Gao Lei didn't talk about the prescription anymore, but lectured Ji Zhenniang: "It's useless to be timid and love to cry. People like you have a good life and have someone to protect you, otherwise you would have been eaten alive."

After talking about Ji Zhenniang all the way, Ji Zhenniang cried, but she didn't dare to cry out.

When leaving, he also ordered: "Get up at 00:00 tomorrow, and go to the medicine warehouse yard to help at half past 00:00. If you dare to be lazy, I have many ways to deal with you."

"Aunt Lei..." Mother Ji Zhen said with a tearful tone and wanted to beg for mercy, but Gao Lei didn't listen at all. She waved her hands and said, "Don't talk nonsense, otherwise I will give you more work."

Ji Zhenniang shut up immediately.

After Gao Lei left, she held Gu Jinli's hand and cried, blaming Gu Jinli: "If I had known, I wouldn't have waited for you halfway. It was because of waiting for you that I bumped into Aunt Lei and was lectured by her. , I still have to work."

Gu Jinli chuckled: "So, you brought it all on yourself, who asked you to wait for me?"

I don't care about you, it's you who are afraid and want to find me.

She pulled her hand back: "Stop crying and go to bed quickly. You still have a lot of work to do tomorrow. If you can't finish it, Aunt Lei won't let you eat."

After saying that, he took his servants and left, leaving Ji Zhenniang stamping her feet in anger.

After Gu Jinli returned to the house, he did not go to bed immediately. He kept waiting for news from Qin Sanlang.

It wasn't until after midnight that Daqing came over to report: "Madam, Brother You An is back and said that they have left the city. Feng Jin followed him out of the city and will bring back a batch of supplies brought by Uncle Mu Tong after dawn."

Uncle Mu Tong transported a lot of things from the villa. Feng Jin took people to meet him and transported the things back after dawn.

Daqing took out another letter and handed it to Gu Jinli: "My lord wrote to his wife before leaving the city."

"Brother Qin has a letter for me." Gu Jinli's eyes lit up and he hurriedly took it. When he opened it, he was stunned... This was not a letter, but a very sloppy painting.

In the painting, two people are hugging each other under the tree, surrounded by four little cubs of different heights.

"I'm not a pig, how could I give birth to so many babies?" Gu Jinli muttered, his nose felt a little sore, and he quickly laughed again.

Brother Qin painted such a picture for her to make her happy and make her laugh.

She put away the letter and looked at Daqing: "You have been too tired recently. Get a good sleep tonight and stay on duty tomorrow. Don't worry about anything going wrong, You An, Youxi and the others are all here."

Daqing was stunned, nodded and said: "I obey, my slave."

After bowing, she turned around and left, her steps seeming to be a little more relaxed.

After Daqing left, Gu Jinli took out the painting again, looked at it under the lamp, and said with a smile: "The painting is really ugly, I will change it for you."

She took a pen and paper and copied Qin Sanlang's small painting into a large picture. She drew the facial features of the characters on the picture and gave them faces to make everyone look more vivid.

What she was most satisfied with was the appearance of her four children. They looked like Qin Sanlang and also looked like her.

As for the big tree in the painting, she painted it as a begonia flower.

Qin Sanlang once said that he has a Creeping Begonia that has been growing for more than ten years at home. Like the Begonia flowers at home, she amazes him and makes him feel at ease.

At this moment, Qin Sanlang and the others had left the city with the army and rushed to Long'an Mansion.

Mutong and others were waiting outside the city. When they saw the army leaving the city, they did not go to Qin Sanlang immediately. Instead, they led the convoy and followed the army from a distance.

The army marched for several hours and only stopped to rest at dawn.

Dang, Dang, Dang!

"General Dai ordered the entire army to rest for three hours before breaking out of camp and setting off!" The scouts rode back and forth to convey the message to the entire army.

"Why is General Dai's order used? Aren't Vice General Ma and General Zhou members of General Xu?" A soldier asked in confusion.

With a bang, it would be a kick from his own commander: "Fang Laosan, can't you stop your mouth even when you eat? What's wrong with General Dai's order? Is the officer younger than you?"

After the commander-in-chief scolded the soldiers, he reminded the soldiers under his command: "Keep your mouth shut. Don't fart for nothing. If you cause trouble, I can't save you!"

As soon as these words came out, the soldiers all shut up and did not dare to say any more.

But everyone also knows that it is best to use the name of General Dai to order this reinforcement army.

Duan Changling's official position was higher than that of Vice General Ma, but Vice General Ma was not convinced by Duan Changling and simply gave General Dai the right to command the army. After all, General Dai had Shangshu Dai behind him.

General Dai was very happy and stopped complaining. He went on the road with the soldiers in a carriage.

Duan Changling was very angry because of this incident and wanted his soldiers to delay their journey, but General Dai was going crazy, sending Steward Dai to chase people away as soon as his team fell behind.

If Duan Changling didn't listen, General Dai would move Dai Shangshu out, which made Duan Changling extremely aggrieved.

Qin Sanlang ignored these things and took the time to see Uncle Mutong. After taking various medicines, he distributed these medicines to his soldiers and asked them to carry them with them when marching.

But the road was not peaceful. Tuogude was a real beast. When he retreated, he released poisonous insects all the way, which caused serious damage to the counties and towns along the way. The army distributed a lot of insect attractants to the people.

However, hundreds of soldiers in the reinforcements were still infected with the poisonous insect disease. Because the insects were not lured in time, the poisonous insects entered their brains and died.

Under such circumstances, the army galloped for seven days and six nights, and finally arrived outside Long'an Mansion.

But the entire Long'an Mansion has been surrounded by soldiers, and they can't get close at all.

"Brother Ma, Brother Zhou, Brother Cheng, there are so many soldiers in front of us, what should we do? It's definitely not possible to just rush in and fight. We should choose a place to camp first." General Dai was afraid of death and refused to advance rashly, and said : "Insect trapping, hurry up and send insect trapping medicine to the soldiers to trap insects, but no more people will die!"

"Sure, let's do this first." Vice General Ma and General Zhou agreed and sent orders to set up camp and lure insects.

Before the camp was set up, a person came outside the camp gate.

The man was dirty, looked haggard, and looked like he might collapse at any moment. He shouted to the soldiers at the camp gate: "Are you reinforcements from Xing'an Prefecture? Are you leading the troops, Lieutenant General Ma? Take me to see you quickly." Go away, Lieutenant General!”

He took out his military badge and held it up: "I am Commander Xi under Vice General Ma!"

"General Xi?" The soldiers at the camp gate didn't recognize him, but the scouts who were about to investigate did. When they looked over at him, they were immediately shocked: "It's really General Xi. Take him to see Ma." Lieutenant General."

Only then did General Xi Qi go to see Vice General Ma.

Vice General Ma was shocked when he saw him: "Old Xi, why are you still outside the city? Didn't you make it into the city? Has the insect trap been delivered to Long'an Mansion?"

Mr. Xi Qi was the one who came to Long'an Mansion first with the insect attractant.

General Xi almost shed tears and choked up and said: "No, the whole city is surrounded by soldiers and thieves, and the surrounding villages and towns are also suffering. The soldiers also send cavalry to patrol the surroundings every day. Let's take a look. We met by chance, and we fought hard to save three loads of insect traps, but most of our brothers died."

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