In fact, the most aggrieved person in the family is the Kuang family.

Over the years, he not only had to farm and take care of his children, but also had to help him maintain a good relationship with the families of subordinates at the top. Niu Dabao always felt sorry for Kuang. He worked hard to climb up just to let her live the life of a rich wife without having to work hard day and night. .

"Okay, okay, get out of here." Kuang waved her hands impatiently, and said to Niu Sijin and others in a loud voice: "Hurry up and say goodbye to your father and brothers."

Niu Sijin hurriedly brought several younger Jins over, and said to Niu Dabao and the others: "Dad, eldest brother, second brother and third brother, we will take care of the family. You don't have to worry. You can go and fight against the soldiers."

Niu Wujin hugged Niu Qijin, looked up and smiled at Niu Dabao: "Dad, don't worry about me, I'm fine, I can already help take care of Liu Jin and Qijin."

Then he said to Qijin: "Qijin, say goodbye to our father."

Qijin was looking at Gu Jinli and wanted to ask her for meat, but her fifth brother turned her around. As soon as her eyes blurred, the smelly sister in a skirt turned into a bearded father: "Give me meat!"

Niu Wujin was angry: "I only know how to eat meat, so I want you to say goodbye to dad."

Niu Dabao laughed loudly: "Okay, don't embarrass Qijin. You are still acting like a bear, and dad can leave with peace of mind."

"Aren't you going to help Long'an Mansion? Why are you still here? Hurry up and set off. There are so many soldiers piled up in the other courtyard, and the ground in the other courtyard has been trampled into holes by you!" Gao Lei's loud voice came. , don’t interrupt everyone.

Gu Jinli said: "It's getting late, let's go."

After hearing this, Qin Sanlang held her hand tightly and said in a deep voice: "Be well and wait for me to come back."

"Yeah." Gu Jinli nodded with a smile, but felt a little empty in his heart.

Qin Sanlang looked at her, his mouth moved, but in the end he said nothing. He let go of her hand, turned around and came to Gao Leishi. After bowing, he walked to the front of the team and glanced at the soldiers lined up in the yard. He raised his hand and shouted: "Let's go!"

As soon as the shouts started, the soldiers moved like a strong wind, following Qin Sanlang and the fluttering military flag, they rushed out of the gate of the other courtyard.

"Dad, we must fight off the soldiers." Brother Yi waved his small iron knife and shouted while chasing.

"Ms. sir!" Ji Zhenniang cried and grabbed Gu Jinli: "Let's go and see you off."

Gu Jinli was dragged by her to follow the door, but the soldiers were trained to move as fast as the wind. When they chased them out of the door, Qin Sanlang, Xie Cheng, Zhang Yan and others had already run into the darkness, and they could only see Moving torch light.

But Gu Jinli could feel that Brother Qin seemed to look back at her.

She guessed right. Qin Sanlang originally didn't want to look back at her, but he couldn't resist the desire in his heart. When the horse ran into the darkness, he looked back... In front of the gate of the other courtyard, she stood with a group of relatives. Middle, raised her head and looked towards him. Her slender body looked so thin and pitiful in front of such a big house, which made him have the urge to run back and hug her.

But he finally turned around, led the army, and left on horseback.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu! My husband, my husband is gone~" Ji Zhenniang cried so hard that Gao Lei was tired of crying, and shouted: "Why are you crying? We are just going to fight. What is there to cry about?"

It's not like he's dead.

"You!" Ji Zhenniang wanted to curse, but when she looked up and saw it was Gao Lei, she quickly suppressed the curse.

This old lady is very cruel, she doesn't dare to scold her.

Gu Jinli looked at Ji Zhenniang: "Stop crying. If Xie Baihu hears your cry, he will leave uneasily."

After hearing this, Ji Zhenniang hurriedly covered her mouth and stopped crying, but her tears kept falling.

Kuang's, Han's, Lu's, and Guo Daming's wives also stood in front of the gate, looking at the torch light that was gradually disappearing.

Mrs. Guo also shed tears. This time she went to Long'an Prefecture to help. Guo Daming took Guo Zhou with him, saying that he wanted Guo Zhou to practice. In this place in the northwest, men can't do anything without going to the battlefield to practice.

Mrs. Guo had no choice but to agree.

But her husband and son both went to the battlefield, and she was really worried.

Gu Jinli heard her slight sobs and walked over to persuade her, "Mrs. Guo, please stop crying. Your body cannot withstand excessive worry."

Mrs. Guo nodded and smiled: "Hey, I understand, Sanlang's wife, don't worry."

Gao Leishi sneered and said: "Why don't you worry? Look at your body, it looks like it will collapse in the wind. How can you let Sanlang's wife feel relieved? Hurry up and put away your tears and take good care of yourself. Otherwise, if you die, what will happen?" I don’t see your man and son returning in triumph.”

Mrs. Guo is very thin and does not look like she will live a long life. If she worries about her any longer, she will probably die.

"It's not like only the men in your family are going to Long'an Mansion to fight. You're crying and crying like this, which spoils everyone's mood."

Mrs. Guo was startled and waved her hands quickly: "No, no... I stopped crying. It's my fault."

Only then was Gao Lei satisfied, and she called to the women who were still standing outside the door: "Come in, don't look at it, it's not safe at night."

After hearing this, everyone entered the house one after another.

Gu Jinli, Gao Leishi and others all went in. After seeing that no one was left behind, they entered the gate.

With a bang, the door was closed immediately after they entered, and the heavy iron bolt was fastened. The door was guarded by the guards under Master Yu Yu.

"Aunt Lei, thank you for your hard work." Gu Jinli supported Gao Lei, feeling very grateful for her help.

Gao Lei hummed: "Since we know how hard it is to be old, we should give more of those insect attractants, detoxification pills, and poisons to the Lei family caravan."

Gu Jinli smiled: "I'll keep them all for you."

The relatives of the Lei family caravan also helped make the medicine, so naturally more should be given to them.

Gao Leishi: "The people from the Duke of Yuan Dynasty have left. The dead men placed here by the Duke of Yuan Dynasty personally escorted the prescription to Beijing. The speed is faster than the 800-mile express. You can rest assured."

After deciding to present the prescription to the emperor, Gao Lei contacted the servants of the Yuan Dynasty in Xing'an Prefecture. After a few days of busy work, the servants there contacted the deceased of the Yuan Dynasty and obtained the prescription and patent medicine. They were all sent away.

Gu Jinli smiled and said: "Aunt Lei is organizing this matter, so I can rest assured."

Gao Lei was pleased to hear this, and asked again: "You believe in the Duke of Yuan Dynasty so much, aren't you afraid that this will happen?"

Gu Jinli smiled: "I trust Aunt Lei. Moreover, this matter is a good thing for the Yuan Dynasty Duke. It can be done successfully without involving military power and arousing the emperor's suspicion. Naturally, Yuan Guo Duke and his wife will try their best to accomplish it."

Gao Lei nodded after hearing this: "Yes, you have seen it quite clearly."

"Gu Xiaoyu, Aunt Lei~" Ji Zhenniang, along with Xie Huaihua and Aunt Xie, blocked the road halfway and begged Gu Jinli: "I'll go sleep with you tonight."

Xie Chenggang left and she was scared to be alone.

Gu Jinli didn't want to sleep with her at all, but she had to take care of Ji Zhenniang, so she could only agree: "You can live in the right wing. If anything happens, just call and we will help you immediately."

She doesn't want to live in the same house as Ji Zhenniang.

"Okay!" Ji Zhenniang was happy and wanted to come over and grab Gu Jinli's hand, but she was afraid of Gao Lei, so she could only lower her head and follow behind.

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