A lucky wife born again from a farm family

Chapter 1664 The days of walking sideways

Gu Jinli was a very alert person. Although he was sleepy, he did not sleep to death. After smelling the fragrance of plum blossoms, he perked up and immediately forced himself to open his eyes.

In the bright candlelight, a few plum blossoms were swaying in front of her.

Li Hua Xue Hua, with its fresh fragrance, made her very happy when she smelled it, but what made her even more happy was: "You are back."

Hey, Brother Qin was not left to work in the yamen, but was able to come back to rest.

"Well, I'm back." Qin Sanlang listened to her laughter, looked down at her smiling face, joy filled his heart, and he asked distressedly: "Is Xiaoyu very tired?"

Gu Jinli shook his head, hugged his waist and said, "I'm not very tired, but I stayed up too late the past few days, and now that I stop working, I feel a little sleepy."

Not wanting Qin Sanlang to blame himself, he pointed at Li Hua and said, "Did you pick this for me?"

Qin Sanlang nodded: "Well, I'll just pick it for you."

After saying this, Gu Jinli smiled, took two flowers and played with them: "It's beautiful, better than plum blossoms."

The petals of plum blossoms are more complicated than those of plum blossoms. The branches are clustered together and full of flowers, which is very beautiful.

Then he said happily: "There are plum blossoms here in the northwest, so we don't have to worry about not having plums to eat!"

The plums are sour, sweet and crisp, and are also delicious.

When Qin Sanlang saw her talking about eating fruits, her eyes lit up, and he felt extremely soft and a little itchy. He held her face, kissed her lips, nibbled lightly and asked, "Do you like eating fruits so much? "

Gu Jinli wanted to answer, but he blocked her mouth and kissed her greedily. When she started to have trouble breathing, he reluctantly let her go and said: "After some time, when the northwest becomes more stable, I will let her go." Let me get you some big red fruits to eat, they are sweeter than plums."

There are a lot of plums in He'an Mansion. Because Xiaoyu loves to eat fruits, he has also tasted the taste of plums. The taste is really sour and not sweet enough.

Gu Jinli smiled and said, "Okay, I'll make you pancakes filled with fruit pulp then."

"..." Qin Sanlang thought about the pulp pie with sugar, hesitated for a moment, and said seriously: "Let's eat grilled fish. I like fish the most."

After saying that, looking at her beautiful face and feeling the soft body in her arms, he couldn't help but want to kiss her.

But Xiaoyu was sleepy, and he couldn't bear to tire her out, so he could only suppress his impulse and said: "Xiaoyu goes to bed first, I'll take a bath, and then I'll go back to the house to be with you."

Gu Jinli nodded and asked worriedly about his meeting with several generals: "You haven't been in trouble, have you?"

People are jealous. He has made such great military exploits, and she is afraid that he will be jealous and deliberately embarrassed.

Qin Sanlang smiled and said: "No, General Cheng and General Zhou are very protective of me. They probably want to promote me and provide them with a good helper... It seems that the army is really short of people who can fight."

Qin Sanlang came from a noble family and had experience in the army. He knew very well how difficult it was for ordinary soldiers from a peasant family to get ahead in the army. Many times, the military exploits that soldiers achieve only after a narrow escape will eventually turn out to be the best.

He was lucky this time. With the help of General Cheng, General Liang and the Lei family caravan, and Xiaoyu's donation of medicine, his military exploits were not swallowed up.

Judging from General Zhou's attitude tonight, he was very sure that there was a shortage of people in the army, so much so that the generals were willing to support him without strictly checking his background.

He also told her that Qi Tongzhi also coveted insect attractant medicine, and reminded her: "Be careful of the people sent by Qi Tongzhi. Don't go when you are invited by the magistrate. Ask Aunt Lei to help them get rid of them."

Gu Jinli smiled and said: "Don't worry, I'm on guard, and you know what I'm capable of, and you've left me with a lot of manpower, so we will definitely not suffer."

After hearing this, Qin Sanlang felt relieved, but he still felt guilty. If he could be more capable, Xiaoyu wouldn't have to deal with the censure of these superiors.

"Xiaoyu, give me a little time, and I will let you live a life of walking sideways." He promised, his eyes extremely firm and serious. His woman should live such a life!

"Pfft~" Gu Jinli laughed out loud, pulled his face and said: "Okay, I believe you. But don't be too stressed, I just hope you live a happy life."

Qin Sanlang kissed her and said in a gentle voice: "As long as you are here, I will be very happy."

Gu Jinli couldn't stand it anymore and blushed so much that he pushed him and said, "Hurry up and take a shower and go to bed. You have to go to the Yamen to report tomorrow. It will be bad if you sleep too late and are late."

After saying that, he handed him the plum blossoms in his hand: "Take these branches and put them in the vase."

As for the two branches in her hand, they were tied to the bedside, just like when he picked plum blossoms for her on the westbound journey and tied them to the roof of the carriage.

"Okay." Qin Sanlang took the plum flowers, found a bottle and put it in. He played with it carefully a few times, and after arranging the plum flowers to look better, he took his clothes and went to take a shower: "I'm leaving. I'll be back soon. .”

"Yeah, let's go." Gu Jinli waved to him, knelt down on the bed, took a rope and tied Li Hua.

Qin Sanlang smiled and stopped for a while. After seeing that she was almost tied up, he walked away.

More than a quarter of an hour later, he came back after taking a shower. Gu Jinli had already tied up Li Hua and was lying on the bed watching. When he saw him coming back, he pointed at Li Hua and asked, "Doesn't it look good?"

Qin Sanlang twisted his hair with a dry towel and replied: "Yes, it looks good."

Then he said: "Xiaoyu, if you feel sleepy, go to sleep first. I'll wring your hair and come to stay with you."

"Okay." Gu Jinli responded, lying on his side, resting his head with one hand and watching him sitting on the bed twisting his hair. He pulled his hair with the other hand and said, "Let's choose a day to cut our hair some other time. It's too long. Take care of it and absorb nutrients.”

Qin Sanlang was stunned and looked back at her: "Huh? Breathe nutrients?"

Gu Jinli nodded: "Well, hair is just like the meat on our body. It is maintained by our food. The longer the hair, the more nutrients it absorbs, so it is better to cut it off. But you can't let your family know. .”

Mrs. Cui and others think that cutting off hair is equivalent to chopping off the head, which is not good and is almost like death.

Qin Sanlang had no objection: "Okay, let's choose another day and let's cut off the tail of our hair."

Since ancient times, there have been examples of people cutting their hair to represent the first person, but from ancient times to the present, it is not impossible to cut hair. It is just that you have to choose a good day and take a bath before cutting.

"Okay." Gu Jinli responded, very happy, but she was really sleepy and fell asleep not long after.

Qin Sanlang laughed when he saw this. After wringing his hair, he got into the bed, hugged her, kissed her lips, and slept with her.

Because Qin Sanlang was back, Gu Jinli slept very soundly, but when she was sleeping soundly, she suddenly realized that someone was kissing her. The person was still pressing on her, so hard that she wanted to kick him. Come down!

She also instinctively raised her foot, but failed to kick the person on top of her. Her leg was pinned down by him and he pushed her back.

Gu Jinli was angry. She closed her eyes and snorted. Just as she was about to punch her, she heard the man say to her, "Don't be afraid, Xiaoyu, it's me... I miss you."

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