General Liang said: "I know, I know. You go first into the city and rest. When the generals arrive, we can discuss together how to rush to Long'an Mansion."

But the scout captain shook his head and asked: "Where are the generals now? I am humble enough to go see the generals in person. It would be faster, otherwise it would be a waste of time."

Long'an Prefecture really can't wait any longer. The Rong people are attacking with an army of hundreds of thousands.

After hearing this, General Liang's heart sank. Seeing the anxious look on the scout captain's face, he knew that the situation in Long'an Mansion was indeed not good. He immediately said, "Okay, I will take you to see some generals."

He immediately ordered the soldiers: "Quickly prepare the carriage and go to General Zhou's other courtyard!"

Because of General Dai's relationship, where are the generals and Magistrate Hao now?

"Yes." The soldiers took the order and left.

Not long after, a carriage drove up, threw the three scouts in together, and went straight to General Zhou's annex.

General Liang rode ahead and arrived at General Zhou's courtyard a few quarters of an hour later.

General Liang dismounted himself and said to the soldiers guarding the gate: "Go quickly and report to General Zhou that Long'an Mansion is in danger."

After hearing this, the guard guard hurriedly opened the door and let General Liang and others in. He quickly ran into the house, found General Zhou, and told him what had happened.

General Zhou and others had been accompanying General Dai. They were happy to see that the poison poisoned by General Dai was indeed not fatal, but they heard the bad news.

"Is there a danger in Long'an Mansion? Where are the scouts? Bring the scouts quickly!" General Zhou is a member of General Xu. He was very worried when he learned that Long'an Mansion was in danger.

General Dai was more worried than him. He was almost scared to death. He dragged General Zhou and said, "Brother Zhou, Long'an Prefecture is in danger? What should we do? The Rong people will not attack Long'an Prefecture and then attack Xing'an Prefecture." Bar?"

He had witnessed the city defense battle of Xing'an Prefecture against the Rong people with his own eyes. It was extremely brutal and completely different from the battles he had seen before.

Oh my god, he won't die in the northwest, right?

What did the uncle think? How to get him to the northwest?

He just wants to make a meritorious service, and then rely on his uncle's relationship to join the Ministry of War, and then become a minister of the Ministry of War. He doesn't want to be a hero of the war.

He looked at Butler Dai again, wanting to order him to quickly pack his things and return to the capital.

But he was not stupid after all, he endured it for the sake of the Dai family's face.

When General Zhou heard his question, he wanted to punch him twice. Can he speak? The scouts haven't seen it yet, and they don't know anything about the situation. How can they say that Long'an Mansion was attacked by the Rong?

But General Zhou didn't have time to argue with General Dai at the moment, so he only said: "Brother Dai, don't worry, Long'an Prefecture is guarded by many generals and will not be breached by the soldiers."

Vice General Ma had already rushed out of the house. As soon as he came to the yard, General Liang and the others came in carrying the scouts. After seeing him, they pointed to the house and said, "We'll talk after we go in."

Vice General Ma nodded, turned and entered the house.

Not long after, the scouts were carried in.

Deputy Ma said to Dr. Xu and Dr. Fang: "Give him an injection to cheer them up. We want to question them."

"Yes." The two doctors hurriedly gave the scout captain an injection, stopped the bleeding from his wound, and gave him half a cup of General Dai's leftover ginseng tea, which finally restored a lot of strength to him.

"Explain in detail, what is the situation in Long'an Mansion?" Vice General Ma asked in a deep voice.

The scout captain told everyone about the situation in Long'an Mansion.

Lieutenant General Ma's face darkened when he heard this: "The thieves really have their swords pointed at the entire Chu State and want to swallow up all our lands!"

General Dai turned pale when he heard this, and asked: "Don't you say that the Rong people are like bandits, they only like to rob Chu's supplies, and they don't care about our land?"

General Zhou said: "Brother Dai doesn't know something. Since last year, the Rong people have become smarter. They not only captured our three cities, but also moved the Rong people here. They captured many of our old farmers and taught them farming. They have followed us for a long time." The previous behavior of only grabbing space but not occupying land is completely different.”

Then he said: "No matter how the Rong people came to their senses, we have to defend Long'an Prefecture. If Long'an Prefecture is lost again, we will lose the entire northwest. If the northwest is lost, the Central Plains will be destroyed and the entire Chu State will be occupied." It’s just a matter of time.”

He spoke so seriously that General Dai was frightened: "Then, what should we do now?"

Vice General Ma said: "Order your troops immediately and rush to the aid of Long'an Prefecture."

Rushing to the aid of Long'an Prefecture?

General Dai nodded: "When the Rong people come, we should rush to Long'an Mansion to help."

But General Dai felt that it had nothing to do with him.

He had just been rescued less than an hour ago, and his body was still weak. He must have stayed here to recuperate, and did not have to go to Long'an Mansion to suffer.

But General Zhou said to Butler Dai: "Go and pack your things quickly. We will set off today and rush to Long'an Mansion."

What? !

"What do you mean, Brother Zhou?" General Dai asked anxiously, "Will I also go to Long'an Mansion?"

I am sick. I was just released from the hands of the gangsters and I was poisoned. How can I go to Long'an Mansion to fight!

But General Zhou said: "Brother Dai, you are here to fight against the Rong people this time. At this time, you must follow the army to Long'an Mansion."

He lowered his voice and said: "Brother Dai, if you don't go, you will embarrass your uncle. And don't worry, we will protect you. You only need to sit behind the team and take care of military supplies." The credit will still be counted when the time comes, but if you don’t go, the credit won’t be counted~”

Butler Dai heard it from the side and agreed very much. He persuaded General Dai in a low voice: "Yes, General, you have to follow, otherwise it will be difficult to handle."

Although you are just going to take the credit, but you are not present, how can everyone give you the credit? Hurry up, don't pretend to be weak, just go to me!

General Dai had no choice but to agree: "Sure, I will go."

After hearing this, General Zhou smiled inwardly.

Okay, as long as they bring Dai over, they won't have to worry about the supplies from the Ministry of War. They'll have whatever they need.

After hearing this, Lieutenant General Ma felt relieved. He pointed to the injuries on the scout leader and asked, "Why are you injured? But you encountered a soldier?"

The scout captain nodded: "Exactly. I didn't expect to encounter Rong people when I came to deliver the message. Those Rong people are very powerful. We had six groups of scouts in total, and we were the only ones who survived."

They were able to survive because they ran slowly. When they heard the fighting between the scouts and the soldiers, they hid immediately. After the fighting was over, they came out and continued to Hing'an Prefecture.

The injuries on their bodies were caused by stray arrows, but they were not fatal.

"They should be soldiers retreating." After Vice General Ma said this, he immediately asked for pens, ink, paper and inkstones: "Those five groups of scouts were killed. We have to send people to help them deliver letters for help."

General Xu can save his face and ask for help, which shows that Long'an Mansion is indeed in a critical moment. They must ask for help from all directions and get more reinforcements!

Butler Dai was a smart man and personally brought the pen, ink, paper and inkstone to Deputy General Ma.

Vice General Ma immediately wrote several letters asking for help and said to General Dai: "Brother Dai, I don't have enough scouts under my command. I would like to borrow three groups of scouts from you, and I hope you will respond."

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