Qin Sanlang was indeed very tired and almost fell asleep while taking a shower, but he missed her so much that he just wanted to hold this piece of his heart under him and have sex with her to death.

But Gu Jinli is a doctor after all, so he didn't let him succeed in the end: "No, you have to be obedient, or I will get angry!"

Qin Sanlang understood her and knew when she was really angry, but he was indeed too impatient, so he could only stop his movements, hug her, and after a moment of relaxation, he agreed: "Okay, listen to Xiaoyu."

He is an obedient husband.

Then he took the opportunity to make a request: "When I wake up, Xiaoyu must promise me."

Gu Jinli blushed when he heard this, and nodded quickly in order not to continue talking about the matter.

Qin Sanlang looked at her blushing shy look and felt very itchy. He kissed her and said, "Xiaoyu is so good."

She always felt that she was very domineering, a bully in the village, and a bandit among women, but she didn't know that she was really cute, especially when it came to matters involving her husband and wife, she was always so shy that it made people crazy, and she wished she could She tore it apart.

"Eat quickly and go to bed after eating." Gu Jinli was a little annoyed by him. After arranging his clothes, he pushed him away and went to put all the delicious food on the table: "Here, these are specially reserved for you. Be nice." tasty."

Xing'an Mansion was besieged and supplies in the city were in short supply. She secretly hid a lot of food and meat. When she learned that he was back, she picked up good things to cook for him.

"You can also eat small fish." Qin Sanlang gave her a bowl of thick chicken porridge: "Eat this to support people, and you will lose weight."

She was only worried about him, but she was also very tired. Not only had she lost weight, but her eyes were also black and blue, which showed that she had not slept well.

Gu Jinli was also hungry, so he took the chicken porridge and ate it with a spoon.

Maybe he came back safely, without any serious injuries or contracting any poisonous diseases. She felt relieved. After relaxing, she felt very tired and took a nap while eating chicken porridge.

"Xiaoyu, open your mouth and eat the porridge." Qin Sanlang took her porridge bowl, half-hugged her, and fed her porridge one spoon at a time, finally letting her hold on and finish the porridge.

After giving her another glass of water, he bent down to take her to bed, but she refused: "Eat, after you finish eating, we will sleep together... I have to keep an eye on you, otherwise you will run out to do your work after eating." , you will die suddenly from exhaustion.”

After saying that, I was so sleepy that I yawned greatly.

Qin Sanlang smiled: "Okay, I'll eat it now."

Qin Sanlang sat down again, holding the bowl and drinking porridge in big gulps. He kept one arm around her waist for fear that she would be too sleepy to sit still.

It was time to go to bed later. Qin Sanlang didn't eat anything too hard, so he drank two bowls of thick chicken porridge. After rinsing his mouth with water, he said, "I'm done eating. Let's go back to the back room to sleep."

After saying that, he bent down and picked her up. As soon as he picked her up, his heart sank... Xiaoyu felt much lighter. It was all his fault for letting her follow him to the northwest and causing her to suffer.

Qin Sanlang took the step forward, carried her to the back room, put her on the bed, took off her coat, hugged her and got into the quilt, coaxing her in a soft and warm voice: "Don't worry, I'm right next to you, Sleep peacefully.”

He knew many of her habits. Usually when she slept alone, she would put a dagger under the pillow. During these days when he was not around, she must not have even had a good night's sleep.

Sure enough, Gu Jinli felt much relieved after hearing this. She nestled in his arms, arched her arms, found a comfortable position, and quickly fell asleep.

"Xiaoyu?" Qin Sanlang didn't expect that she would fall asleep so quickly. He was stunned, then felt distressed, and said guiltily: "It's my fault."

I failed to take good care of you and made you suffer.

He only dared to say these words in his heart, because Xiaoyu didn't like to hear them and would get angry if he said them.

Qin Sanlang suppressed his heartache and looked at his wife in his arms greedily, thinking about how to let her live a stable life as soon as possible. Before long, he couldn't hold back his sleepiness and fell asleep.

When he woke up, it was already dark, his arms were empty, and the little fish was gone.

"Xiaoyu!" Qin Sanlang panicked, fearing that something would happen to her. He stood up, grabbed the long knife on the table and rushed out.

He walked too fast and almost bumped into Gu Jinli who entered the house.

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