Gu Jinli's mouth twitched when he heard it... Your face changes so quickly.

Luo Ying ignored her incomprehensible expression, took Qin Sanlang's hand, looked at Gu Jinli and said: "Your cousin should have given birth, and you are now your cousin and aunt. Are you happy? Go back and prepare the gifts. I will leave the day after tomorrow. It's time to take her back with your nephew or niece."

Luo Ying married a girl from Qin Sanlang's grandfather's family, who was more than four years older than Qin Sanlang. Originally, this cousin was going to be married to his second brother, but his second brother didn't realize it until his death. He heard that his uncle wanted to marry his daughter. To myself, I was so scared that I ran away to the Luo family and never came back.

When Luo Ying learned that the son-in-law the Yu family was interested in was actually Qin Er, he was so angry that he beat Qin Er.

Luo Ying had fallen in love with cousin Yu as early as when she had awakened. She always used the Qin family's connections to go to the Yu family to meet cousin Yu, waiting for cousin Yu and the hairpin queen to ask the elders of the family to come to propose marriage.

Who would have thought that Uncle Yu's incompetent idiot would actually like Qin Er, but he was so angry!

Although he and Qin Er were life-and-death brothers, if Qin Er dared to snatch his wife from him, he could kill Qin Er.

Qin Er is very wronged. I didn't like cousin Yu at all. It was my uncle who went crazy. What are you doing to beat me like a dead camel or a dead bird? Do you want to break off the relationship?

Qin Er was even more stupid than Luo Ying. After being beaten by Luo Ying, he came up with a plan. After knowing that the Yu family went to the hot spring village to stay for a while, he took Luo Ying to the hot spring village by using his identity as the nephew of the Yu family and found him. Taking an opportunity, he set up a trap and let Luo Ying and cousin Yu bump into each other by the hot spring pool.

Qin Er took the opportunity to call the Yu Family Nursing Home and beat Luo Ying as a disciple. He was angry at being beaten by Luo Ying.

But after such a fuss, the Yu family's aunt and the Gong family's relatives got into trouble.

When Aunt Yu and her family saw this, and listened to Qin Er's jealous words, they knew that Cousin Yu could only marry Luo Ying.

Fortunately, Luo Ying really likes Cousin Yu, and Cousin Yu has been pestered by Luo Ying and stuffed with many gadgets. She understands his intentions and has him in her heart. Taken together, Luo Ying and Luo Ying Cousin Yu’s marriage was decided.

Uncle Yu is very satisfied with this marriage. Whether he is marrying the Qin family or the Luo family, his Yu family has made a profit.

However, Qin Er did not get any benefits. He almost ruined Cousin Yu's reputation. Together with Luo Ying, he was beaten up by the elders of the Luo family and the Qin family, and was also fined to copy an entire book of Dachu criminal laws. It almost made their hands useless for writing.

"Well, our husband and wife will definitely pack up a gift for Brother Luo to take back to our little nephew." Qin Sanlang was very happy. Cousin Yu was one of the few relatives he had, and she had a gentle and gentle temper, and was very quiet. Like his mother, the person she married was Brother Luo. He was even more happy. He held Luo Ying's hand and said, "Brother Luo, congratulations on becoming a father."

"Haha, it is indeed a great joy in life!" Luo Ying was very happy. This was the child he had been waiting for for many years, and after having this child, Jiao Jiao's heart disease could be gone.

He glanced at Gu Jinli again and wanted to make a remark, but he couldn't say such rude words, so he held back and changed his words: "I've asked someone to prepare a table of dishes. You guys can stay and eat, and then go back after eating."

Qin Sanlang agreed: "But it needs to be quick. After I take Aunt Lei back, I have to go to the government office."

Luo Ying frowned when he heard this: "You are running around day and night, and you have just fought a tough battle. How can you only sleep for one day? Don't go to the Yamen. Continue to rest at night and go back tomorrow."

Then he said: "Don't worry about the seized supplies. It doesn't matter if you don't want those things. I have them in my hand and will supply them to you."

After saying that, he shouted towards the door: "Pass the food!"

"Hey." Pang Hai and the others heard this and immediately went to get the food and drinks.

Inside the house, Qin Sanlang shook his head: "No, when we came to pick up Aunt Lei, we bumped into the soldiers patrolling the city. General Cheng and the others must know that I'm awake. Since I'm awake, if I don't go there, some people will say that I will get big after I have performed meritorious services. , don’t take the generals seriously.”

He is just a small householder now.

Luo Ying was angry when he heard this, and punched Ruan Tao: "In the past, you didn't have to worry about these things at all. You could just walk sideways in the army."

But now the youngest Qin has to rush to the government office overnight to see Shang Feng in order to eliminate other people's jealousy and dissatisfaction.

Qin Sanlang smiled and said, "Brother Luo, don't feel bad for me, I'm fine."

He also reminded: "Don't say this again in the future. Live your life in any situation. You can't always think about the good things in the past."

He didn't feel aggrieved, he just felt sorry for Xiaoyu and felt that it was too painful for Xiaoyu to follow him.

"Master Ying, the wine and food are here!" Pang Hai stood in the yard and shouted. After Luo Ying responded, he led the people into the house with the wine and food.

The dishes are very good, including mutton and fish, and the wine is even better. It is Yuqiong Shao, which is specially provided for nobles and the royal family. Qin Sanlang drank this kind of wine for the first time when he got drunk.

Luo Ying smiled and said: "The brothers of the Eagle Food Gang robbed me. You also know that I like to drink. I always bring some with me even when I go out. I can just give it to you to drink."

After hearing this, Qin Sanlang looked at Luo Ying, his eyes a little red. In fact, Brother Luo didn't like to drink this kind of wine. His favorite drinker was his second brother. The first time he got drunk, he was drunk by his second brother.

When he was drunk, the second brother laughed.

The next day, he had a splitting headache. The second brother came to see him and laughed at him: "My youngest, you just don't know how to enjoy yourself. This is the second brother's favorite wine. I have specially reserved a jar for you to drink." , but you don’t know the difference, you didn’t tell me when you were drunk, and you said this wine is too spicy and unpleasant to drink. My second brother tells you, spicy wine is good wine, and those that are not spicy are only for women, you are a big man How can we drink the sweet wine that women drink!"

Then, the second brother was caught and beaten by his father.

The reason was that he was only eight years old at the time, and after he got drunk, his mother was so worried that she cried. My father loved my mother the most. When my mother cried, how could I let my second brother go?

After the second brother was beaten, he came to his room again that night and gave him a jar of wine: "Young youngest, drink quickly!"

He was helpless: "Second brother, if you get me drunk once, you will be beaten to death by dad. If you get me drunk again, I'm afraid you will be beaten to death by dad."

Qin Er waved his big hand and said with a smile: "Your second brother, can I wait for our father to come and fight? Don't worry, your second brother left overnight after you finished drinking and will come back in a few months. How many more people will dad be angry with?" Can’t make the moon?”

Eight-year-old Qin Sanlang looked bitter and asked seriously: "Second brother, do you have a grudge against me, so you want to murder me while my parents are sleeping?"

Qin Er's eyes widened and he said, "How is that possible? We are brothers from the same father and mother. My second brother loves you."

Xiao Qin Sanlang: "Then why do you want me to drink again? I am only eight years old. If I drink any more, I will die."

Well, Qin Er thought about it and realized that indeed, the youngest was still too young. He might die young if he drank too much. As a good brother, Qin Er naturally couldn't harm his younger brother like this.

He took the wine jar, drank most of it, and then handed the jar to Qin Sanlang: "Drink, you won't get drunk this time."

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