In the Mingwei Hall, Emperor Jingyuan didn't know that the confidant he relied on was a traitor. At this moment, he was so tired that he sank into a couch.

The chief eunuch didn't dare to come forward to disturb him, but gently changed Emperor Jingyuan's cup of warm tea.

More than half a quarter of an hour later, Emperor Jingyuan exhaled heavily and finally recovered. He opened his eyes, picked up the warm tea, and drank several sips of it, but his stomach growled with hunger.

The chief eunuch said: "Your Majesty has been busy all day. Let's have a meal first. The royal meal has been prepared."

Emperor Jingyuan looked at the sky outside the palace and said, "No need, call the old lady here first. I have something to ask her."

"Yes." The chief eunuch had served Emperor Jingyuan for many years and knew his temper very well. He hated others disobeying him the most. Anyone who dared to disobey him would get angry.

Concubine Yi did an excellent job and always followed Emperor Jingyuan.

The chief eunuch went to the side hall and invited Mr. Yuan Guogong and his wife.

Mrs. Yuan Guogong had rested for so long, her face was still pale and tired, but she could hold on and not faint.

"My wife pays homage to Your Majesty." The old lady of Yuan Guo was supported by the maids and saluted Emperor Jing Yuan.

Emperor Jingyuan waved his hand and asked the palace maid to help Duke Yuan and his wife sit down, and then directly asked about the Lei family's caravan.

Mrs. Yuan Guogong said everything one by one: "Lei Wu Ye of the Lei Family Caravan was born in the army and is very loyal to Da Chu. The Lei Family Caravan also helped fight against the enemy this time, which is a great contribution."

" is related to the Gu family because of the Jiang family. County Lieutenant Jiang and Mr. Lei Wu were brothers who went to the battlefield together. In addition, the Gu family made seasonings. Mr. Lei thought this was a good deal, so he went with The Gu family is in the spice business."

Mrs. Yuan Guogong spoke carefully about the relationship between the Lei family caravan and the Gu family... Emperor Jingyuan didn't like people who had too many interests involved. The Lei family caravan was both good and evil, and even dared to do business outside the Longshan Mountains. , she was afraid that Emperor Jingyuan would be angry because of this and destroy the Lei family caravan.

But she was overthinking it. Emperor Jingyuan specially left her to ask these questions, which was just a show.

"Huh, it's better for the Gu family and the Lei family caravan to focus on the royal family." After Emperor Jing Yuan said something coldly, he looked at the old lady of Yuan Guogong: "You are familiar with the Gao Lei family. For the sake of the Lei family caravan, you have to A word of warning to them, don’t be too arrogant, otherwise I won’t mind treating them as bandits and suppressing them!”

These words were serious, and Mrs. Yuan Guogong was so frightened that she stood up quickly: "Yes, the fateful woman will definitely send a warning to the Lei family caravan, please calm down your Majesty."

Although the Lei family caravan went to Da Rong to do business, they were really loyal to Da Chu. The Gao Lei family also saved the descendants of the Duke of Yuan Dynasty. Mrs. Yuan Guogong didn't want anything to happen to the Lei family caravan.

After hearing this, Emperor Jingyuan's eyes filled with murderous intent, and he stared at the old lady of Yuan Guogong: "You are very protective of the Lei family caravan? Don't forget, the wealth of Yuan Guogong's palace was given by Da Chu!"

Emperor Jingyuan wanted to say this to the Lei family caravan even more.

The Lei family caravan is much more important than the Duke of Yuan Dynasty, and the Lei family caravan must only be loyal to the Chu royal family and cannot have too much involvement with the nobles!

"Your Majesty, please calm down. Everyone in the Duke of Yuan Dynasty is grateful for the emperor's kindness~" Mrs. Duke Yuan Guo knelt down in a hurry. She knelt down too quickly and fell directly to the ground. She looked funny and sad at the same time. Mrs. Yuan Guo Gong couldn't hold it back. , shed tears.

When Emperor Jingyuan saw this, he felt a little regretful and angrily scolded the palace servants: "What are you doing for food? If you don't want to live anymore, why don't you help the old lady up!"

The maids were so frightened that they hurriedly helped Mr. Yuan Guogong and his wife up.

The chief eunuch rushed over and said, "Is everything okay, madam? It's all your fault for these blind maids. Your Majesty will definitely punish them. Don't worry."

Mr. Yuan Guo's family had been wronged for many years, and Mrs. Yuan Guo was used to it. After she recovered, she said: "It doesn't matter, it's just a disgrace."

Then he looked at Emperor Jing Yuan: "Your Majesty, the Duke of Yuan State..."

"Okay, I know the loyalty of Yuan Guogong's family." Emperor Jingyuan interrupted Yuan Guogong's old lady and said: "Old lady has not seen the queen for a long time. Tonight, I will go to the queen's palace to stay overnight and have a good talk with the queen. .”

"My wife, thank you for your kindness." Mrs. Yuan Guogong was very happy. Emperor Jing Yuan actually allowed her to stay in the Queen's Palace. This was a great grace.

But she was happy too early, and after a while Emperor Jingyuan said again: "Forget it, the old lady is tired today. Let's go back and rest for a few days, and then come back to see the Queen later."

His face was so pale and his clothes and makeup were all messed up. If he went to the Queen's Palace, it would be bad for the Queen to see him.

"...My wife obeys my orders." Mrs. Yuan Guogong could only leave with regret.

The chief eunuch went to see her off in person, and came back more than two-quarters of an hour later, reporting to Emperor Jingyuan: "The old lady asked about the Queen's health. The old slave said that the Queen has been in good health recently, much better than last winter. After hearing this, she It’s a lot of peace of mind.”

Emperor Jingyuan asked, "Has the queen's condition worsened again?"

The chief eunuch nodded: "It rained heavily the past two days and after a long period of heat, the Queen was suddenly hit by the cold air and developed a high fever. She was better yesterday."

Emperor Jing Yuan frowned and said nothing... The empress had been in poor health since Brother Yuan's death. Although he treated her coldly, he kept asking the imperial doctor to diagnose her illness, but she just didn't feel better.

Emperor Jingyuan stood up and left the Mingwei Hall.

Upon seeing this, the chief eunuch hurriedly brought the palace servants and guards to follow.

Emperor Jingyuan went to the harem, heading towards the Queen's Palace.

The chief eunuch was shocked. Could it be that the emperor was going to stay in the queen's palace tonight?

I haven't been here for many years, and the chief eunuch was a little excited.

But Emperor Jingyuan stopped when he reached the Lingxiao woods outside the Queen's Palace. After stopping for a moment, he turned and walked towards Concubine Yi's palace.

The palace of Concubine Yi was brightly lit, there were laughter, the sounds of teasing children, and the cries of children who were being teased... When Emperor Jingyuan heard these sounds, he felt much better and stepped in.

The Eighth Prince saw him and stumbled towards him, shouting in a milky voice: "Fushi~"

"It's the father, not the emperor. How come you still can't even pronounce the word father?" Concubine Yi corrected the eighth prince and saluted Emperor Jingyuan: "I pay my respects to your majesty."

She raised her head and looked at Emperor Jing Yuan with a smile as bright as a flower. She was afraid that the Eighth Prince would fall, so she glanced at the Eighth Prince worriedly, and slightly extended her hand to protect him. With this look, she was really a good mother who loved and protected her children.

...The Queen was so nervous to protect Brother Yuan back then.

"Apply it!" The Eighth Prince rushed over, hugged Emperor Jingyuan's legs, and smiled at him with admiration on his face.

Emperor Jingyuan came to his senses, bent down and picked up the eighth prince, and said with a smile: "He's fat again."

"Bangbang!" The Eighth Prince was not afraid of Emperor Jingyuan at all and shouted while waving his little fist.

Emperor Jingyuan said: "You want to say Fatty, right?"

Concubine Yi's eyes sparkled and she said happily: "That's right. Your Majesty guessed it accurately. I couldn't guess it when I first heard it."

Emperor Jing Yuan's smile faded. He could guess correctly that it was because he took care of Brother Yuan with great care many years ago... but it was a pity that everything was ruined by the thieves!

In this life, he will definitely destroy the bandits and slaughter all the soldiers!

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