A lucky wife born again from a farm family

Chapter 1660: Seeking death every day

Xiao Qin Sanlang: "..."

If I don’t drink it, my head will hurt. If I drink it, I will be a fool.

But the second brother is older and more powerful than him, and he can't beat him. If he insists on not drinking, the second brother will definitely force him to drink with his strong energy.

He thought for a while, looked up at Qin Er and said, "I will drink when the second brother goes out, otherwise I will call dad and mom. If dad wakes up, the second brother will not be able to escape and will be beaten by dad."

Qin Er's face turned dark when he heard this. He pointed at Xiao Qin Sanlang and said, "You're a bad boy, I'm your brother, and you're threatening me."

"Since we are brothers, why did the second brother get me drunk? It gives me a headache when I'm drunk." Xiao Qin Sanlang had a sullen face, as if he didn't want to discuss it.

Qin Er had no choice but to compromise: "Okay, okay, second brother will go out. But second brother will stand in the yard and watch you drink from the window. Don't try to fool me."

Xiao Qin Sanlang nodded seriously: "Well, I won't fool you."

Qin Er was satisfied: "Second brother knows that our youngest is the most well-behaved."

"The second brother is out first." Qin Er jumped out of bed and ran out of the house. After a while, he came to the window, looked at little Qin Sanlang and said, "The second brother is out, drink quickly."

Xiao Qin Sanlang waved his hand and said dissatisfied: "No, it's too close. You have to stand farther away and stand in the yard, otherwise I won't drink."

With a bang, Qin Er punched the window lattice and glared at Xiao Qin Sanlang and said: "My youngest, when did you get this problem? You are whining like a little girl. You are a boy, you want to As a man, you have to do things more simply, do you understand?"

Xiao Qinsanlang groaned twice in his heart, which made his second brother suspicious, and said angrily: "I have a headache, and I don't want to drink, but my second brother forced me to drink. I'm angry. I don't want to see my second brother, so I asked my second brother to stay away." What happened to some?”

Well, Qin Er felt a little ashamed when he heard it, and said with a smile: "Cheng Chengcheng, second brother, please stand in the yard right now."

After saying that, he did a few backflips and came to the middle of the yard.

Xiao Qin Sanlang looked at it and remembered his father's words: Your second brother is like a monkey. He can never sit still and has to jump three times when walking.

"Youngest, second brother, stand up, drink quickly!" Qin Er shouted, raising his fist towards little Qin Sanlang, as if he would beat you if you dare not drink.

Xiao Qin Sanlang had no choice but to pick up the wine jar and start drinking... In fact, he didn't really drink, he just held up the wine jar and poured wine down.

There was a basin covered in the quilt under him, which he took over when the second brother turned around and left the house.

At this moment, the second brother was standing in the yard. No matter how good his eyesight was, he couldn't see the basin under the quilt. When I saw him holding a wine jar and making drinking gestures, I thought he was really drinking.

After a while, he finished drinking and raised the wine jar towards his second brother.

Qin Er happily ran to the window and waved to him: "Come here, second brother wants to check it out to prevent you from fooling me."

Xiao Qin Sanlang frowned unhappily, got off the bed, and handed him the wine jar.

Qin Er saw that the wine jar was empty and said again: "Open your mouth."

"Ah, poof~" Xiao Qin Sanlang still had a mouthful of wine in his mouth. When he opened his mouth, the wine spurted out, hitting Qin Er in the face.

"Bah, baby, you have learned how to use secret tricks to scheme against your second brother." Qin Er was sprayed with wine, but he was not angry. Instead, he touched Xiao Qin Sanlang's head and said, "Be good, don't be angry anymore. When second brother comes back, I will bring you a good horse."

Xiao Qin Sanlang: "No, dad said he would find a good horse for me. The one you find will definitely not be as good as dad's."

Qin Er was angry: "You brat, you still don't like what the second brother gave you? Wait, the second brother will give you a horse farm from now on!"

Xiao Qin Sanlang didn't believe it at all. Racecourses can be found casually?

Qin Er asked again: "My youngest, are you dizzy? Are you drunk?"

Xiao Qin Sanlang nodded: "I'm feeling dizzy."

"Haha, that's right, keep it up." Qin Er was very happy and said: "When you get up tomorrow and dad asks you why you are dizzy, just say that your second brother is here to drink for you again. Do you understand? ?”

After hearing this, Xiao Qinsanlang looked at his second brother and said in confusion: "Second brother, you force me to drink just to make dad angry? But if you make dad angry, dad will still beat you when you come home. of."

Qin Er said: "This is not called deliberately angry with father, but a battle of wits and courage with father. The second brother can't be beaten by father in vain, and can't he make up for it?"

Xiao Qin Sanlang said seriously: "Second brother, if you continue like this, you will really be beaten to death by your father."

Qin Er smiled, pinched his cheeks that were still a little fat and said: "You are thinking too much. I am dad's biological son. If dad doesn't know how much he loves me, he won't beat me to death...at most. Beat me until I lie down for a month, and it’ll be fine, so don’t worry about my second brother.”

As he spoke, he took out a dagger, a token, and a banknote, and handed them to Xiao Qin Sanlang: "Take this, this is your reward. Go to the street and have a good time tomorrow. Don't wait all the time." If you practice Qigong at home, what should you do if you become stupid?"

Xiao Qin Sanlang didn't want it: "I want the racecourse."

I added another sentence in my heart: I am not stupid, I am very smart.

Qin Er's mouth twitched when he heard it: "My youngest, I didn't expect you to be greedy. Come on, my second brother will build a horse farm for you. When you are crowned, I will give you a crowning gift."

Xiao Qinsanlang frowned, did the math, and said unhappily: "There are still twelve years left. Second brother, are you kidding me?"

Qin Er's face turned red, his eyes were a little wandering, and he quickly denied it: "Nonsense, the second brother is a manly man, how could he lie to you about a little baby. Okay, I won't talk to you anymore, go to bed quickly, it's too late for children to sleep He will die. My second brother is gone and I will come back to see you during the New Year."

After saying that, he ran away quickly.

Just as he ran into the yard, he turned around and waved at him with a smile and said, "Remember to tell dad tomorrow what happened tonight. Remember how angry dad was, and tell me when I come back!"

Xiao Qin Sanlang lay on the window lattice, raised his hand and waved to his second brother... At that time, he didn't feel much regret for his second brother's departure, just because the second brother was like this, he often got into trouble and often ran away from home. , but every time I leave, I will come back safely soon.

But it has been seven years since the last separation, and he has never seen his second brother again... The second brother has really left and will never come back to see him again with a small gift.

When Qin Sanlang thought of this, his throat seemed to be pinched, making him feel extremely uncomfortable.

Suddenly, his hand was held by someone, and a warmth spread from the little hand to his, making his hand warm. He turned his head to look to his side, and Xiaoyu's smiling face appeared in front of him.

The smile was as bright as a flame, illuminating him brightly and immediately warming his chilled body.

"Xiaoyu." He laughed, put away his palm, and held her hand tightly... Although he lost his parents and brother, he still had Xiaoyu.

Seeing that he finally came back to his senses, Gu Jinli felt relieved. He smiled, raised his hand, and poked his face: "I'm still in a daze after eating."

He was motionless and his eyes were still red, which looked worrying.

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