
It's Brother Qin's voice.

When Gu Jinli heard his voice, the anxiety and anger in his heart disappeared immediately, but he still muttered a little uncomfortably: "You are so heavy, you are crushing me~"

Ha, Qin Sanlang's laughter came, he kissed her earlobe and said, "Well, how about the little fish on top?"

Gu Jinli was in a daze and didn't understand what he meant. She just nodded instinctively, and then her body suddenly jumped into the air and fell on him.

After a while, she felt him kissing her again. Those thin and hot kisses fell on her body, making her body that was already cold warm up.

"Woo~" She felt a little uncomfortable being kissed, and she made a cry-like sound, asking him to stop, but he became more and more excited, as if he wanted to swallow her up, and he hugged her tightly and loved her with all his strength.

Gu Jinli felt very bumpy. He had slept quite comfortably, but now he was even more tired. He bit his shoulder angrily and warned: "When I wake up... you will be dead."

Qin Sanlang endured the discomfort and replied: "Okay, come and take care of me when Xiaoyu wakes up."

Now, be obedient and let your husband eat you~

Gu Jinli was so tired that she fell asleep again. When she woke up, it was almost noon and she felt very refreshed. Brother Qin should have given her a bath. But the little red marks on it told her that what happened that morning was not a dream, but reality.

"Hmph, that's annoying. You just finished a tough battle, aren't you tired?!" Gu Jinli punched the bed board and glared at Qin Sanlang's clothes hanging on the hanger and said fiercely.

"Madam, are you awake?" Sanqing was standing on the porch outside the door. Hearing the sounds in the house, he asked, "Is that slave coming in?"

Gu Jinli replied loudly: "Well, wake up, come in."

Sanqing opened the door, brought the hot water and food that were warm on the porch into the house, looked at Gu Jinli and said with a smile, "Madam, you are finally awake."

After saying this, Gu Jinli blushed a little. He tugged on his clothes to cover the embarrassing red marks, and asked as if nothing happened: "Brother Qin went to the Yamen?"

Sanqing nodded: "Well, my lord left before Chen time. Before leaving, I told my slave that if the lady is not awake by noon, she must be woken up for dinner. The lady must not be hungry."

"My lord also said that he would take time to come back to see Madam in the evening. If he comes back late, Madam will have dinner by herself first and don't wait for him."

"By the way, this can is ginseng soup. My lord asked the kitchen to boil it for my wife to eat. I also made bird's nest, but that's for dinner. Madam drinks the ginseng soup first."

Sanqing said everything Qin Sanlang told him, scooped up a bowl of ginseng soup and brought it to Gu Jinli: "Madam, eat it. It's still warm and just right for your mouth."

Sanqing was very skilled and originally protected Gu Jinli personally. He didn't need to do the things that the maids had to do. But now the medicine warehouse yard was busy and Erqing Xiaoji went there to make medicine, so he couldn't guard him all day. Looking at Gu Jinli, Sanqing came up to him.

Gu Jinli looked at the ginseng soup and blushed... In a daze, she seemed to hear Qin Sanlang say: "Thank you for your hard work, Xiaoyu. I'll have someone make ginseng soup to replenish you."

Ahhhh, Gu Jinli raised his hand and slapped his face, brat, it's so shameful to say such things after you're done.

Sanqing was stunned and said hurriedly: "Madam, why are you beating yourself? Stop beating yourself. If it hurts, you will punish me when you come back."

The madam is your lord's pet peeve. If the madam slaps her face, they have failed in their duty and will be punished.

"It's okay, I'm just sleepy. Give yourself a few slaps on the face to wake yourself up." Gu Jinli took the ginseng soup and said, "Don't worry, I won't let Brother Qin punish you. Our Sanqing did very well."

Sanqing laughed after hearing this: "This is what a slave should do, as long as Madam is satisfied."

Then he said: "Hurry up and drink the ginseng soup."

Gu Jinli nodded and drank the ginseng soup, but her face became redder and redder, still thinking about what happened in the morning.

But she didn't blush for long. Sanqing said: "Madam, not long after your Excellency left, Mrs. Zhang came here and wanted to ask about Zhang Baihu's situation. It can be seen that Mrs. Zhang didn't wake up and went back."

Gu Jinli was startled when he heard this. He said, "I understand." Then he went to wash his face and brush his teeth, put the acne patch on, and called to Sanqing: "Come on, get your things, let's go see Sister-in-law Zhang."

"Yes." Sanqing responded, picked up some food and went to the courtyard where the Han family lived.

Han had been busy all morning and had just been able to take a breather. He was debating whether to go to Gu Jinli to ask about Zhang Yan's situation when he heard Gu Jinli's voice: "Brother Yi, it's good morning. Have you eaten? Aunt Qin brought it for you. Here comes the fragrant meat pie and chicken soup.”

Brother Yi didn't play in the yard before, but after playing with a few Jin for a while, he also started digging for ants and playing with mud in the yard. Hearing this, he frowned and asked, "Aunt Qin, Brother Yi Can I correct one of your mistakes?”

Such a polite doll, worthy of being the grandson of the Earl's Palace!

Gu Jinli nodded: "Okay, if Aunt Qin has done anything wrong, just tell me."

Brother Yi raised his head, looked at Gu Jinli and said, "Aunt Qin, it's getting late now, it's almost noon, I should say good afternoon."

Gu Jinli: "..."

Was she sleeping in and being educated by Brother Yi?

"Brother Yi, don't talk to your Aunt Qin like that." Han took Sister Yu's hand and walked out. She looked at Gu Jinli and said with a smile, "Brother and sister Qin are here, come in quickly."

"Sister-in-law Zhang." Gu Jinli took Brother Yi and walked towards the Han family. After the group entered the main room, she pointed to the food box San Qing was carrying and said, "I brought some food over, let's eat together first. Eat, and I will tell Sister-in-law Zhang the good news after you finish eating."

"There is good news, but my husband is coming back safely?!" Mrs. Han was very happy, almost crying with joy.

Gu Jinli, however, kept it secret with her: "Eat first, and we'll talk about it when we're full."

In fact, there was no good news. She just saw that Han had been worried about Zhang Yan, couldn't eat or sleep, and was starting to feel trance-like, so she wanted to trick her into having a peaceful meal first.

"Okay, okay, let's eat first, and then we'll talk after we finish." Sure enough, Han thought Zhang Yan was coming soon, a smile appeared on her face, and she called Sister Yu and Brother Yi to come and eat.

Seeing that Gu Jinli had lost weight, Qin Sanlang prepared a lot of food for her. The food in the food box fed the four of them.

Sister Yu and Brother Yi also drank a bowl of ginseng soup.

"It tastes good. Brother Hardware is right. As long as you follow Aunt Qin closely, you won't have to worry about running out of good food." Brother Yi looked at Gu Jinli and smiled sweetly.

Gu Jinli touched his head and said, "That's right, as long as Brother Yi follows Aunt Qin well, you will not have to worry about good food in the future."

Mrs. Han laughed when she heard this, but her laughter quickly faded away, and she asked anxiously: "Sister-in-law Qin, what good news do you have? Tell my sister-in-law, she wants to know."

Uh, Gu Jinli has a headache. He needs to make one up now.

But God treated her well, so there was no need for her to make it up. Daqing had already come to this courtyard and said: "Madam, Madam Zhang, Zhang Baihu has entered the city with the reinforcements!"

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