When Emperor Jingyuan thought of Rongren, he tightened his arms, strangling the eighth prince until it hurt, and cried loudly: "Wow, wuwuwu, apply it, it hurts!"

Father can't say it, but he can say the word "pain" accurately.

Emperor Jingyuan was awakened by the Eighth Prince's cry, let go of his arm, and handed the Eighth Prince to Concubine Yi.

"Brother Dun, be good. Don't cry if you don't want to." Concubine Yi coaxed the eighth prince for a while, but the murderous aura that Emperor Jing Yuan had just burst out and his previous distraction frightened her.

She had never seen Emperor Jing Yuan like this before.

Concubine Yi quickly suppressed the shock in her heart, looked at Emperor Jingyuan with the eighth prince in her arms, and said with a smile: "Your Majesty, it is hot today and everyone is suffering from summer pain, so I made lotus leaf porridge and picked lotus root strips in the lotus pond. I made some delicious southern side dishes and brought them to you to try."

Her soft voice contained a smile, which made Emperor Jingyuan feel comfortable. He nodded and said, "Yes."

Concubine Yi quickly put down the eighth prince and told him: "Be obedient and don't cry or make trouble with your father. Mother will serve the food and we will eat right away."

The Eighth Prince was very excited when he heard about the meal. He waved his little hands and shouted: "Fafa, Qifafa!"

Emperor Jingyuan had a headache and said with a smile: "Why can't you tell for sure? Come here, my father, and teach you how to say rice."

The Eighth Prince: "Fafa!"

Concubine Yi smiled when she saw this and went to serve the food herself.

Emperor Jingyuan was very hungry and ate a lot. After stopping his chopsticks, he told Concubine Yi about the poisonous insect disease: "The thieves are disgusting. They introduced poisonous insects to Da Chu. Some people in the capital have already contracted the poisonous insect disease. You and Dun Brother, don’t go to play in the garden recently, and don’t let birds enter the palace. Tomorrow I will ask the imperial doctor to send you insect attractants to drive away the insects.”

Concubine Yi was so frightened: "This bandit is so vicious, he actually used such poison to harm us. Fortunately, there was insect attractant, and the danger was averted."

Then he asked: "Your Majesty, which famous doctor prepared this good medicine? This skill is really powerful."

Emperor Jingyuan said: "She's not a big shot, she's just a country girl from He'an Prefecture, Qin Gu."

Qin Gu's family?

From He'an Mansion?

I can make medicine again.

Concubine Yi was stunned and asked: "Your Majesty, is this little woman very young?"

Emperor Jingyuan frowned: "Not long after I got married, why did my beloved ask me this? I'm just a little country woman. I will never see you or me in this life. What's there to ask?"

Concubine Yi said: "This person may be my concubine's benefactor."

Yifei did not hide it, and told the story about her legs and feet being injured and poisoned when she was at her parents' house, and she was rescued by Gu Jinli.

"Gu Jinli? What a weird name." Emperor Jingyuan said: "It seems that she has known medical skills since she was a child, and she has some strange tricks. It is not surprising that she can make insect attractants."

I just didn't expect that this Gu family actually had business dealings with Min Shu.

A young woman knows so many capable people, she is really restless.

To be serious, this Gu family is a bitch who does not follow the rules of women. She is really not worthy of a man like Qin Sanlang who has made great military achievements.

Fortunately, he didn't give her a reward. Otherwise, wouldn't it mean that many women would imitate her, causing a huge commotion between men and women?

However, Min Shu had been very honest over the years and had become useless. Wu was still a slave and had nothing to fear, so he stopped arguing with Gu.

Seeing that Emperor Jing Yuan seemed a little unhappy, Concubine Yi asked with contempt, "Your Majesty doesn't like Xiaoyu?"

Emperor Jingyuan: "Xiaoyu? Do all country people love the names of animals like this?"

Either a cow, a dog, an egg, this time a fish.

Concubine Yi: "..."

"Your Majesty, this is her nickname." After Yi Fei explained, she began to speak for Gu Jinli: "Although what Xiaoyu does is different from other women in the boudoir, she is a kind-hearted and chivalrous person. When she first met me Poisoned, even though she knew she would get into trouble if she got involved, she still saved me."

Concubine Yi pulled Emperor Jingyuan's sleeve and begged: "Your Majesty, don't you want to punish her? A country girl will go out to do work, and there is a war in the northwest. She has to do things that a housewife cannot do in order to survive. "

You can't hold her to the standard of a lady who never steps out of the door or steps out of the door.

Added another sentence: "And she got married early and followed her man to the northwest to fight, which shows that she is loyal and patriotic."

"Humph, we have been engaged for a long time. If we don't get married, she will have to stay with Qin Sanlang, and her life will be no better than going to the northwest." Emperor Jingyuan had always looked down on women, so he felt that Gu Jinli should follow him to the northwest, and there was nothing wrong with it. High righteousness can be said.

If you don't follow, you are truly a ruthless villain!


Emperor Jingyuan said: "Don't worry, I won't attack a woman like her."

The Gu family fought successfully against the Rong, and they are still useful if they are retained.

But if Qin Sanlang doesn't like the Gu family and wants to find a noble girl as his wife, then he can help Qin Sanlang and even kill the Gu family.

"Concubine, thank you, Your Majesty." Concubine Yi was very happy. She didn't expect Gu Jinli to be in such a situation. The man has made military exploits, and he has also made good medicine to save the country. As long as she has a good relationship with their husband and wife, she will be able to get these two boosts in the future.

Emperor Jingyuan had been tired for a day and rested after teasing the eighth prince.

Before getting up and leaving to go to court, he suddenly asked Concubine Yi: "Have you taken Brother Dun to see the queen?"

Yi Fei was stunned and replied: "No."

The entire palace knew that after the death of the queen's son, the queen became ill with grief and ignored all the princes and princesses in the palace, even skipping greetings.

The concubines did not dare to bring their children to see the queen. They were worried that their children would be harmed by the queen, and they were kind-hearted because they were afraid that the queen would think of her son and be sad when she saw the children.

Emperor Jingyuan: "After the imperial doctor deworms you, take the insect attractant to the Queen's Palace and take Dun Geer with you. Don't take him into the palace yet. Let him play in the yard outside the palace. Let the Queen Just hear his voice.”

If she could accept Brother Dun, maybe she could be relieved... Although he still wouldn't visit her, he didn't want her to die of illness.

Emperor Jingyuan's explanation made Concubine Yi panic. What did the emperor mean? Did he want to send Brother Dun to the queen to raise? !

The queen's son has been dead for many years, and there are voices in the court and harem asking the queen to raise a prince as his legitimate son, but the emperor has never said anything. Now he wants to reconcile with the queen?

I heard the elderly people say that the emperor and the queen had a love since they were young. The emperor used to treat the queen like jewels. It's just that after the emperor came back from the military realm, he became alienated from the queen and didn't see the queen for a long time.

However, the queen was still extremely enthusiastic towards the emperor and would find ways to make the emperor happy. In the end, the two gave birth to their legitimate son and lived a good life.

At that time, many people felt that the emperor and the empress had reconciled again. Even if the emperor suppressed the Duke of Yuan's government and took away the military power of the Duke of Yuan, the empress would continue to favor her.

However, the emperor's favor will never last long.

The emperor began to treat the queen coldly again, and after the queen's son passed away, the queen also completely became cold-hearted towards the emperor.

Nowadays, the queen has almost become a taboo in the palace. No one dares to say anything more. If anything happens, they go to the queen mother, and they don't dare to disrespect the queen.

Just because the emperor would still ask about the queen from time to time. If he found out who dared to offend the queen, he would be furious and kill him immediately.

"Yes, I will definitely handle this matter properly, Your Majesty, don't worry." With a smile on her face, Concubine Yi dressed Emperor Jingyuan in the imperial robes and sent him out.

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