"I'm thinking about my second brother." Qin Sanlang didn't hide anything from her and told her everything he had just thought about.

Gu Jinli was shocked when he heard this: "Second brother, he is really leather."

Those who are seeking death every day are not afraid of being beaten at all. The more they are beaten, the more they dare to commit suicide.

Qin Sanlang's smile grew wider and he nodded: "The second brother is really naughty. Dad beats him the most, but the one who is most satisfied is the second brother. He said that the second brother is smart, dares to attack and fight, and likes to use strange moves. He is a good person." A good seedling for the pioneers.”

The second brother was awarded the title of Vanguard General when he was sixteen years old. He fought in several beautiful charge battles and was indeed a pioneer.

Luo Ying answered: "That's right, Qin Er is indeed very powerful, even crazier than me. I remember when we went into battle to kill the enemy together, we beat the Rong thieves until they howled. We chased the Rong people to the Rong territory several times, causing trouble. When the Rong bandits saw the military flags bearing our surnames, they turned around and fled for their lives."

Gu Jinli looked at Luo Ying. This man was already crazy enough. If the second brother was even crazier than him, and the two of them chased the Rong people together, she would know how miserable the Rong people would be if she thought about it.

"It's a pity..." Luo Ying sighed, grabbed the jar and drank, but before he could drink it, Qin Sanlang took the jar away: "Brother Luo is injured and poisoned, it's better not to drink."

He asked Gu Jinli: "Xiaoyu, do you want to drink?"

This is the second brother's favorite wine, and it was also the wine that made him drunk for the first time. He wants the girl he loves to try it and share his childhood time with her.

"Okay, I want to drink." Gu Jinli was a little excited, holding the bowl and said: "Pour the wine."

Qin Sanlang looked at the sea bowl she was holding and felt a little helpless. He took a small cup and poured her a glass: "Just drink a little. This wine has a strong stamina. If you drink too much, you will get drunk."

Being drunk was very uncomfortable, and he didn't want Xiaoyu to suffer this.

Gu Jinli: "You still look down on my ability to drink? I'm a good drinker."

And there are hangover medicines, so you won’t feel uncomfortable the next day after being drunk.

Qin Sanlang shook his head and said warmly: "Don't drink too much if you can."

"Okay." Gu Jinli didn't want to drink more. After all, she didn't have contraception and would probably get pregnant. Drinking alcohol was not good for the child.

"Be good." Qin Sanlang's eyes showed a smile, reflecting the way she took the cup and took a sip of wine.

"How does it taste?" Qin Sanlang put down the wine jar and looked at her and asked.

Gu Jinli frowned: "It doesn't taste good, it tastes spicy."

Qin Sanlang laughed out loud: "It feels the same as the first time I drank it. This wine really doesn't taste good."

But the second brother likes to drink.

He asked his second brother why he liked to drink such unpleasant wine.

The second brother sat sideways on the Taishi chair, looked at him and said, "What do you know about your kid? A real man should drink such a strong drink."

After hearing this, Luo Ying snorted coldly: "Huh, what do you know? Men should drink wine like this, it's strong enough!"

Qin Sanlang was stunned when he heard this. This answer was exactly the same as the second brother... He looked at Luo Ying and seemed to see the second brother, but he knew very well that this was not the second brother.

But Luo Ying will treat him as kindly as his second brother.

Luo Ying looked at him and said, "Speaking of Qin Er, he also left something for you."

"What?!" Qin Sanlang was startled and almost stood up. He was a little excited. He didn't expect that the second brother had something left for him?

Luo Ying nodded: "It's a good thing, but you can't get it until you reach the crown."

After Qin Sanlang heard this, his heart beat violently, and Gu Jinli could hear his heartbeat.

But the racecourse? !

Qin Sanlang wanted to ask, but in the end he held back... It was more than two months before he was crowned, so he held it in until then to get the crowning gift from his second brother.

Seeing that he didn't continue to ask questions, Luo Ying was a little curious: "Don't you want to know what good things Qin Er left for you?"

Qin Sanlang shook his head: "Don't worry, we will know in two or three months."

After hearing this, Luo Ying felt bored.

I originally wanted to tease him, but it turned out that this kid's endurance skills were even better than when he was a child. Even if he knew that his deceased brother had something left for him, he could still endure it and wait honestly without asking.

"Okay, I'll give it to you in a few months." After Luo Ying finished speaking, he started to eat. He was injured and poisoned, so he didn't eat much. He just kept picking up vegetables for Qin Sanlang so that he could eat more. Eat some.

Qin Sanlang ate all the dishes Luo Ying served, and he also served a lot of good dishes to Gu Jinli.

Luo Ying had people make tonic soup and bird's nests. The tonic soup was for Qin Sanlang, and the bird's nest was for Gu Jinli: "You are too thin, you need to take more tonic."

How else would you give birth to a child?

Qin's youngest son is the only one left in the Qin family, and Qin's youngest is acting crazy. Gu is the only one left, and he must treat her well so that Gu could give birth to a baby for the Qin family as soon as possible.

Gu Jinli was already very full. Looking at the bird's nest in front of her, she couldn't eat it. However, this was Luo Ying's kindness, and there were not many bird's nests, so she gulped down the bird's nest.

Luo Ying looked a little disgusted. What a pretty little girl. How could she eat bird's nest like this? It was like drinking plain water. It was vulgar and wasteful!

"Ms. Gu, you go and accompany Mrs. Gao, and I'll talk to Brother Mu." Luo Ying started to chase him away, but then said: "Don't worry, I'm not saying bad things about you, I'm just talking about something serious."

Qin Sanlang held Gu Jinli's hand, looked at Luo Ying and said, "Xiaoyu is my real wife, not an outsider. She can listen to anything we say."

Gu Jinli said: "I'm fine. You two haven't seen each other for many years. It's time for you to say something considerate."

Then he reminded: "But hurry up, you have to go to the Yamen to report. It's not good to stay here for too long."

After saying that, she withdrew her hand, stood up and walked outside the house.

"Xiaoyu, I'll go find you after I finish talking to Brother Luo." Qin Sanlang got up after her and sent her out of the yard.

Gu Jinli nodded: "Well, go in, don't worry about me."

After saying that, he waved to him and ran to find Gao Lei.

Qin Sanlang looked at her holding up her skirt and trotting away, with a cold and handsome face full of gentle smiles... At this moment, the little fish was like a bird returning south, lively and cute, full of vitality. , just one look at it can make people happy.

Luo Ying was furious: "Young Qin, you've had enough. Do you like that girl so much?"

Qin Sanlang turned back, looked at him, and said seriously: "Yes, I like it very much. Xiaoyu is my hope."

If it hadn't been for Xiaoyu, he might have been like the fake second brother, immersed in the misery of losing his family and being unable to get out. His temperament might have changed drastically, and he might even have gone crazy because he couldn't bear the blow of his family's death.

But after meeting Xiaoyu, her refusal to accept her fate infected him, allowing him to struggle upward instead of being trapped in a sea of ​​blood feud, allowing him to live like a human being instead of a lunatic blinded by hatred.

Well, if Luo Ying hadn't been injured and poisoned, he would have jumped up and beaten him up. He was really a monster.

"Come in and tell us about the fake Qin Er." Luo Ying called Qin Sanlang in. After closing the door, he asked him many things, and the two of them also talked about many things.

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