A lucky wife born again from a farm family

Chapter 1679 Mom, are you possessed by ghosts?

Jin Baihu is a smart man, but he is a little confused when it comes to women.

He was confused in this regard because he thought that women had to rely on men to survive, so he mistakenly mistook Xiao Ji, a vicious widow and concubine, for Xiao Hua Bai.

After learning what Xiao Ji had done, he was frightened, and finally woke up.

It’s impossible not to wake up. Qin Sanlang has accomplished great feats by killing the Rong royal general this time. After the war against the Rong is over, Qin’s boy will definitely be promoted.

As for Mr. Qin, he is capable of leading the big guys to make great achievements, and he also has a powerful wife who is rich and can make insect attractants. If he works with such a person, he will definitely not lose money.

After all, everyone is familiar with each other. After Qin Sanlang is promoted, it is much better to work under Qin Sanlang than to work with other Xinqianhu.

Therefore, Jin Baihu tried his best to admit his mistake, fearing that Qin Sanlang would dislike him and not want him after he was promoted.

Qin Sanlang wanted to refuse, but Gu Jinli agreed: "We all came to the northwest to fight against the enemy together. If any of our relatives get sick, as long as I have medicine in my hand, I will definitely not die without saving them."

Just kidding, I've already taken so many medicinal herbs from her, and if I don't care at this moment, wouldn't she be at a loss?

You have to take care of it, only in this way can you win people's hearts.

After hearing this, Jin Baihu was overjoyed and quickly thanked him: "Thank you, Mrs. Qin."

Then he said to Qin Sanlang: "Thank you Qin Baihu, what about that, I'll go and do my work first, you can say goodbye slowly."

He was afraid that Qin Sanlang would regret it, so he ran away quickly.

Seeing this, Gu Jinli whispered to Qin Sanlang: "It looks like it's not hopeless. Moreover, Manager Zhong and his wife were sent by Mrs. Jin. They are quite capable. After what happened to the Xiao Ji family, the Jin family I won’t dare to look for trouble in the future, don’t worry, I won’t be tired.”

Jin Baihu is quite good at fighting, and he doesn't have as many thoughts as Cao Baihu. Moreover, he has a smart and powerful wife who is worthy of continued cooperation.

Another point is Jin Baihu's treatment of Xiao Ji and his cousins ​​from the Tang family.

Although Jin Baihu hated Xiao Ji for almost killing her relatives, he did not kill her. Instead, he told Guanshi Zhong and his wife to look after Xiao Ji, his cousins ​​from the Tang family, and others, and then send them back to their hometown together after the war. .

The cousins ​​of the Tang family should not interact with the Jin family from now on, and treat them as no such relatives.

Xiao Ji was handed over to Mrs. Jin. Mrs. Jin wanted to sell her or let her go, but don't kill her. After all, she had a fight with him. Although it was not a good one, he couldn't bear to harm her. life.

Qin Sanlang sent someone to find out the news and came back to tell Gu Jinli. Both of them felt that although Jin Baihu was confused about women, he did not lose his humanity and he was considered a sentimental person.

Such people can be used appropriately.

"If the Jin family comes to ask for help, just let Er Qing or Feng go in and deal with it. You don't have to worry about it." Qin Sanlang still didn't want Gu Jinli to worry about outsiders, so he explained this.

Gu Jinli smiled and nodded: "Yes, I know, don't worry."

He looked at the courtyard of the second gate again, frowned and said, "Why isn't Uncle Niu and Aunt Niu here? It's already passed the fifth hour of Xu."

Not long after saying this, Niu Dabao and his family appeared at the second door.

The family is usually very noisy, but this time it was lifeless. It wasn't until they walked out of the second door and saw them that the Niu family started talking and laughing.

But there were a few scratches on Niu DaBao's face. It seemed that he had a fight with the Kuang family.

Kuang's eyes were also red and swollen, showing that she had cried a lot.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry for keeping you waiting for so long, hahaha!" Niu Dabao said loudly and laughed a few times. Maybe he felt it was too embarrassing, so he hurriedly pushed Kuangshi with his hand.

"Why are you pushing? My three eldest sons have just beaten away the bandits, and you are taking them to die. Why don't you allow me to fight with you?!" Kuang Shi glared at him and cursed Niu Dabao. The old face was red.

Niu DaBao: "What are you talking about, mother-in-law? I am leading them to perform meritorious deeds!"

"Bah, don't talk to me. I'll be angry when I see you now." After Kuang cursed, she looked at the big gold, two golds and three golds and said, "Mother, you have to take good care of yourselves. Don't think about making meritorious deeds and living by yourself. Coming back is the most important thing, you know?”

To be honest, the three Dajins were a little uncomfortable with Kuang's pampering attitude toward them.

They had been raised by the Kuang family when they were young. Because their families were poor, they could not benefit from the soldiers. They did not dare to act like young masters from a hundred households, so they were often forced by the Kuang family to provide benefits to the soldiers' families. They work like a long-term worker, and my mother is the supervisor who keeps an eye on their work.

But she suddenly told them to stop caring about others, care more about themselves, and be kind to themselves. They were really not used to it.

Niu Sanjin smiled heartlessly and said: "Mom, look at what you said, it's not that serious. We are very powerful. Just wait for us to serve you and become generals when we come back to honor you."

Niu Erjin also said: "Yes, mother, please stop crying. There are so many people. It's embarrassing. Besides, you have been fierce for so many years, and you suddenly become a crybaby. We are really not used to it. You have recovered and become fierce." A handful, let us go more safely."

Kuang's face turned green when she heard this, and she held back her anger and said, "What do you mean? I'm not happy to be nice to you anymore?"

Niu Erjin: "No, mother... I'm really not used to it. Besides, you are tall and thick. You need to be tougher to match your body shape. You cry, tsk, it's so funny."

That delicate and frail little woman is beautiful when she cries, but she is too big and round to cry like that. She looks scary.

Kuang couldn't hold himself any longer, and was so angry that he took the sword from Niu Dabao's waist and hit Niu Erjin: "You are making me laugh? I asked you to make you laugh, but I can't beat you to death, you brat!"

"Hey, that's it. We'll feel relieved if you do this!" Niu Erjin was not only not afraid, but also laughed.

After being ridiculous for a while, he gritted his teeth in pain and quickly begged for mercy: "Mom, stop fighting, my son is wrong, stop it, it hurts!"

"You deserve it!" After beating him for a few times, Kuang finally stopped, looked at them and said, "If you want to go, go ahead, but come back with your beard and tail intact. Don't blame me if you dare to be missing arms or legs. I will kick you out of the house!"

After hearing this, the three Dajins' eyes lit up, they pointed at Kuang and said, "Hey, that's it, this is our mother!"

She suddenly felt so hurt for them and even shed tears for them, which made her feel as if she was possessed by a ghost. It's okay now, this is not a fake mother, she is a real mother.

Seeing Mrs. Kuang's eyes wide open with anger, the three of them hurriedly said: "Don't worry, Mom, we will come back safely and won't embarrass you!"

After hearing this, Mrs. Kuang looked at her three grown-up sons and wanted to wipe away her tears again, but she held back. She turned around and walked towards Niu Dabao, returned the saber to him, glared at him and said, "Same for you. Come back with all your hair and tail intact."

"Hey!" Niu Dabao smiled. This woman was back to normal. He hung up his saber and said, "Same for you. You should take more care of yourself and don't wrong yourself."

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