The five groups of scouts were killed, and the tokens and handwriting on them were gone. It was just a letter asking for help from one of his lieutenants. I was afraid that the various governments would not send troops as soon as possible and would have to borrow the power of the Dai family.

General Dai also hoped that Lieutenant General Ma and the others would protect him during the battle, so he readily agreed: "There is no need to ask more about this little thing. Brother Ma can just use it."

After hearing this, Butler Dai immediately sent for General Dai's scouts.

Duan Changling was stopped outside the Dongke Courtyard, but there was no shortage of people to inquire about the news. Now he knew that Long'an Mansion was surrounded by hundreds of thousands of soldiers, and he was very happy.

Haha, there are hundreds of thousands of soldiers, and Da Rongtian Khan is still in command. Xu You, let’s see if you survive this time!

"Let's go." Duan Changling put away his smile and left with his lieutenants and soldiers.

The steward of the other courtyard saw this and went to report to General Zhou: "We were waiting outside earlier, but not long after the scouts under General Dai were called, Duan Tongzhi left."

Magistrate Hao was a little scared when he heard this: "Duan Tongzhi must be angry, right?"

After all, he was a commander and a fellow magistrate, and his rank was higher than that of the magistrate. He was a little scared.

Lieutenant General Ma said: "Prefect Hao, there is no need to worry. General Xu personally sent troops to ask for help. With the token and the handwriting here, even Duan Tongzhi does not dare to disobey. He will follow us to help Long'an Prefecture."

After hearing this, Magistrate Hao felt relieved, as long as Duan Changling didn't bear any grudge against him, he frowned and asked, "Is General Cheng going to Long'an Mansion too?"

The matter of going to Long'an Prefecture to aid has been almost discussed. Vice General Ma, General Zhou, and General Cheng took their soldiers, horses and anti-rong soldiers to Long'an Prefecture to help. General Liang stayed behind to defend the city, and he and the people from the Lei family's caravan helped make insect attractants for other courtyards, and then he and the people from the Fengjia Escort Bureau sent the insect attractants to Long'an Mansion.

General Ke Cheng is much more powerful than General Liang, and Magistrate Hao wants to keep General Cheng. After all, Xing'an Prefecture has just experienced a war.

General Cheng said: "Long'an Prefecture is in danger. General Xu sent a rescue letter to the northwest prefectures and the Central Plains Commander's Office. As the guard general of Northwest Daliang Prefecture, I should lead troops to rescue Long'an Prefecture."

When the northwest was in crisis, the governments in the northwest and central plains received letters asking for help and had to send half of their troops to help. This was something the emperor approved of. Therefore, it was not considered AWOL for him to lead troops to rescue Long'an Prefecture.

However, after the Long'an Prefecture is stabilized, the defenders of each of their prefectures must return to the defense immediately. If they do not leave for more than five days, they will be charged with leaving their posts without authorization, and General Xu will also be charged with gathering troops to support themselves. .

Seeing Magistrate Hao's grimace, General Cheng added, "Prefect Hao, don't worry. The soldiers who attacked Xing'an Prefecture should have gone to besiege Long'an Prefecture. Xing'an Prefecture is very safe now, and there won't be large groups of soldiers coming out." Come and attack Xing'an Prefecture."

This was what Magistrate Hao was most worried about. After hearing the words and thinking for a moment, he felt that what General Cheng said was reasonable, so he cupped his hands and said, "In that case, I will take my leave first and go get supplies for you."

"Thank you, Magistrate Hao." Lieutenant General Ma and the others were very grateful for Magistrate Hao's help. After Magistrate Hao left, they also got busy. In less than half an hour, all the soldiers received an order: Before Hai Shi tonight, fight against the enemy. The army set off for Long'an Prefecture to rush to rescue.

Duan Changling also learned that the army was leaving tonight. Vice General Ma took Magistrate Hao to find him in person.

Magistrate Hao wanted to scold his mother, so why did he pull him in at this time? It was useless for him to help Vice General Ma and them get supplies, but Vice General Ma turned around and came to trick him. It was all in vain!

However, Magistrate Hao is the magistrate of Xing'an Prefecture, and there are some things that require him to be present as a witness.

Duan Changling saw Vice General Ma and sneered: "Vice General Ma relies on General Xu's power and is very arrogant. Why do you want to see me now?"

Vice General Ma knew that Duan Changling was angry, so he ignored his taunts and directly took out General Xu's token and the handwriting: "Please Duan Tongzhi to read it."

Duan Changling didn't answer.

Vice General Ma said: "General Xu is a high-ranking official. It would be best for Duan Tongzhi to read his handwriting."

Although General Xu served as a small soldier with you, things are different now. General Xu is already a first-class official and the commander-in-chief of the Anti-Japanese Army. He leads all the armies in the northwest and the generals and soldiers of the Anti-Japanese Army.

Duan Changling's eyes suddenly turned cold and he clenched his fists so much that Lieutenant General Ma could hear the cracking of his joints.

But there was no way, Xu You's official position was higher than that of Duan Changling. No matter how angry Duan Changling was, he could only take the handwritten letter and read it... This handwritten letter was not so much a letter asking for help, but rather a military order from Xu You.

Xu You ordered all the armies in the northwest and the anti-rong army on the road to rush to Long'an Mansion to attack the Rong people. Anyone who dared to disobey the order or slacken the military order would be punished by the whole family at the least, or the whole clan together!

Moreover, the handwriting also stipulates the daily marching distance, so even if the reinforcements want to be lazy and move slowly, it will not work.

Hello Xuyou!

Duan Changling was very angry, but the official rank was overwhelming. Now Xu Youda, he could only obey the order: "It's too early to leave at Haishi. We will set off for Long'an Mansion at 3:00 tomorrow."

Lieutenant General Ma frowned upon hearing this. They would waste a whole night's work if they set off tomorrow. They were going to fight. If they were delayed by one night, Long'an Mansion might be breached.

Vice General Ma disagreed, but took a step back: "In that case, let's set off at midnight instead."

Duan Changling was furious when he heard this and hit Vice General Ma with a tea bowl: "Ma, you are so arrogant just because you have Xu You's backing. You know I am of higher rank than you!"

There was a clang, and before Duan Changling finished speaking, the tea bowl hit Lieutenant General Ma.

Lieutenant General Ma's face was smashed and blood gushed out.

Duan Changling was startled, this bastard didn't hide.

Vice General Ma wiped the blood on his face and said: "Duan Tongzhi's rank is indeed higher than ours, but this is General Xu's military order, and fighting against the Rong is the emperor's order, and the emperor attaches great importance to the war against the Rong. ,if……"

He paused, looked at Duan Changling and said: "Duan Tongzhi is a smart man. He must know the consequences of deliberately delaying military planes and delaying reinforcements, resulting in the city being breached."

After speaking, he looked at Magistrate Hao and said, "Right, Magistrate Hao?"

Magistrate Hao, who has always pretended to be transparent: "..."

To your mother!

Is it possible to treat me as dead?

Don't drag me into the pit of fighting between you.

But Lieutenant General Ma's goal has been achieved.

Duan Changling glanced at Magistrate Hao... If he insisted on leaving tomorrow to rush for reinforcements, if Long'an Mansion was breached and the emperor tracked him down, Lieutenant General Ma's words might be revealed by Magistrate Hao.

He could not bear the crime of deliberately delaying the departure of the army, causing the reinforcements to fail to arrive in time and causing the city to be breached.

Duan Changling could only hold back his anger and said: "We set off at midnight, get out!"

Vice General Ma was satisfied and left with Magistrate Hao.

Magistrate Hao was very angry. As soon as he came out of Duan Changling's yard, he said dissatisfiedly: "Vice General Ma, I am not kind to you, but you cheated me like this."

Duan Changling is stingy, what if there is an opportunity to deal with him in the future?

Magistrate Hao was very angry and wanted to beat Lieutenant Ma, but he couldn't, so he could only look aggrieved.

Vice General Ma said: "Prefect Hao, it is indeed my fault in this matter, but the situation is urgent. In order for Duan Tongzhi to lead troops to Long'an Prefecture to help, I can only do this."

Then he said: "But I can give Magistrate Hao some compensation."

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